Paying up to 1m for a large keep if in right spot. Like no spawn mountain side on a island unblocked by another house or not covering another house or on its own patch of green. Paying up to 800k for small keep in same area. minimum i will pay anywhere but the swamps is 750k for small and 900k for large. Thanks!
Ok this post can be deleted now lmao, sorry about the confusion hahaha. I was recently quick-schooled on prices
a little info: a basic keep (swamp/ice) might start at 3m a basic tower might start at 650k however a fantastic keep might set you back 20m and a tower 1m+
There are spots to place towers, I've placed two in the past few months. Sold one for 550k. Make friends with the right person and you can probably get one for barely above deed cost. A keep is going to cost you 4m baseline no matter what though
If anyone has a large tower or Marble with patio/large brick with no blockage and minimal spawn/or on mountainside i will pay top $$