Where has TB been?

Discussion in 'PvP Discussion' started by Evil Dead, May 23, 2018.

  1. crazydaze

    crazydaze Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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  2. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    loled at this.

    These derailleurs don't fail!
    Arawn and Evil Dead like this.
  3. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    Is he y'alls hero or something, because you guys mention him more than I have ever been on the same screen as him...
    Balgami likes this.
  4. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    UOR is beginning to bore me. There really hasn't been any new content outside of PVM or vanity items. The next anniversary event is coming and I'm not even looking forward to it.

    It gets tiresome fighting over nothing, over and over, for hours and hours. It's the same end result, I'm either dead or you are, and there's nothing to show for it.

    I've been anxiously waiting for any type of major change on the server for what seems like forever. I used to be the guy that jumped at others who would dismiss the server as being stale. I'm rapidly going that way myself.

    I briefly came back hoping to find some fun again, but nothing is really keeping me coming back for more.

    Sorry for the rant. I'll be here for when my group is grouped, otherwise I'll be somewhere refreshing my shit until something exciting happens to the server. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to shit talk the server or the staff. I have had many opportunities to join others on other server but I have stayed faithful to this server and I will continue to do so. I've said it once, I'll say it again, when I'm done here - I'm done with UO.
  5. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    work / don’t really give a fuck
  6. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    I have pretty much been gone for 2 months at this point. For anyone who wants to know my story I will share, as I am still very fond of this game and this server.

    Main reason for me leaving the game is personal real life reasons. I am either a full on or totally off kind of player, and I was going like 8 or 12 hours a day being able to be contacted here, for over 3 years straight for the most part lol. Changes were needed!

    I do want to share my thoughts on the pvp of this server here. Maybe my experiences and some insight on where TB has gone will apply.

    For over 2.5 years I pretty much exclusively played a PVM and/or body guard role when out in the game. Only in the very last 4-6 months of my playtime here did I "git gud" and find a welcoming group who had the exact mindset that made PVP fun. I was invited in a start up of some casuals and/or newbs to pvp, some with more experience than others. There was pretty much one rule, and that was not to become toxic.

    I pushed for us to join TB because honestly, they were the only ones who actively didn't stalk my friends in game lol. I don't dislike pk's, but there was no point in me joining K*P in SL, CPU in CoM, or Anarchy in Minax.. these were the guys I wanted to git gud and fight! So this new startup agreed and we became TB.


    Our first night out was in Vesper, we honestly were not welcomed at all! We seen just how nasty the game was to be played here. Dry looting, shit talking, being told to get lost, it was all very discouraging actually. This was from one group, and you know who you are :p lol. Anyway, fast forward a day or two, and people started seeing that we didn't engage in that shit talk, we weren't looting any kills even though we were losing our shit, and other sides started playing along.

    Couple days after that.. first week perhaps, we stalked the sigils, we camped those damned things day and night for like 1.5 weeks to capture all the towns. In that time I think we had earned not only respect, but the right to be part of pvp on the server. All of a sudden communication was completely open, people on all sides of factions pretty much knew who we were. Talking in discord and irc to people I have only seen their name for years and now we having a blast killing each other.

    After we got the sigils, we needed help as it was a full time job, I had nothing against bart and pax and cynic the old school TB guys that remain(ed). That was probably the best thing that ever happened in my pvp game. These guys were/are awesome and yeah they carried my ass in many of the early field fights. The whole time in discord they explained what to do, why we were doing it, and they pretty much never lost their cool at any time when I screwed up. Within a month I was better at pvp and holding my own in any group and felt stronger in my pvp game than 20 years of on again off again play. And the TB discord channel that was created was an amazing thing. Like 15 or 20 active players coming in and out, and nobody once ever put anyone down, and it was pretty much 99% positive, amazing community to be welcomed into.


    Fast forward towards my last days in the pvp scene: We were always on, and we held towns pretty much always. Fights started breaking down from the greatness and fun factor into the win at all cost mentality. So many oppositions were running tamers, then they were running ebolt bots, then they had tamers, detect hidden bots, ebolt bots, 5000 candelabras on the ground and anything at all to help with defense or conquest. We still held our own but we fought back hard and fights were a chore, or a waiting game.

    Conquest was no longer a clean fight and then when we did get sigils we would start holding them for like 28 minutes before placing just because of how nasty it was to get them so we had to make it count. Then that shit lead to tactics like blue npcs, and then there was the occasion the boat was used, and pretty much every fight at that point was just getting hate and people being nasty as hell in irc, in private chats, on forums etc.

    Trying not to speak for everyone I played with, cause I obviously can't: If there was one thing that was the biggest buzz kill it was all the lies and slander. This didn't drive us away, but the biggest complaints I heard in voice was people trying to figure out why are you going to lie about what happened on the screen that between 2 or 3 sides 20 people just witnessed. The exaggerations lead to something that you can't fight against, and the ability to play in an environment clear of toxicity and one for recreation of the game no longer existed.

    Gradually we lost people from logging in people playing 2 or 3 times a week vs being on 2 or 3 hours a day, then we honestly had 3 people start new careers in the last two months and they were some of our power guys, and at that point we didn't have anyone on for defense. I was seeing me and maybe two others max at daytime, and we just didn't have the desire to play against 12 characters on macro loop and 4 or 5 real actively controlled players.

    When the BS and other group that played TB pretty much couldn't have more than 3 or 4 on in voice, the force of Bart, Pax and them weren't around anymore and off on other ventures. Basically would see people ask if fights, and to be pinged if fights, but we just weren't getting anyone on that week or two.

