I don't have a tamer skilled enough to control one, but I have a RL friend with GM taming, lore and vet who keeps running in circles and can't find a mare to tame. That's unfortunate. He keeps having me run around with him to peace the darn thing once we find one. That's more than unfortunate. Anyone have a entry level mare (think like a 2004 Civic) for sale. I can't afford to give him much, but hopefully if he has something to ride, we can stop hunting and get back to playing. Thanks in advance
No worries. I really appreciate it. He's going to be thrilled. How much do I owe you? I'll check with him to see when he could receive it as handing it to my tamer is equivalent of saying "a nightmare release" Thanks again.
Best UO community ever! Thanks again. Fish steaks are an accepted currency, correct? Just kidding.... Mostly.
Thx Majestic. Outlaw responded first, so I'll let him make the first offer out of respect, but I'll keep you posted if we can't work out a deal that works for him. Thank you.
I have one that is partially trained and prebonded. Far from anything special, but it's yours free if you want it.
Wow. Y'all are awesome. Outlaw gave my buddy a sweet ride (definitely not an old Civic), and NCCML is gonna hook me up once I get my taming higher. I love the community that exists here. Good people make for good times. Any advice on the best place to farm for peculiar meat? I gave two that I got from green harpies in Ocllo dungeon to my friend, but I figured there is a more consistent boss to try and take down.
Shame elder gazers are gonna give best gph while farming for boss to spawn, but is frequented by pks.
I want to thank everyone for their incredible generosity. Lar Hanson (character name) is my buddy who needs the mare. I've been crazy busy at work, so I've asked him to take point on arranging a transfer. Sorry to make this more complicated than it had to be, but I honestly thought maybe one person might have something for sale. I never expected this outpouring of kindness.