Glowing sandals for auction. If you want to know what they look like, just search forums for glowing sandals. SB: 1GP I like to make auctions interesting so the highest bid 22 hours from now wins the bid. That would be 6:33 pm CDT 11/02 Good luck!
And to be clear, it's not 6:33.01... the moment of 6:33 pm CDT highest bidder wins Thanks for the bid StarScream!
Bump - Just under 6 hours to close of this auction. Others selling for $8M to $10M so ... keep that in mind at 6:32.59 CDT!! I've also received PM's expressing concern of availability to be online @ 6:33 of a Friday evening. Due to this, private offers will be entertained but must be received prior to 6:33PM. If a private offer wins, the post will be made public after 6:33. For those who think that's BS, there's nothing in my original post that excludes private offers - just says highest bidder prior to 6:33PM 11/02. You can rent a plane and fly a banner behind it over Houston Texas if that's how you want to bid
Super interesting then you bring up private bids lol . Im out 2.3mil Is what I would go to eventually. Its important you make proper auctions to avoid this. These sandals at not worth 8-10 3mil max. GL
Highest bidder prior to 6:33 wins and proof will be posted if private. And FYI, I've done 1hr auctions in the past and sold hundreds of hcoins at far less than market value. I honor my auctions. Your opinion is your own, and probably reflects how you would conduct a similar auction. Are you offering 2.3m or not?