I have been browsing the forum but can't seem to find any guide on how to GM Lumberjacking. Does it exist some guide that I have missed, or could someone give some tips on how to do it? Seems like a forever grinding mission :/ Thanks!
You can attend/macro lumberjacking on trees of course. There are several macro examples on the forums. The other method is farm/buy some cloth (bandages), get several hatchets, and melee yourself there in a few days. Your alt/target should have 0.0 in a melee skill and arm one/tab out.
Hope over to http://uorforum.com/threads/one-guide-to-rule-them-all-one-guide-to-find-them.682/ and scroll down to Lumberjacking. In short, you need to chop down a lot of trees. A lot. Like a googolplex of trees. Well, slightly less than that, but it'll feel like it. I made a macro in Razor that chops whatever is in the tile to my left, so I just walk from tree to tree chopping until I can't.
Although I didn't record the exact amount, I'm pretty sure I used somewhere in the realm of 30-40k bandages to raise lumberjacking to GM purely via sparring.
I took the recall miner bot macro from either @CaptainMorgan or @LanDarr and adjusted it to hit trees instead of mountains. Didn’t take very long to GM after you get it set up, maybe 2 days?