Reasons I love this shard

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by merlin8666, Aug 28, 2018.

  1. Sara

    Sara Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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  2. Jessica

    Jessica Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    Well....i am quite new here, on the shard, but what i appreciat the most is the "simple" life we all live in this era (the way it has been made, intended and perfected).
    Without the F***ng japanese stuff and the Tank-mages, the Artifact-only PvP, the peerless bosses (wtf was that anyway), TRAMMEL!!!!!!!!!!!!.....and all that shit EA poured in the game after it take over the UO brand.

    Simple life but true emotions! From the newbie perspective, i never get bored on this Shard! Whatever you do, the moment you step outside Occlo you can (or at least i do) feel a sense of constant danger....and this is something i somehow never experienced again after UO, doesn't matter what game it was. It makes me feel alive! makes me appreciate every moment and every object i own.

    Yeah! That's it!

    ...Thank you UOR.....for making me feel in danger every day! <3
  3. Sara

    Sara Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2016
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    Reasons why I love this shard even though @Valrick managed to call me really old (only just turned 36 by the way) its a fun community, drama aside. I mean the ANNY HYPE is always such fun.... still wonder when I might get a rare drop in my bags.
    Valrick, JimmyTheHand and Pedigar like this.
  4. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I first created a character on here years ago and GM'd Snooping. Life has it's ways and I didn't end up playing back then.

    A bit under a year ago whilst struggling with the bullocks of mobile development and playing few games, I sat down and titled a document:

    "Re-creating the UO Experience"

    Section 1. Why?

    The next step was to jump on to a freeshard in Renaissance era. I did and had forgotten that this was the shard that I had created a character on many years prior. Upon logging in, there I saw Jimmy the Hand staring back at me. Oh! "That's this place!" I'd never played a thief before, I was a heavy RPer on OSI, so what the hell, why not. I'd already named him appropriately.

    Suffice it to say I went on to fund my accounts with lessons learned and profits gained from those early exploits (thanks gold runic hammer!).

    That document never had another line written as I immersed myself in something I didn't believe existed anymore.
    This place IS Ultima Online. Could I ever be the part of a team to pull off a release that gave that same feeling? Maybe. Some try, all fail.

    UO: Renaissance succeeds through hard work and selflessness by staff and the community. A rare thing nowadays.
    I could list the numerous features I love (you guys! <3), but I think you folks are covering it well.

    So as I said, it's almost a year later and am now developing software for Ultima Online to be used by the very community that has made the experience so great!

    That damned universe and it's mysterious ways.

    Thaks @Chris ! Thanks all!
    Oh, tighten those purse strings and lock up tight; with large parts of both projects I'm spending free time on functional you're a far higher chance of seeing a familiar lad grinning at you about Britannia. Or rather, the more likely: The back of his grey floppy hat and cloak sprinting around a corner to the sound of "Guards!" :D

    Edit: The umpossible happened, me fail english + I think I earned GM Typo. :(

    -Jimmy the Hand
    Nightmaster, The Mockers
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
    Mad Hatcher, Ahirman, Hadrian and 4 others like this.
  5. JimmyTheHand

    JimmyTheHand Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I literally messaged Chris on IRC telling him I'd won Christmas when Naegling dropped. :D

    And just because lols... the day very early on when I posted a pic of Jimmy standing in Puck's tower in IRC, no one said a word until suddenly "Um, @Puck who's that guy in your house?" :D

    I hadn't been very sociable, but the couple reactions were great and inspired me to talk to you all more :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
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  6. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 25, 2014
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    The staffs willingness to help out players with some really fun custom events. They encourage and provide resources to ambitious players who want to create things for the rest of the shard to experience.
    Hadrian, AnRobot- and Basoosh like this.
  7. mojo

    mojo Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    Wow. Great read!
    Everything you all just said is why we two “new” players joined UOR yesterday !!!

    And I hope that resonates as the compliment it’s intended to be!!!
    Althorn, Valrick and Holden like this.
  8. Valrick

    Valrick Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 9, 2014
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    Mojo you could always ready that screenshot button and tell your story as a UOR newcomer. Few screenies with some explanation/narrative could be a fun read for many here!
    Hadrian likes this.
  9. mojo

    mojo Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    That’s a great idea! With a fatal flaw.
    So great the desire to play the game and share it with my loved one two pcs were ordered. Still waiting on them. 2 more weeks :(
    But could we wait??? NO!
    I found the amazing Mac utility here after already determining this was where we would come. So today we sit huddled on a couch on a pos Mac and even pos’er pos tiny laptop just so the journey can begin.
    Bottom line. If I take screenshots now. It’ll break something. Nothing like my standard (cmd) ctrl-H hide macro hiding the whole damn uo window. Yeah that was an unholy surprise. Flamin’ Macs. Lol.

    However I really like the suggestion. I will try!
    Valrick likes this.

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