Official Faction Discussion / Planned Changes Thread

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Chris, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    RFC #2 : New Faction Rank Item - Faction Ethereals

    These items should be made available to anyone above rank #1. Again... as a new player or even a vet I would be quite discouraged if I was never able to obtain said items. Look at the top members of each faction and their point totals. How much movement in regards to rank has been seen with these players in the past few years?

    I will give you the honest answer... Very little to none. New players will have to play for a LONG time in order to obtain this ethereal if ever. Again... Factions allow for 1 rank 10 player, another 2 players for ranks 8-9. Is it fair to have the ethereal count limited to 12 players? Any new player will instantly see this as being unobtainable.

    TL;DR - Faction ethereals should be made available to anyone > rank 1 (I would compromise at rank 4). It will discourage our player base to have an item be made available to only the elite with no real chance of obtaining it. Point atrophy needs to be addressed prior to any of these changes being implemented.

    More to follow. We stand united for change. - HYPE TRAIN
    Althorn, Balgami, scuba and 2 others like this.
  2. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    Not commenting because I don’t give a crap anymore. Been asking for changes for years. Been told different changes were coming for years. Never happened. Don’t care. Dueces.
    Orange, One, Isabel and 1 other person like this.
  3. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
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    1. Disable faction guards.
    2. Disable the guard zone in front of COM base.
    Orange, Earsnot, wylwrk and 1 other person like this.
  4. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 19, 2017
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    RFC3: Additional Faction Based Rank Items

    Bear mount
    Like the ridable polar bear, but a different hue
    1000 silver
    Lasts a week
    Must be rank 5+ to purchase and mount

    Stronghold Rune
    When used, the player will be transported to their faction stronghold base. Cannot be used while carrying a sigil. Rune gets destroyed once used. Cool down on uses applies based on rank.
    Costs 100 silver

    Shrine stone
    When death occurs, the player will be transported to chaos shrine if the stone is used. Stone is blessed until used and is destroyed once used.
    Costs 100 silver
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I am slowly taking notes on everyone's posts and working to update the main post with a player comment section with staff comments to continue the discussion.

    So keep up with the ideas. I will be going through them slowly and addressing them in the main post or specifically in a quoted reply.
    wylwrk likes this.
  6. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    RFC #1 : New Faction Rank Item - Faction Shrouds
    Player Comments:
    - Make these available to all factioneers. Staff: This would negate the special nature of the item and while it would encourage people to join factions if there was no effort require to get said item (other than silver) then everyone would have one and nothing would change in factions. Additionally we do not want everyone, even in factions, to be running around in one of these things. Our ability to add them (a non UOR item) needs to be matched by the rarity and zero economic value of said items. We are open to discussing a slight expansion in the accessibility to said items but they lose their value if you do not have to work, and work hard for them. Also keep in mind this will be combined with a revamped faction point system, point decay, and elections to resolve the problems of the past where players are essentially permanently faction commanders.

    The reasoning behind players comments, including my own was to promote more faction participation...after all, inst that what we want? Or is the staff ok with current members and does not care for expansion and growth?

    While it would take little to no effort to obtain these robes, people would wear them, and PLAY more to show them off. After all, a faction character is not going to sit in Ocllo, like @Puck does, and show off their faction robe...

    Showing off some bright colored sandals is one thing, but showing off your faction robe in public (risking being attacked from other factions) takes some big balls, and we want more action and PvP, which takes --> Big Balls
    Hadrian likes this.
  7. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 13, 2017
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    RFC #3 faction items

    Faction bolla balls.
    can only be used against other factions team members.
    1 time use only.
    200 silver per.

    50% chance of hitting target
    If successful target is dismounted for 5 seconds.

    If fail bolla is destroyed Or drops to the ground for any faction member to pick up.

    Can only be created by faction crafter using tinkering/tailoring 5 Iron ingots 10 yards reg leather.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2018
    PaddyOBrien and One like this.
  8. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 5, 2013
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    @Chris, nothing would change anyway if only faction commanders are running around in these robes. As far as economic value, they wouldn't have any. Accessibility of this particular item needs to be expanded to non-commanding lords. Do you honestly believe faction commanders change all that often?

    Why are we making things more complicated than they need to be by creating competition within an individual faction?
    wylwrk and Air like this.
  9. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    RFC #7 : Faction Point Decay
    Idea: Revamp the faction point decay system to better suit the Renaissance server. The current method (RunUO default) clearly does not work properly. However we need to decide on exactly how it should work and how points should decay.
    Specifics to Discuss:
    - Proper function of a point decay system.
    - Percentage/Value of points to decay per time period.
    - Time period in which to check for decay.
    - This change would be paired with improvements in the faction data that is exported to the website.

