Cost: 175K Plat @ 7K Tamer quest begins promptly at 11pm Central Time Sunday August 5th Quest usually takes an hour (just in case that's 9pm Pacific Time & 12 midnight Eastern time) Slots are All Sold Out! If you need any slots for upcoming bond quests please click this link and sign up ASAP as slots can get snapped up in a hurry Just wait at the fence near Papua to be awarded the slot. You can be AFK - just leave your tamer there as a ghost in war mode and I can add you during the quest. Buy 3 or more slots for 150k each (can be spread over multiple quests) 1. Reserved - Private S (paid) 2. Reserved - Private S (paid) 3. Reserved - You Enjoy Me - Z (Paid) 4. Reserved - Radman A (Paid) 5. Reserved - Radman P (Paid) 6. Reserved - Radman J (Paid) 7. Reserved - Radman H (Paid) 8. Reserved - Dave 9. Reserved - Dave 10. Reserved Please pm me with any questions or to arrange payment. If this is your first bond slot quest let me know and I can direct you to the correct spot. I offer a 100% money back guarantee if slots are not received. This will be my 15th+ time doing this quest with no issues Payment is due at least 6 hours before quest begins or I will have to re-sell slot. Feel free to post on here or send me a Private message and I will keep your identity confidential. No one needs to know you're working on a Tamed arsenal.
Quest Completed and all Bond Slots awarded. Thank you to everyone. If you need more bond slots check out this dude!