Red Dragons HITS STR DEX INT RA 815 824 102 458 - 40k RB 823 817 98 459 - 30k RC 820 811 101 467 - 20k - SOLD RD 810 820 87 473 - 30k RE 803 821 100 474 - 30k RF 824 810 93 462 - 20k RG 822 824 92 459 - 100k RH 807 825 101 455 - 40k Brown Dragons HITS STR DEX INT BA 823 818 97 473 - 40k - SOLD BB 823 820 104 443 - 90k BC 816 822 100 462 - 50k All prices are buyout, no auction as just want to get rid of them. These are extremely cheap and i doubt anyone would be selling dragons for 100k or less with str and hits both being above 820. Message me here or IRC - Reckoner. Thanks