Luring monsters for Town Masscare (Mainly AFKs) = Exploiting the System?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Valient, Aug 18, 2018.

Is it wrong to lure monsters for Town Massacre (Mainly AFKs)?

Poll closed Aug 23, 2018.
  1. Yes

    13 vote(s)
  2. No

    23 vote(s)
  1. Daggoth

    Daggoth Active Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I assumed there are sites that show online player counts as a ranking? Maybe not...
  2. Zordak

    Zordak Member

    May 24, 2014
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    I can't stand all the afks either. Kill as many as you can, with my blessing.

    I don't understand how you got around the guards, though.
    snap dragon and Pedigar like this.
  3. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Is that a serious question? Lol
    One likes this.
  4. Daggoth

    Daggoth Active Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I believe he means from the guys who run the site. Don't think he means the plat individuals get.
  5. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    I know what he meant, it’s just an obvious question, but I couldn’t tell whether or not it was sarcasm.
    One and Daggoth like this.
  6. Althorn

    Althorn Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 5, 2017
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    I have an idea let’s just make an alternate universe that’s identical, where you cannot target other players & we can grow gardens and role play drinking at inns allllll day.

    We can name it Trammel.


    I swear some of the ppl that ruined this game complaining to EA, long ago probably play here lol.
    Rextacy, NerK, Zordak and 2 others like this.
  7. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2017
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    Here is an obvious answer (original question "Why the desire to have us stay logged in anyway? What's to be gained from it?"): It's because some potential new players simply look at the online population to determine if they want to play a shard/game. Occasionally you'll see people come into IRC and ask how the population of the shard is.

    And judging from the occasional "WBB is a ghost town! Where is everyone!?" stuff you see on the forums/IRC on this and other shards, it matters to people. For me, even having AFK people at the bank makes the shard "feel" more populated, even if I know that guy is across the world and has been asleep for 4 hours.

    So people see an initial number that attracts them, they make their characters, start playing, make some friends and start having fun before they realize the online count includes a lot of AFK characters. But they don't care at that point, they stay logged in for the rewards platinum even during the times they cannot play due to RL stuff, they add to that number and (hopefully) it snowballs and pushes the real shard population higher. That's how it worked with me anyway.

    Possible secondary reason - I am way more likely to just hop on and do something really quick if I am already logged in. It's so easy to just sit down, hit that rune book and be off to do something for 10-20 min or until one of the kids pulls me away from the game.

    To answer OP's original question - It's wrong if the shard owner asks you not to do it.
    Ouroboros, Rextacy, Quick and 8 others like this.
  8. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Spot on sir, spot on.
    Kash and Leopold like this.
  9. Jessica

    Jessica Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    what about a slight modification of the platinum coin reward system? something like "you stop to gain plats if you stay absolutely put for more than [whatever] hours/minutes"
  10. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 20, 2015
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    People would just run a macro to walk around. :D
  11. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Do you guys lose sleep at night because people AFK in town? Sea C Avenger has been AFK in Skara since the day I started here and I would bet my left ass cheek he's there right now. From what I've been told, that's a real player, who chooses to sit there...

    I haven't actively played on this server in months. My chars, if I remember to log them in, sit AFK in my fort. If, for whatever reason, I decided to start sitting them in town then what does it hurt any of you?

    On the other side of the argument, there should be risk in town - albeit controlled risk. If I have to forever be fearful that snapdragon is going to sneak into my fort then we should be forever fearful that we could be killed in town.

    It is, however, not our server or our rules to make. The server owner declared town killing to be griefing and you shouldn't do it. In reality there really is not many reasons to do it outside of just wanting to fuck with people. UORs are a rare breed, why drive anyone off if we can help it? Stop being fucking assholes to each other.
    AOٌ, Faber, Wolfbane and 3 others like this.
  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 3, 2023
    Pedigar likes this.
  13. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    The multi-client system make this situation happens and also make the entire crafting system/economy collapse.
    Simple changes in the rules could improve the server for someones but unfortunetly some HEAVY GAMERS are result oriented. They doesnt enjoy the path(i know is not romantic for someone that play uo for ages, run the fields to tame his animals to raise skill). They simply macro until get all the skills gm, and start to accumulate resources.
    The shard could reward the braves and romantic ones who put yourself in danger, and raise your skills like in the old times.
    I really feel bad about seeing all this people in jhelom macroing bulls with tree accounts logged in the same time. An the same for the occlos bank afk. For me that is ugly. Makes the shard looks more artificial.