    Then I had RL and I was out, and it wasn't just me that dropped then, so I don't think we just have any activity to make anything happen.


    It was fun, in times of a gentleman's sport, and in times of being mean I enjoyed the fight both ways. I prefer the gentleman's sport though. I never lost my cool, but I did lose my desire with the road it went down. In the future I hope we can recreate factions in their prime for the few months they ran super strong.. even if I'm not here to see it, I hope people who want group fights can find them, and find honor in them.

    I kept 3 characters fully equipped that I can return too when I find time and balance to return to this game. I kept my main eval tamer Short Story fully in tact even with outfits, and I kept my two favorite pvp characters with an ethy and runebook each and equipment. This way if/when I return, I can either talk with the pvm guys or pvp guys and hop on and try to have fun and hop off.. thats the plan anyway. But I have been gone, and will be gone for quite a while at this point, I can't just socially play UO right now lol.


    None of us were saints, nobody should be a saint to play here. Game mechanics should be adjusted instead of people hated who use them. Some people (certainly aren't the only ones) like Merlin, or Evil Dead and Pax and many others were pretty awesome the whole time from my POV. I wished that everyone would have been considerate to the fact we are all human beings playing a game, vs what we got from a handful of players who didn't represent the whole picture, but had enough of of an impact to alter other's experience and force some out of the honeymoon period sooner than they should have burned out. All sides had some awesome people, but not all people were awesome.
    Ghosted, Bloodlust, MikeK and 8 others like this.
  7. Balgami

    Balgami Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2016
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    I might have given the new TB guys more hate than you deserved. I guess I was bitter about getting ganked by PS that one time and the secrecy behind the BS triggered my shady shit radar. Hearing about you guys not liking me also hurt my ego even though I didn't wanna admit it and that effected my behavior towards you. For whatever its worth it was always nice to have an active group that pvped and I am sorry if any of my actions contributed to you guys not enjoying your time on the field.
    Bloodlust, Mr. Green, MikeK and 5 others like this.
  8. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    This is going off topic of factions I imagine, but since I am out of here I'd like to explain my held opinion on you.

    I truly enjoyed the experiences that you and Anarchy brought me over the course of my time spent here. Anarchy was ruthless and brutal in your prime. Back then I was champing all the time, or I was farming all the time. I was going hard everyday for like 10+ hours a day in hardcore PVM mode. Anarchy was the biggest threat around. I was running into "A" 5,6,..10 times or more a day. So it was no wonder you became the bad guy. And I tried to hold my own and if I am pvming, I have no shame in using pets, absolute numbers, or absolute numbers with all people owning pets lol.

    When I don't like someone in this game, it doesn't mean I wish any ill will, or I wish they would go away, or I wish they would play the game differently.. It just means that I have a different ideology in what I think is proper, and those that play a different way from my idea behavior become "bad" or an "enemy" or my nemesis in some cases lol. All heroes need a villain and all villains need a hero! :D

    I never tried to brainwash people against you or your group, anyone who has came across as a P'S recruit will be able to see that I do not steer people in one direction, I do not tell people thieves are evil, I do not tell people PKs are pieces of crap, I never say to avoid this person.. I just give an honest opinion of what I think of someone, but I never have and never will attempt to dictate how to play the game.

    I just have never been a pk or thief, and I have always enjoyed keeping the style of the good guy, as that is what I like and choose/want to do. In real life I have feelings somewhere along the line of guilt almost if I wrong someone in the game, and cost them their time or return on their investment etc.. so that is what creates my "dislike" regarding you Balgami. Never once have I wished it different, or hated you in anyway,... besides without someone being out there creating a risk on other people's time and investments nothing that anyone did in the game would matter as there would be no success or return on time spent with the bad guys removed ;)


    Final note regarding you and Anarchy while I have your ear, me and you didn't really ever interact, so we didn't have much of a chance to expand beyond good vs bad. But I know your group is "good" as a whole for the game and people you interact with. Merlin and Hapa were P'S and outstanding guys, and their efforts on this server have been top notch in every way. And it is a shame if someone creates "hate" over the single fact you don't spend 100% of your time being holy and magical to everyone you encounter.. we all need to live and play regarding all our desires. And that is why the original secrecy of me and a few others.. as this experience shown even Orange vs Orange brings hate and drama and we didn't want that bleeding over to our mains, and we remained secret to you because we didn't know each other prior, so there was no reason for me to spam my identity to people I wasn't talking to on a daily or at least weekly basis anyway or playing the game with in other form or fashion.
    Bloodlust, MikeK, Leopold and 5 others like this.
  9. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    my gaydar is pegged out atm
    Dr Satan likes this.
  10. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Edit: see two post down /s

    Totally forgot being all sentimental on my way out..

    You guys were all lame and your tactics were far from good. The fact I could show up and dirt nap you with my friends says more about you than me. You even died to guards.. lmao dying to npcs and I'm the pvm newb.. lame af glad I gtfo
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
    Arawn and Evil Dead like this.
  11. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 8, 2016
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    He is with tb @Dr Satan
  12. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Ya, I quoted him to reference what put me back on track tone wise (and attempt at humor to how a traditional pvp post and reply should be)

    time for me to vanish again before yall have me wanting to log back in.

    It's been fun popping back around, maybe see ya around anniversary time hah
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  13. Balgami

    Balgami Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2016
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  14. Balgami

    Balgami Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2016
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    I think it says more about Pax
  15. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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  16. Mandevu

    Mandevu Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    lol what?
  17. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    To the people that are giving respect to each other, thanks for making this server awesome. We need more people like you.

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