Back with another Batch of CBD's n Mask Dyes for ya Folks! Clothing Bless Deeds x4 95k Each B/o Ragnar Special Mask Dyes x1 #1109 600k S/b 800k B/o 650k Hollywood x1 #2124 300k S/b 500k B/o B/o Karrelan Ore Mask Dyes x1 #2425 100k B/o x1 #2413 100k B/o x1 #2418 100k B/o All sales are Gold Only 24hr Timer on Auction Based Items Leave a reply to reserve your item on IRC @ [TnT]Eskeleto
@Karrelan @Ragnar Lothbrok Will be on IRC in a few minutes for the remainder of the day @ [TnT]Eskeleto 4 pickup. Still sometime on the 1109 dye, if no other bids that items auction will end at Midnight tonight
@Hollywood 1109 is all yours, I will be on a few hours this morning n then not again till tonight. Hmu on IRC for pickup