Platinum has little to no value.

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Erlkonig, Mar 18, 2018.

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  1. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
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    May 9, 2014
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    Anyone can make a "TT" esque guild. Anyone who can't appreciate what they worked for, either has done it before (played the big game) or is jealous :)

    I did stuff with them, and it's not hard.

    I personally feel too many people stick to their "close crew" and get too comfortable in their small numbers. This is something that makes champs/plat train very difficult.

    I dont care how many boxes you trip, son... Doing champs for 20+ hours a week isn't fun, it's terribly maddening work.
    wylwrk likes this.
  2. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    But they don't control 95% of the wealth.

    I do.
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    To me, plat is what I wish checks were better at... a storage system. I wish checks could be bigger. I have to convert to plat to save bank space, use fort deeds, or store in a house... the latter of which I try to avoid.

    Then I go to buy something from another player and they only want gold. :mad:
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
    Fin, PaddyOBrien and Rheanon like this.
  4. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    I understand. But I don't think people understand the historical context of Erlkoniggle. He did this same thing against my group when we were idocing. "They are cheading and ruining the server" "they are like a snake biting its own tail" "silliness here", and at the same time his group was printing platinum and shutting down competition whenever they could, which is how he ended up with the modest sum of over 10k platinum to begin with, and someone in their group was actually caught using 3rd party programs to run zones and compete with us in the idocing business.

    Erl has no issues until it's the other side that's reaping benefits. Then it's a travesty and, of course, it's because people are cheading.

    There's no way they could have done so many champs and harrowers that they could have gotten it down to a science and generated so much platinum that right now they can't even unload it all because the people who have the goods they want also have platinum. There's no way they are also waiting for some new content and rewards so they can get fancy moats and whatnots. Clearly they are controlling the currency and the weather.

    The average player may actually have it better at this current stage in the shard's history. When Erlkoniggle and Vella ran the platinum show, platinum shot up to 10-11k but at the same time, it was sometimes a challenge to get a hold of. You had to either earn your own or wait anywhere from a second to a couple of weeks or more to get the platinum you wanted. Now if you want plat, there's several groups you can join to champ and earn it as before, but also there's an endless supply to buy, so virtually little waiting.

    I just don't get it. They are manipulating currency but it's easier than it has ever been now for anyone to generate that same currency, it's easier now to buy almost any amount of that currency, and the price you pay is lower than it's been for a long time. Sounds like an improvement to the way things were when Erl and friends ran the Champ Show.

    Is there something more sinister going on that I am simply not aware of? Or this just red team vs blue team?
    BlackEye, Fin, ElleFeyRa and 5 others like this.
  5. NerK

    NerK Well-Known Member
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    Apr 4, 2016
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  6. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    3,195 got little to no value.

    Talkin' bout how you crashed the market, blah blah, you just watched "The Big Short" or something homie? You on some Gordon the Gecko hype my guy? you want a pat on the back? you want a cookie?

    Ethies still gonna cost 500 plat from the reward vendor, blessed book deeds still gonna cost 250, no matter how much y'all gonna magic up or how much everyone sell it for. Average Joe gonna stack that plat till he hits his target and thats that. If my guy sees a good deal he might cop a couple extra coins, if he think plats selling at a buster price he gonna swerve it.

    I hustled my first 500 plat on the long game, bank sitting, collecting it off monsters that dropped it, and yea....I racked a few stacks too...some peoples security questionable. At no point did I bust out a flow chart and call up my accountant and pay the cornball $89 per half hour to have him chat to me 'bout market influx's fixed fee isa accounts.

    Chill out........with yo mystical, magical, appearing ass plat stack. Gordon.
  7. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Back to the gold standard then? :D
    Jesus Is King and Ron Jeremy like this.
  8. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Hell I make almost 3M a year in plat just standing AFK
  9. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    I don't understand half of what you write as I'm whiter than Mitt Romney. But..


    That is all.
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think that's actually Earsnot in his profile...
  11. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    I made my comments based off his writing style, not his profile pic... so...