    But this is not just the shard, the shard just reflect the real world. A result logic. A consumption logic. We are living in a world where you just prepare yourself for ages to consume the good what you want to have. The people are not even worried about "how is the path that will lead you to your goals". Is all about to reach the goal as soon as possible, using all the tools that you have.

    Different from the real life, Chris can change this reality. Just putting a limit on this tools. To be honest i cant understand how the anti-afk system is so strong against a miner that are trying to get some devaluated ores(i got jail 3 times just because i went to the bathroom or was cooking) and someone can macro taming(the most profitable skill), provo, magery, stealing and etc without being interrupted.

    I totally agree with the owner of this topic. This people that are in the bank for ages are not poor little younger players. Everyone needs to macro, but could have a limit. And people logged for ages just to get some plat? Man, i even know that. That is ridiculous.

    Congratulations to you. I appreciate all the work you had to bring that mobs to the city. That was awesome. If someone doesnt liked it, is their problem, they should look to the computer screen of the game that he is "playing" sometimes.
    People like you are the ones that make the changes int he world:)D) and are also the ones that suffer more.

    (sorry my terrible english)

    AOٌ, Jakob, Zordak and 2 others like this.
  14. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Sea C Avenger is actually doing something and running a really smart macro. I can appreciate what he does and never tried to kill him, also he has no loot except about 3 regs...

    Sir TamesAlot macroing lightening at the bank while spamming "guards" is another story. It's simply bad enough the server has decided to over-trammelize the bank areas with more guards and npcs than were ever seen in actual UO and create more strict rules for stealing and other in-town, but totally legal parts of the game, activities.

    Now add Sir TamesAlot spamming guards, which magically whacks everyone withing a screen and a half and stealing becomes an even less worthwhile activity. Now I don't like "bank thieves", and I believe that most stealing at banks is just annoying because nobody has anything "of value" to steal here, (another server problem with trammel trading and whatnot), BUT.... .....Sir TamesAlot is breaking a rule that even OSI enforced, and UOR staff simply does not enforce, or is not available to do so. (Surely all remember the "no spamming" signes at every bank on every server...) If there is a 1/10000000 chance that Blaise has a valuable item to steal at the bank and I can get past all the trammel things like trade window cooldown, and 900 guards per square tile, every player on screen afk is a risk because they might be macroing guards and I cant see because they are in the bank and a wall seperate us, or they might not even be afk, and come back to screen at the right time just to call guards.

    There is no option but to kill them in a situation like this. Town killing should be perfectly allowed. If you don't want to die, macro somewhere else. I don't really play UOR right now, but when I was very active, if I ever saw ANYONE macroing "guards", they were as good as dead, out of priciple even if they had no loot. Telling someone "just add guards to your macro" is bad advice, at least when I am playing.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
    Althorn, wylwrk, Srak and 3 others like this.
  15. jackwinters

    jackwinters New Member

    Aug 18, 2018
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    It's a bit exaggerated, but this would be like asking Super Mario to leave his jumps. This game offers you the possibility to do this, it's all gameplay.

    Why would you be crying over a game? I mean, seriosuly.. The creator of this shard noticed this because somebody surely cried to him.

    You guys remember the Half An Hour guy from Waterworld (Better film than Mad Max, if you ask me)? Remember that scene where he's talking shit to Helen? Helen goes crazy and tries to kill him while the dude says 'give me that! It's just a game, just a game!
  16. Zordak

    Zordak Member

    May 24, 2014
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    The motto of the server should be, "History Trammelized."
  17. Jakob

    Jakob Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Exactly, just like Franz Pfniffel!

    That chance has already been accounted for when cA killed @Blaise at Occlo bank a couple of months ago, looting his daemonic pitchfork.

    I don't think anyone has mentioned this but I think the system motivating 24/7 online behaviour is just bad environmentally, or just energy consumption-wise if you wanna be a Trumpster about it. That is, unless you're already running your computer 24/7 for some ethically viable reason, say, saving poor children in Papua for example.
    Pedigar likes this.
  18. snap dragon

    snap dragon Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Ya I guess it's a bit like plat is a bitcoin or something and just afking it you are mining it.

