Coming Soon to Renaissance - Future Patch Q&A

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    "You can now either get 6 plat an hour 1/2 by playing the game and working a champ spawn or you can get 20 an hour and a half by farming", means not worth doing champ spawns anymore.

    "you can get x amount of ingots an hr for doing nothing but eating a cheeseburger and watching tv, now you can still get x amount an hour but x is slightly less, for eating a cheeseburger and watching tv" is nowhere near the same, I find myself wondering if your really drawing this parallel or if you are just looking to start an argument.
  2. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  3. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'm just gonna leave..
    [​IMG] .

    You can't really auto-mine remotely anymore, because of the spawn. That's probably the biggest hindrance of the whole patch. Even without multi-shovel, the sheer fact that you have to play the game, is what's really breaking it for people. Either that or put your money generator on pause while you ask around for some actual players to come smash a troll or two for you.

    I've pondered a few times why people say things like 'a free shard's life expectancy is about 5 years'. I'm starting to think more and more that it's the saturation of the economy where things tank because players just grind and hoard and don't really 'do' the things they might have back in the day. Perhaps the feeling of 'omg everything has value' from OSI days is just run amok now with free multi-account, automation and smaller playerbases. Now we have massive hoarding going on and people hardly bat an eye. Personally, I don't see having half a million ingots (in example) as anything but gluttony and evidence of solitude and inactivity. If my only actions were gathering, I might likely go bat shit crazy and flip out if someone broke my process(es).

    That said, my condolences to the crushed dreams of people who were hoping for another shard to rape and crush with automation instead of playing Ultima and being part of the world, instead of a cog in the machine.
  4. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Just because I have a thread about mining does not mean I am trying to talk about it more here. I am really sorry that it came across that way. I just wanted to discuss how there should be a more known and open declaration of what is or isn't okay to do with multiple accounts. I apologize, Stranger, if I came across as attacking you.

    It sucks that there isn't a more direct way to handle the abuses and it has to be done with things like the troll patch or champ AI. It would be much easier to just disallow behaviors than try to discourage them by making them harder. I think that only serves to frustrate the player base. I think you would get a better reaction by banning certain behaviors directly and writing them in to be a violation of TOS than creating discouraging logic to prevent the behaviors.

    recall mining:
    its banned, do it and suffer > people decide if they want to keep playing or move servers
    troll patch, its discouraged and this makes it harder > people bitch about their playstyle being taken away/more difficult etc

    its banned to multibox, do it and suffer > people decide if they want to keep playing or move servers
    logic is changed to prevent it > people bitch about their playstyle being taken away/more difficult etc
  5. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    STOP THE PRESSES. No more feature patches (vs bug fixes) are required by using this line of thinking!
  6. Klaus

    Klaus Member

    Apr 13, 2013
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    This sounds awesome. Thanks Chris for all your hard work.
  7. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    What does this have to do with feature patches like the new Animal Taming and Rogue end games?

    If you don't want people to do things, then prevent them from doing it. Don't just make it harder to discourage/frustrate them from doing it. IMHO, that would net a better result and response from players. I just wanted to see what other people were thinking, PFR!
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    What you seem to be missing completely that we brace yourself, this may be a shocker.....playing a fucking video game. This is not a TV show, this is not Tic-Tac-Toe. This is a game which inherently implies a challenge. If it is not challenging to accomplish the most desirable things in the game, then it is trash. Yes, this is an opinion and I don't care who agrees. It's not that they don't want people 'doing things' they just don't want people overdoing things. Which is exactly what 3x automining and 3x champ farming is.

    So in short, yes, make it harder. Make it a LOT harder and then you know when you see that guy with two bonded pets or a valorite hammer, you know they busted their asses to make it happen. They didn't just sit back and click play.
    TiMi and Hawkeye like this.
  9. Paradigm

    Paradigm Active Member

    May 27, 2013
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    Blaise, I don't understand why everyone is missing my points. In the other thread I said that I hope the new changes would reflect in more noobs in the BS bod system. Harder/Banned to cheat, and easier for the true players. Here in this thread I am saying that I want all abuses of three accounts to go the way that recall mining did. I don't understand why everyone is dead set on every word I say pushing for a repeal.

