The road to Paws, and the path to smaug - VoP Adventure!

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Jupiter, Jan 12, 2019.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Catalin’s patrol log – Twelfth day of Julian Two Thousand and Nineteen

    The road to Paws was fettered by some of the most foul creatures! Nearing the bridge, I encountered a Yeti that had come down from the frozen peaks! With the White Witch slain it likely had no source of food and had descended from the frozen peaks in search of nourishment. Apparently the Wisp it encountered had objections to this premise.
    The wisp exhausted all its power to help me slay the Yeti, but in the end I had to employ the help of the lazy guards at the outpost. As it turns out, they DO have a limit of what they will tolerate in their bunks. Note, if I ever grow a second head, do not visit the guards.

    Onward I followed the path north to Britain, clearing the road to Paws of any riff-raff or bramble that often impeded the merchants. When I ran into a wicked elf and a reindeer blockading the bridge! The elf was quickly slain, but his vixen beast was quite another task! Again to the guard shack and again to the slaughter.

    With the passage to Britain clear, I made my way to the Island of Ocllo to report that the path was clear. I stopped by the town crier to ask if he had seen my best friend, and he said she had wandered into the undercaverns of the island. Knowing what wicked elves I had encountered, I worried for my friend. I quickly dove into the dark and found her fighting off particularly large rats with what appeared to be a blunted ax.

    Upon inquiring why she was down here, she reported that some of the children were reported missing! Without any help at all from the Local leftenant colonel, we formed a search party as best we could. The volunteers were astonishingly brave, especially considering they were entering into the cavern of Smaug and guarded by two dark elves!

    The plan would almost have nearly worked. If you don’t count those who were maimed or nearly fatally wounded, one of us managed to make it out of the encounter without need of the services of the healer’s hand.

    In all this was quite an unexpected patrol and I feel strangely indebted to my best friend for helping me find what I didn’t quite know was missing.

    Kiryana, Cero, AOٌ and 5 others like this.
  2. Pinky

    Pinky Active Member

    Sep 18, 2018
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    Thanks for the wild time. Not sure I was a valuable member of the team with my 20% combat skills, but I did offer a lot of moral support which is just as good probably.
    Gwenno, Cero, DaBucs and 2 others like this.
  3. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Without the help of our best friend this never would have happened. We saw first hand how useful a Leftenant Colonel was in this situation. If it had been up to him he would have tried to convince the whole populace of Ocllo to drop their trousers and flee like Lord Denathor.

    We barely managed to hire enough warriors to get the job done.

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
    Pinky, Xavant_BR and DaBucs like this.

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