get ready early for the next event and dont miss out on this deal Looking to sell the following in bulk EVs - 3000 for 135k, thats 45gp each scroll. you save 25%!! min lots of 500 each can be bought (22.5k each lot of 500) BS - 2000 for 40k, thats 20 each scroll. You save 33%!! min lots 500 ea can be bought (10k ea lot of 500) Recall - 3500 for 87.5k, thats 25 for each scroll. save 30% min lots of 500 ea can be bought (12.5k ea lot of 500) buy em all or buy em in lots hit me up here or in IRC : DaBucs Edited: quantities and price for the whole lot of item, as lots sell off SALE ENDED
@Salick I never made those as I didnt/dont know if there is a market for them... was only aware that the evs and bs were popular for the events
bump i should have added this sale is for this weekend only so get your stocks up at these discounted prices while you can!