    Ahh yes... the long awaited point atrophy post. Okay, first let us identify the current problem in factions in regards to retained points.

    A) Players not currently active retain their points indefinitely, preventing rank advancement and faction leadership changes.
    B) Players who hoard their points onto one inactive character with no risk of losing said points.

    - Proper Function of a point decay system.
    I feel this system should involve at least 2 parts. These parts will address inactive and moderately active players.

    I feel players should never be stripped of their rank completely, causing them to decrease to below rank 2. If a player has managed to climb to the higher tiers, they should be protected to a point.

    1) If a player fails to log in their faction char for X number of days (30 for example) they lose a large % of their points. I feel if a player fails to log in their faction character for 30 days they forfeit all of their points up to... Rank 2 status. More on this... If you fail to even log into your factioner for 30 plus days... are you active? I think the clear answer is no. You should forfeit your faction points at this point and be forced to grind again. Factions is targeted at an ACTIVE community and fights happen EVERY SINGLE DAY, with elections at least once a week. Points need to be extremely fluid and this would aid that.

    2) Moderately active players... These players log in every once in a while, maybe 2 - 3 times a week or half a dozen times a month to faction. That's active right? I feel there is a large chunk of UOR players that fall in this category and thus should be treated appropriately. If you are able to log in once every 30 days BUT don't log any activity, (more on what makes a player active later) then you should be taxed a percentage of your points. I would be comfortable with 20%. If I had 10 points, I would be down to 8 points at the end of the month if I didn't do anything. That is fair.

    What makes a player "active" in factions?

    Please help me with this category as I don't know what is possible to track administratively.

    1) Being involved in a faction fight of some sort. Field fight, base attack, base defense, duel pit engagement, CTF against a factioned opponent(s). Participation should not be reliant on obtaining a kill point, but damaging an opposing factioner.

    2) Stealing or return a sigil to a base/town monolith.

    3) Placing or removing faction traps.

    That is all I can think of at the moment relating to this issue. I have NOT contemplated exploits involving any of the above scenarios. Please read this and post a civil response.

    To admin staff:
    what is possible to track with our player base to determine "active" status?

    As always... UNITED FOR CHANGE!! - Hype Train
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
    Althorn, scuba, Ahirman and 1 other person like this.
  10. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    I could make a handful of changes right now, regardless of the hundred mediocre ideas that are thrown in here, and make factions 10x better.

    But that’s the issue. You listen to all these bizarre, long drawn out out, endless suggestions, and end up coming to a generalized conclusion. The result is inevitable .. garbage. This is why nothing remotely good PVP oriented has been introduced since Ezekiel left. Because you no longer have a viable, knowledgeable person to implement changes from someone who actually knows their craft. Instead, you have to consult to a wide variety of misguided ideas from a very wide spectrum of players, most of which aren’t worth a grain of salt when it comes down to it, to make a decision that ultimately determines the fate of which direction this facet of your server goes.

    This isn’t a democracy. It’s your server, use common sense. You can listen to 50 people throw out a an array of garbage, and turn this into a 50 page thread of useless, exacerbated ideas that end up way off the path of necessity, or you can lean on something more simple and concrete.

    Either way, I don’t care. I’ve waited long enough, but I’m not going to sit here and waste my time discussing ideas when I know that my knowledge and experience of pvp exceeds probably everyone in here, and I don’t have the desire to nit pick through pages of ideas. I’m sorry if that offends some of you, but I’m not here for likes or a popularity contest. It’s just the way it is. I want actual results. Anything else is an utter waste of time.
    Ruck, Rextacy and Air like this.
  11. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    @Mandevu most of us here want you and even @Pax Romain to help build factions into something better

    You guys have a wealth of experience what works and what does not work.

    Please just post your thoughts and let's get factions in the right direction
    Ron Jeremy, Ruck, One and 1 other person like this.
  12. Air

    Air Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Sad but true. This is no doubt a thread in response to the out of control thread that was started after TB sniped the sigil from CoM base. I doubt I will see a change in my lifetime, but at least we have somewhere to come and pretend we are making a difference by voicing our opinions, right?
    scuba likes this.
  13. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    Glad to see @Chris take time to make a thread for this and you addressed most of all the key areas i believe.

    Glad to see so many involved and throwing out input I see alot of interesting idea's.

    the few that mattered to me the most

    RFC #7 : Faction Point Decay Def needs adjusting. How? Im not sure, im sure some vets on here have opinions on fixes for this.

