Time: 3:00pm EST This will be a fence-sitting spot. You will just need show up as a ghost at the Papua fence in war mode to be added. Slot is guaranteed (or 100% refund)* 1. Reserved 2. Reserved 3. @Roach (nick: Roderick) paid 4. @Pinky (nick: BFF Khaleesi) paid 5. @Seyyda (nick: Vixen) paid 6. @Seyyda (nick: Sicks) paid 7. @Jeebs (nick: Jeebs II) paid 8. @Jeebs (nick: Remini) paid 9. @Jeebs (nick: Kyla) paid 10. @RMarc69 (nick: Mick Dundee) paid -- MACRO AFK !Loop Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1477| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 -- Contact me here or on IRC Lhyroy *For clarity you actually have to show up to the fence for this guarantee to apply, if you aren't there for any reason the guarantee does not apply.
This was a very interesting run. Both tamers were right next to each other at the 2nd chest! But of course we handled it. Thanks for inviting me to help run it Lhyroy!