little bit of both? they are far more valuable than 2K per charges someone was trying to buy . coping a runebook is a cumbersome time extensive labor. copying with a click is sooooo much luxurious. id value them at least at 100K / charge. free bump
you are smoking crack and are trying to drive the price of these charges up because I am looking for them. You are a troll and suck at IDOCing.
I'm asking cuz i have a few and I've just left them sitting around cuz the prices weren't high enough to offset the convenience factor for me. between 3.5k-4k per charge it seems @Kirby
Wow hit a nerve there huh? Poor little guy....Kirby I am paying 5k to 7.5k per charge currently. Labeler I’ll cash you outside bro..
Would just go based off of how much runebooks cost in general that players are selling on vendors, then tax on a convenience fee for the pens capability itself. Personally, I'd range the pen 20-30k per charge (give or take) before market has really dialed in the value. But, that's just my opinion. New item that hasn't found its place on the public market yet, so there's gonna be low and high offers until it balances itself out.