    RFC #8 : Faction Elections Agree great idea!
    RFC #11 : Faction Guards I think this is a stupid mechanic and is in the way of healthy pvp. But im so new to factions that im probably wrong lol, id lean on a vets opinion for these matters.
    RFC #16 : Faction Sigil Mechanics The timers should be changed to have more windows for action.

    For sake of argument Im just gonna go ahead & cosign whatever @Mandevu & @Pax Romain suggest( if they do comment their wizardly knowledge) simply because they live for the pvp's & have successfully fought not only here for years but in all different eras. Your input is the most viable information available from the current active players ive met in pvp areas but especially regarding factions please dont shy from what seems like, at least to me, a spotlight and outlet for something really good.
    I also think a discord meeting would help in alot of ways rather than just typing everything out.
    Last edited: May 2, 2018
  14. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
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    What changes do you have in mind? I am curious @Mandevu
    scuba and Rextacy like this.
  15. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Inquiring minds want to know.
  16. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 27, 2015
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    i don't sit in occlo, you dullard.
  17. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    @Pax Romain @Mandevu wow good talk fam. Who’s cares right fuq it
    Back to league of legends lol.
    Rextacy and Balgami like this.
  18. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Very detailed and great post! I think putting a list of most immediate fixes first and then going to the major over haul would be the best way to go.

    I think promoting dexers in factions would be a great change to the scene, I'd suggest these to be talked over (they already exist in UO code so just tweaking them)

    Riding Swipe – If you are on foot, dismounts your opponent and damage the ethereal’s rider or the living mount(which must be healed before ridden again) The wheapon is a faction wheapon, it costs X silver to buy, lasts for a week and can NOT be armed if you have ANY followers, it can only be used on oposing faction players
    NOTE: This item does not work on stunned or paralized players
    (make this random dismounts not 100% through activating it)
    (Use a new UO era weapon model and hue it the faction color)
    (100 skill Maces, Swords, Fencers, Archers can use this weapon)

    Bleed Attack – Make your opponent bleed profusely, when successful, the target will bleed for several seconds, taking damage as time passes for up to ten seconds. The rate of damage slows down as time passes, and the blood loss can be completely staunched with the use of bandages. Applies a total of 15-31 physical damage to the target over the next 10 seconds. The weapon is a faction weapon, it costs X silver to buy lasts for a week and can only be used on opposing faction players.
    (Use a new UO era weapon model and hue it the faction color)
    (100 skill Maces, Swords, Fencers, Archers can use this wheapon)
    (If you have over 75 Magery it says "You are too smart to use this wheapon" this stops stupid op mage templates

    Additional changes:
    Lets change this up some with a widder array of playable characters and skills needed instead of just killing each other (not everyone on this sever is a pvper), how about a peace maker can peace town guards and it lasts like 30-45 seconds?

    Make traps cheaper but make them check tinkering skill for damage when placed. 0 skill still does damage but not the cap that 100 would have.

    Put a "Faction Puzzle Box" at a location away from the faction base that will allow a GM faction tinkerer to pick it and once the puzzle is solved it dismisses all the guards in the town or sends them on "break" for 15 mins. This would stop people from immediately placing guards and letting them stand around all day. Also it would create a wider array of faction play styles (not everyone's a pvper!)

    What about the availability to purchase faction points with your own silver up to say 10 points so if you fall below riding the base war horse you can always buy points for say 150 silver, this promotes silver farming and also playing UOR!

    Is there a way to make the corruption process faster if you have more people that are alive logged on in the vicinity (this would promote people playing!)

    Tamer fix, if you are in a faction your followers are reduced so you you can only control 1 dragon and 1 mare

    If you die in a faction base stat loss is 1/2 the time it normally would be (Keeps things going)

    Place a faction "Banker" in each base, the bank is a very limited size that can only hold 60 Stones. That way you can get back up and have a small load out to continue fighting. (The objects to keep the fights going, not to make it impossible to siege.

    If the commander has not logged that character in for over 72 hours they are removed from membership and a new 24 vote is established.

    Faction Horse armor that lasts 1 week, adds +10 armor to the rider.

    10 Points or higher and you can wear a bracelet that you could craft 5% LMC or +10 Med for Mages and a 5% Life Steal against opposing faction players and lasts one week.

    Craft-able potion that once you drink it makes you look the same hue as if you had the sigal on you for 20+ seconds (ads some deception to the game) cool down is 10 mins on this.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
  19. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Added a few more items to the above post...
  20. syncopations

    syncopations Active Member

    Apr 14, 2016
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    sorry doc, we couldnt save the patient
    Air and One like this.

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