    I don't think rewarding you for being online 24/7 is a bad thing though. There is NO QUESTION that it inflated the number of players online, and we can see on forum posts and in irc where new players ask where everyone is because they see so many on, but everyone is afk. It's certainly misleading. But I think ultimately it's a good thing as it gets someone to log in and become invested in the server initially.

    @Chris could just make server report an inflated number. Nothing stopping him from just adding 300 to the number after it calculates the online players then reporting that, the external tracker websites would pick it up, and it's something that's been done before in UO. But with the play system there is an excuse. "Where are all the players" - Well, the server isn't lying to you, they are just afk and there is no way to calculate how many are not afk. It's pretty good excuse to have in order to make it so server has "at most" that many players, instead of "that many players". I thin it's really kind of genius and never seen it done on another freeshard in this way.

    My problem is just how they handle afk players, well how GMs handle people handling afk players (at least in regards to this thread). I don't believe that a player dying at the bank is going to run off and quit with the degree that they would have you believe. No former UO player is going to macro at the bank, die, then just rage quit. They know very well what to look forward to in UO, and if died, just try to figure out what happened, or move, etc. Community definitely helps, and those not in irc community and have played UO before can figure it out.

    No new-to-uo player logs in to the game for the first time and sets up macroing at the bank. It just does not happen. People new to a game are not even remotely thinking about automation, and if they come from nearly any other game, macroing is just not a thing like it is on UO. At least for new player, maybe you automate your goblin or whatever in world of warcraft to powerlevel, but not something normal people do and not something you do "first".

    If they do log in and afk macro, it's because someone told them to. Well... stop that. Just tell them how to macro safely, direct them to house they can use, do something like that.

    If you think the players afk at occlo make it seem like a populated server, well you are wrong. It's one of the biggest complaints about the server and everyone knows it. Occlo is not populated because the afk players are there. It's populated because it has a stable, place to buy house deeds, 500 reg-selling npcs, smith and tailor for bod dorks, access to water, player vendors that despite them being price gouging scam-houses stay well stocked, all within a screen or two from the bank. Oh and the bank has a literal guarded-zone path to the moongate that is a few tiles away. Nowhere else can match that at all. That's all.

    You want people to hang around in town? Give them something to do! Thief and detective fighting basically doesn't happen here. There is nobody trading because... why? You can just trade in trammel or deal on the forums first then the other person can't scam you without being banned. Trade in the duel pit where stealing is LITERALLY DISABLED if you want, who cares. If people wanted to trade in towns, had some pvp that took place in towns (not gonna happen occlo since its not faction spot), even townie fights or whatever, some grey notos, heck make some stupid random thing that happens in the wild with a item or something people will want to camp and make the town crier the only way to camp it, and don't let it be done by razor. Make a junk buyer npc that buys CUB stuff ONLY within X hours after farming it and gives a chance to win a prize or something. Get people reporting back to the bank after their farming adventure and not just recalling into the secure courtyard of their CUB fortress.
    Zordak, wylwrk, Earsnot and 1 other person like this.
  19. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    You can’t please everybody all the time.

    Some people want a complete free for all zone, while others want a little more safety in town. As a shard owner @Chris needs to balance one with the other. It is an impossible thankless task. And neither side will think enough is being done.

    We then all come here and make assumptions as to what would be better for the shard, when we are not really the ones developing it or hearing the complains from the users (customers).

    At the end it is a judgement call. You may or may not agree with it, but Chris has to make it, and makes it with the shard’s best interest in mind.
  20. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I wish with all my hearts that this fear or the very least common attitude of...
    If "Felucca" is allowed to happen to a "new player" they're going to immediately leave and tell all 5000 of their friends not to come here.

    By "Felucca happens" and as a volunteer player I must align with what's included in this server's Code of Conduct.


    You can kill in town. The damage must come directly from you. You must be subject to taking a murder count for the offense.
    You're asking for a way to kill people and not take counts for it. Sorry, but that's where you're going to get the standard big response of, "lol... FU".
    Raajaton and Holden like this.

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