  12. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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  13. Mr. Green

    Mr. Green Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    So is he.
    One and RIN like this.
  14. FreeHugger

    FreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Ron Jeremy and eherruh like this.
  15. RIN

    RIN Well-Known Member
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    Jan 4, 2017
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    PaddyOBrien and wylwrk like this.
  16. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Investigate 9 11

    Scratch that....
    Investigate 311

  17. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    This is going to be Ocllo (Occlo?) when the Travel Gnome starts farting out plat instead of 5k checks!
  18. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    The economics of UO and UO:R specifically have very little to do with real life economics (which are poorly understood enough as it is).

    Some things people really need to realize about UO:R economics:

    1. There is no fiat currency system with a fixed quantity of bills and a Central Bank controlling the money supply. If you want to create wealth, go hit a faucet up. There are MANY to pick from. Killing monsters, doing BODs, champs, and harrowers are just a few that input gold, platinum, and hcoin directly into the economy. This is so much different than real life to render most analogies or comparisons completely pointless. There are no "haves" and "have nots" in UO:R. There are "people who play" and "people who don't." If El Horno does a champ, that doesn't take anything out of your pocket - or mine. If I want to compete there is only one option - play.

    2. If you want to get on top into the so-called "1%" there is no magic formula, no magic ticket, no conspiracy, and NO COLLUSION. Play the game - do whatever you want to do with your time, but make sure it earns you wealth and do it for a long time. Don't let your properties collapse. Don't give away your stuff. Don't delete your characters. Don't rage quit. Make good deals. Save. Invest. Do whatever it takes to get the pixels you covet. Hold on to them and watch their worth grow if their quantity is finite.

    3. But GIDEON you just said there aren't "haves" and "have nots!" and then you said watch your rare pixels grow in value! REEEEEEEEEEE. Every pixel has its price. Be @Mindless and grind blood elementals til you make enough gold to throw down a fat stack and claim the pixel you want. 1st Anniversary Masks and Sandals have recently changed hands. 1st year server births, rare statues, animated items, and even bank houses. All of these will sell if you put in the work, hit the faucet hard enough and long enough, and find the price the owner wants. If you think what defines a "have" is having rare pixels, there is literally nothing stopping you from putting in the time and effort to throw down a serious offer on the rare you want.

    4. There are actually some good analogies to be found in real life that relate to UO:R. Here's one of my favorites. Most wish they had Buffett's billions. And yet, I bet he would trade it all for the rarest rare of all: Youth. As a younger or less wealthy player, you may covet the wealth of a veteran or more hardcore player. And I bet they'd trade it all to get the nostalgia back. Really back. That first time running down the streets of Britannia - the plat reward we can never buy.

    I have been on UO:R since day one. I have had long periods of inactivity and I've had periods of high activity. I have kept consistent goals and I've avoided quitting (got close once). In that time I have also been highly successful in real life. I attribute much of the success I've experienced in recent years in my career and family life to my lessons learned in game. Anything is possible when you set your mind to it and work hard at it. I was first inspired by Upgrayyed for his ability to simply dominate all matters economic (as well as scavenger hunts and such). Later, I was inspired by Qadaffi and his crew's idea to dominate the IDOC scene. I have watched many people come and go. I have watched many become fabulously wealthy, only to burn out and give it all away or delete it. I have watched many more grow into that wealth, become the hated "1%," and keep on keepin on. Heck, that's basically my own story.

    In summary: Stop worrying about what other people are doing. Learn from them, join them, or try to compete with them. But we're all building together and we can all hit that faucet as much as we want. There are no "haves" and "have nots" on UO:R. There's just having fun.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2018
    ReZon, Kash, Kiryana and 14 others like this.
  19. Woobie

    Woobie Active Member

    Jan 19, 2018
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    Amen to that. I get to play a few hours a week. I could care less/not care less (whichever it is) how much plat and rewards are worth to anyone else but myself. I may over pay for a small little sandstone, but its because its what I wanted. Not because it was valued by someone else at a higher price and it was an investment. Its what I wanted, and what I wanted to pay. I think I currently own 7 platinum coins. Gonna take me awhile to get an ethy. All well, unless I really wanted one, I could find a way to play 4 hours a night and all day on the weekends. Then I could have it promptly. But I'm here to have fun, not worry about a pixilated economy......
    Kiryana likes this.
  20. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    boogity boogity
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