    I agree with you! I also suggest that there are other abuses that need to be addressed as well!
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    It's not cheating, but it should/could be curbed, so it is, as time and patching permits. In the coming years, I can only imagine and hope that MORE things are added/changed to crimp multi-account abuse and I support it.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "I don't understand why everyone is dead set on every word I say pushing for a repeal."
    If you're implying that you are pushing for repeal, then yes, we're dead set on disagreeing with that because it's ludicrous.
  11. Iago

    Iago Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    They wrote something like "Clothing Bless deeds for 70k." So, is it your claim that this doesn't advertise a vendor or attempt to mislead people into thinking it's a vendor? Well, good luck with that. Attempting to mislead people into going somewhere under the pretense of a transaction is a scam. It's the same as getting someone to open a trade window and then stealing the item when you cancel the trade.

    This is adorable, but as long as you're playing the part of a shitbag I guess it isn't too surprising you're willing to lie about it.
  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    ...or it took a few hours in a player-run event and it was given to them by staff.
    Stranger likes this.
  13. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Sorry, runic hammer, you know what I mean Dalavar BoDmage. Stop being a lame-ass.
  14. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    You must forgive Blaise, he was given everything during the early days of the shard and now feels threatened when anyone else aquires anything. He will also simotanously kiss telamons ass AND tell you any suggestion you have is stupid in nearly every post you make. My suggestion is put him on ignore like I have, all you will miss is him trolling and making a fool of himself in every single post you make.
  15. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Stranger, you're mentally retarded. Please yielt.

    I was given nothing, ever, on this shard by administration. Outside of some folks quitting and leaving their fortunes to me, I earned it all. I farmed cotton to buy the first guild house in beta and spent countless hours at Executioners to partially pay for the guild fortress when the land rush happened. I just happen to have a lot of good friends and get this....we work TOGETHER for COMMON GOALS....DERPLERPERPERPLERPERLDERPDERP.

    I want everyone to have a shot at everything but I don't want anyone, including myself, to have an easy time of it. That gets boring fast and sucks for everyone in the long term.

    Please feel free to PM Telamon and ask him how often I'm kissing his ass. The truth is, I'm probably one of the biggest pains in his ass, despite how much actual WORK I have put in around here to help grow the shard, test patches and help him develop this epic Compendium.

    So yeah, feel free to put me on ignore if you're too fucking pathetic to read statements from someone who might disagree with you or ramble on and on about things he gives a crap about. What I find most hilarious about retards like Stranger, is how often they make bogus claims about how I follow them around and disagree with EVERYTHING. It's not my fault that every fucking post they make is chocked full of stupidity and misguided understanding of topics at hand.
  16. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I totally got CBDs for 70k buddy. I've bought a few at that price. Stop reading between the lines, there's nothing there.
  17. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    (getting thread back on topic)

    Do you guys have any ideas on how players will be able to start the taming events?
  18. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The taming event will be a quest provided by the moonglow zookeeper. He will provide you with a list of rare animals that the zoo needs. These animals will range from a simple bullfrog to a rare white wyrm. Players will have to search the world for around 20 rare animals, taming each and bringing them to the zookeeper. The zookeeper will update your quest (a transferable scroll) with each animal found. These animals will be rare variants of commonly tamed animals found while training animal taming. (Slight hue variance, different name) "A majestic great hart" for instance.

    Once you have completed the list of animals that the Zookeeper needs he will provide you with a rare scroll that will take you to a long lost land of wild folk. Through a series of events/quests there you will be trained on how to bond another pet.

    (Working Plan, Subject to Change)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    Hawkeye and Philthie like this.
  19. marine1217

    marine1217 Member

    Feb 21, 2014
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    I just started playing this shard, As well i am new to UO. I find that being able to sit back and recall for all your wealth without any effort will in the long run make this shard pointless. As well it will saturate our economy which is already fragile and failling from what i am reading/feel. I am seeing now that most of the items or places I see are from maybe a week of macroing. I have not placed 3 characters at champ spawns or harrower, I as well have not done any recall mining or similiar action besides macroing for my skills. I am now though seeing that most poeple do this, some even tell me i should and i probably will beacuse of the fact that i would have to be stupid too not take the opportunity. I can make 20 plat at champs or even macro mining too get everything i can ever want in UO in lets say a week. We should be making items worth more than they are right now.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Don't let the haters discourage you. I know there's heroin addicts all around but I choose to stick to subtle intoxicants that aren't so deadly or addictive. Point being, game how you want and trust that work is being done over the course of time to attempt to keep UOR the best freeshard economy out there.

    I am perfectly capable of 3x account mining or champ farming, I just don't. Occasionally 2x but even that makes me feel like I'm not really 'enjoying' either of the characters/playtime. I'm just pumping resources again. /snore

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