Hijacking the same post for a different question. So now this house is now gone, and there is a tree here to block future placement. Why was this allowed? Or was this house previously grandfathered? EDIT: Original Title: What happened to that ridiculous Yew Library? Original Post: I was running around and notice it was gone now. I'm talking about that small marble N of Yew Bank, that used to have 10+ layers of bookshelves -- it was a complete eyesore. Anyone know the backstory? I'm curious.
Wow. If this is the case... something suspicious is going on, because the house is gone and now a tree is there so you can't place a house anymore.
@ham take off your tin foil hat man. Custom tree? wtf can't you forum search before posting embarrassing shit like this? Or log onto test, or go start a runuo server and look at the default tree placement. That old tree has been around forever. Here was the original shot of when I placed the lrg tower. Hoominaga managed to fit in the sm marble. Notice the large tower is now 4-5 tiles to the west, preventing the small from being replaced. or circa 2014:
This one doesn't show far enough north west to show the tree, but I thought it would be fitting for you @ham A special present for you
Dang, here I was thinking I found the next big thing. fwiw I did do a quick forum search but I guess I didn't use the right keywords -- couldn't even locate the sale thread that @One posted. @El Horno, Thanks for explaining it to me and providing the screenshots. All of them.
FYI, that tree was always there, having owned that large tower... the one behind the bank and the loggy that used to be there, I can definitely swear it was always there. by shoving the front tower over, it prevents the placement of that Hoomi house that was there