Both the Keep and L-Shape are being sold together. South and opposite side of the mountain of Compassion Shrine/ Northwest Corner of Bog of Desolation. Having both will give some flexibility to move keep around if you choose. SB. 5 Mill BO. 7 Mill BI. 100k 48/24 Timer Plat @8k (up to 2 Mill towards final bid or BO) Always assume courtyards are insecure:
this thing is a STEAL ffs. duke, sad to see this go away soooooooooo soon. hit me in irc whenever. @Karrelan hope you get this ! you know id be all over this if you didnt !
I was about to jump alllll over this for the BO! Then I realized I still need 1,2,3......7. Yeah 7 mill. Sweet ass deal Duke! GL. Free Bump