Dont REALLY want to sell him but if someone is willing to cough it up ill hand him over. BO 20mil Hate on the price but its my price...for now. Still early in the event tho. So go farm your own if you dont like it =P NO LONGER FOR SELL
If I'm reading it right. Its a 1/250 chance to spawn after the jockey dies in the caves. So I'm sure more will pop up before the event is over.
Like Jeebs said theyre super beefy, several people who have them use them with a specific "lucky charms" build alongside a melee skill cause they kick ass. It's a very unique and cool build, I've seen them in action and they're bad ass. Extremely sought after horse. Good luck with the auction man!
Your actually better off using em for the ultimate ossytank/not (ostard) tank lol. Take 15 taming with a dexxer to bond it and then drop taming... you will free up 100 skill points for your dexxer.
Nice! May have to alter him some. He was created as an ironman with mare tank character. May go with lucky for more flare. I may pick your brain more later via IRC. Thanks @Keza
Thinking about it... this mount would be a dream for my tracker dexer(ossytank) project... but who knows i find one to tame.. i can't afford it now... good lucky on your thread.. i would understand if you give up of selling it.. haha
I doubt you can tame them with 0. But can control with 0 taming(still need 100 lore) once it's bonded you from the way Keza explained it
You can bond them with 0 Taming and you don't need Lore for anything but vetting them. I have 80 Lore on mine so I can Res.
I had one and did just what Kash said, I joined a faction and bought a war horse and used it the exact same way. I then gave lucky charms to a friend, they had the exact same stats as a war horse. Still a amazing color, not many out there, a head turner where ever you go!
Are you able to tame this horse if you went into the instance with let's say a mare and 2 dragons (full on follower slots)?