Harrower 2018!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by The Hammer, Jul 3, 2018.

  1. Helicobacter

    Helicobacter Active Member

    Jun 11, 2017
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    If your sense of self worth isn't tied up in UO:R clap your hands. *music ditty plays*

    C'mon guys. We can put down all the tough guy stuff. We kill pixels and collect other pixels in our spare time. The vast majority of y'all (Yes, it's spelled "y'all" as it is a contraction of the 2nd person plural "you all") do that better than I do. There is no need to wish actual harm on anyone or to get bent out of shape over a game we all enjoy.
    I have gotten pretty steamed about online reputations on the past, but I am much happier recognizing that I'll likely never meet you and even if I did, my small collection of server rares would be more than mitigated by my gigantic penis.

    I'm kidding everyone; let's lighten up a bit and have fun. :)

    (though, it is impressive... If I say so myself)
    Azerothian and Jill Stihl like this.
  2. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Yah I’m a lapdog cause I call out cheaters and pussies like you lol
    Balgami likes this.
  3. Nymeria

    Nymeria Active Member

    Jun 2, 2018
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    Yeah Harrower drama is old news, lets Nancy Drew the banlist.

    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  4. Wolfbane

    Wolfbane Active Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Guess I must be a pussy since I ain't a cheater....'scuse me while I go play with myself...
    Earsnot and Rad like this.
  5. The Hammer

    The Hammer Active Member
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    Dec 13, 2013
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    LOL pure gold! got a laugh out of that one..

    I'm still waiting for you to prove your guild hasn't used range idle check.. oh wait you cant.. your word is as good as the Harrower alter. Iderp has a record of cheating, now PWN has topped them by using it on Harrower.
  6. Wolfbane

    Wolfbane Active Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    We do not cheat or use any bugs/exploits, nor do we condone them, we've reported them.
    As with the @Erlkonig and @Dyne era of attempted [UO] idocing, which resulted in the house sign afk gump as they couldn't legitimately compete without running the world using multiple vpn ghosts on a script to find houses, Telamon is welcome to verify our macros.
    We have not cheated, we do not cheat, and if there's a cheater amongst our ranks, he'd be outted faster than your mother can unbutton her overalls, so please DO TELL, what's this record of us you speak of?

    I think it's long overdue the put up or shut up time, post all your evidence of everyones shenanigans, or go back to camping RP guilds to loot them dry.
  7. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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    i agree.. A lot of BLA BLA, no BOOM BOOM
    Wolfbane likes this.
  8. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I'ma let @Chris do the talking for me dude.

    The only thing that has been verified in 10 pages is that a macro exists.

    That's a true fact right there. Literally nothing else other than the most speculative garbage I've ever read on this forum.

    Is there a reason you won't post everything else you have?
    Wolfbane likes this.
  9. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Is it because it doesn't exist?
    Wolfbane likes this.
  10. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    iderp members “dryloot” the trade forums on alt accounts and upbid their own members auctions. That’s a fact & proof is on the forums. If I cared enough I’d pull it up. But yeah sure you guys are great people lol.
    One likes this.
  11. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    Darwin will catch up, soon enough. Keep texting your stupid, self-believe, bullshit while driving.
  12. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    Duuuuuuude, you are such a flirt! We think you're cute too!
  13. The Hammer

    The Hammer Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 13, 2013
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    I have more screenshots, but this is just leading to a place we prolly don't want the server to go, it seems groups here and there are insulting other groups when they aren't even the ones cheating. Now we have another member telling someone they wish they wreck while driving.... This is a video game.. that's absurd to wish harm on someone in the domain we call life.. I think I'm done on this forum until we can relate back to UO. When you guys settle down ill reply back...

    Nerk even told me he knows they have a leak in IRC, I wouldn't know half the shit they were talking about without it. I was only in it to catch one thing and that was the idle alert placed in your discord. Because you can only use a 3rd party program from collecting new files snapped by razor photos-a 3rd party program is needed to capture a new file and send anything to discord. This is beyond the capabilities of razor. Something that can be proven, but lucky for you guys i was already told Screenshots wont hold up to any bans or suspensions because they can be manipulated. The range check didn't start with harrower it started with your guild doing idocs and slowly went to PWN because you have members in both guilds. You can argue all you want, you had the method to cheat, you reported it. No way to prove you still don't use it, the fact that it came back up using it on harrower skulls only makes it look worse. Smash already said we reported it before you, but we still use it..

    Why would you even respond to something like this if you aren't involved? If someone tried to throw me under the bus and I knew I was innocent I wouldn't even bother in this parade of crap. You wouldn't even deserve a reply, and i would go on my day. But its tearing at your core because you have been blamed for cheating for some time now with little to no proof, and it finally came out how the method was used.

    This will be my last post. Hopefully the Alter and Harrower will be fixed. As for the other crap.. Theres #C language to fix the range valid ID in razor..But that requires a lot of man hours.
  14. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    To text and drive is dangerous and incredibly stupid. Worst is that assholes like @Althorn kill innocents by crashing into them, there is no lie that doing do is reckless and selfish. I rather see inconsiderate road users wiped out than innocent bystanders who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I see no shame in my desire for Darwin's law to catch up sooner rather than later. I know, this is a video game but to brag about texting and driving is a serious real life issue. I've already lost a loved one cause some fucker was texting and would hate to see others go through that pain.
  15. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    As a newish player to the server, all of this is pretty lame.

    Do I really have to worry about people shill bidding items?

    And all this junk about checking for idocs and harrowers and pk targets and whatever else you wanna use this macro for? So is this server just controlled by a bunch of illuminati dudes running a bunch of lame dagger macros and waiting for the right response so they can start "playing"? Sitting with 3 characters afk until a discord notification pops? Wow, exciting.

    This is just a video game. It's supposed to be for fun. I have read posts in other threads alluding to shenanigans, and now seeing all this, it really makes me wonder how much player manipulation is going on in this server. I don't get it. The game download includes razor. Razor is handy. A heck of a lot more capable than the vanilla options in-game. What else would you ever need????? Wanna check for idocs? Walk up to a house and click a sign..... why is more than that needed? Wanna run a harrower? Go do the champs and make it happen. Why even bother with this junk??? And if this is going on all day, how is platinum worth 8k? We litrally get it for free. And apparently there are others raking it in bulk style using exploits?

    If I ran this server, I would want all of this poison gone. Talk about game breaking. It's population breaking too. Stuff like this will drive away potential players.

    So what happened to just wanting to play some UO??

    You are playing on a server where you don't even have to pay. This all seems extremely disrespectful to whoever runs this thing.

    I think everybody here should remember that you each play a part in creating this community. What are you bringing in with you? You are responsible for that. Keep it clean so that we can all enjoy it the way it was intended.
    Plentimon, eherruh, Zyler and 17 others like this.
  16. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Labeler likes this.
  17. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
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    Mar 5, 2017
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    Riggghtttt lol while this is probably a bunch of bs. r.i.p & im not bragging just referencing that I was in fact driving so don’t expect my responses to be “perfect” aside from the message and truths instilled within, good sir.

    How are those explosion potions coming?
  18. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
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    Jul 18, 2016
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    He got nothing. Just a bunch of fiction cause so far... not many of his statements in this 10 pager drama was even corrected.
  19. Majestic

    Majestic Well-Known Member
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    Mar 16, 2018
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    I like your style. I like what you have said. I would like to hunt with you sometime! Hit me up if you would like to play this beautiful game as intended to be played my friend.
    NCCML and Azerothian like this.
  20. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 5, 2013
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    Yes it is.
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