This is NOT an auction, just want to feel out the market and let any interested collecters know this is available for negotiations. After i feel out the market for a bit, I might let it go private if the price is right, or put it up for auction. Other one dropped about a year ago, and was sold to Vandalin for 5 mill(from memory), who is still refreshing but to my understanding not really playing right now. @jumpman @Gideon Jura @Crunk Juice
@Vandalin had one unsold for 4mil when it was 1 on 1. I would probably rate it around 2mil now that there are 2. But considering the current market probably an SB of 1 mil is a realistic kickoff imo.
As a collector/addict, based on my personal historical transactions, a weapon of this rarity would typically fetch 2-3+ Nice pickup.