Hello all, My name is Jabwok and I am new to UO:R and fairly new to UO. I think my favorite part of uo from when I have played in the past has been making friends, but without a good guild that can sometimes be hard to do. That is why I am looking for a friendly PvE guild. My main is a bard that I am currently working on and am therefore more tuned toward PvM, but I hope to learn to PvP on other toons that I plan to make. Hopefully I can find a guild that fits this and I look forward to meeting all of you in game and hope we can all get rich and become longtime friends. See you guys in game! Jabawok
Welcome to the shard! There are some really great people here, one of the best parts of the shard really. Hang out in the main IRC chat room and get to know us! As guilds go, there are many I can recommend. But I'm quite partial to my own and her allies. But you should meet some of the 'S', VoP, TKB folks! Swing by Paws (VoP) or Stormhold 'S' sometime when we're on or having an event.