A)Master(Grey) HP/STR/DEX/MANA 815/814/100/472 Wrestling/Tactics/Resist/Anatomy/Magery/Eval/Meditation 100/100/99.8/100/100/100/100 SB 125k BI 10k Plat at 5k HC at 3k B)Blaster HP/STR/DEX/MANA 815/812/100/448 Wrestling/Tactics/Resist/Anatomy/Magery/Eval/Meditation 100/100/97.9/100/97.9/100/100 SB 80k BI 10k Plat at 5k HC at 3k 24/48 Auction Good Luck get your prebonded drags!
I have had some PM's Pre-Bonded means that I have already used pec meat to bond this animal. When I transfer to you after 24 hours you just feed it one regular piece of meat and it can be anything. Then it will bond to you. That means that 60k worth of meat is already invested into these animals. Plus the time to train all the skills. These drags are ready to rock and roll and farm what ever you wish. Just be sure to wait the 24 hours so you can bond them so you do not lose them! Just answering any further questions that may arise. Happy Bidding!
Well it didn't turn out as expected and the dragon is not bonded to me. There is nothing I can do and I accept the situation, and I am also going to share it. I followed the instructions from Fatty Mike letting him now I was a returning player (4 years aprox) and needed some guidance. Did exactly what he told me, now it is not bonded and now while he says by chat "oh sorry, my bad" he leaves me to pay the full amount of the "bad" which is the peculiar meat. Was this a scam or was it just bad given instructions with poor business etiquette?
First of all I can tell that you can type so that means you can read. When a pet is pre bonded you feed a piece of meat prior to stabling to start the bonding process then you stable for 24 hours. After 24 hours you feed a regular piece of meat and then it is bonded no pec needed. It's pretty simple. I did forget to tell you to feed prior to stabling the dragon. I own that, but dude its 24 more hours. Before you try and flame someone that is active in this community and has a perfect sale rating. I would reconsider. This is a game and FORUMS are open to anyone. When in doubt research bro.
I agree in my lack of research, you are right on that. It is not I am trying to flame anyone, just shared my experience. The dragon is a beauty and as powerful as advertised.