CLOSED Got a few deco pieces to sell today. I've shortened the auction timers for your convenience. Straight BOs are italicized as always. 1. Fruit basket SB 10k BO 20k Quick BO SOLD 2. Rock2 BO 20k Outlaw BO SOLD 3. Shackles SB 40k BO 80k Outlaw BO SOLD 4. Mushroom SB 125k BO 250k Outlaw BO SOLD 5. Broken chair BO 10k (I have more if you need 'em) 6. Bridle BO 10k 7. Tray SB 40k BO 80k 8. Playing cards BO 5k 9. Brush with handle BO 3k Quick BO SOLD 10. Brush BO 3k Quick BO SOLD 11. Empty jar BO 5k TheDarkOne BO SOLD 12. Half empty jars (2) BO 5k TheDarkOne BO SOLD 13. Empty jars (3) BO 8k Quick BO SOLD 14. Full jars (3) BO 10k Quick BO SOLD 15. Full jars (4) BO 12k Outlaw BO SOLD Each auction will use a 24-hour timer unless a BO is made. Thanks for looking!