Official Faction Discussion / Planned Changes Thread

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Chris, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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  2. Miami

    Miami Well-Known Member
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    Jan 26, 2019
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    Im in Shadowlords but only ever seen Adam Henry as an orange running around Occlo and Artic Ogres. :(
  3. Shiloh

    Shiloh Well-Known Member
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    Dec 30, 2017
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    What is silver used for. Unless I've missed it... I've never seen anything to buy with silver....from npcs that is.
  4. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    Silver is used to purchase faction items, i.e. a faction horse is 500 silver and 3k gold. It is also required to craft faction armor and weapons
  5. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    i Think to boost factions is important understand the TIMING.. After easter i think would be a good opportunity come back with some initiative to increase the members...
    Mostly of the shard are pvm players.. this transition needs time... and when we have the chance of tamming a 5-10mil PET, is difficult have time to practice and make toons for it.. after easter i will gonna join factions with some toon... i don't know the template yet.. but i am sure will not be a stun mage...
  6. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    This is what is wrong with factions:
    Daniel Ocean_4-19_06.08-1 (2).jpg

    For the first time in probably 9 months, 2 groups of factions actually had a decent numbers on to PvP. Instead of working together to fight the CoM members TB used blue characters to scout the HQ and tried to place boats to exploit glitches. When that did not wok they still decided not fight PvP but rather place 20x faction guards outside of the CoM base. Now, since summons and pets will not kill faction guards and the TB members just hid behind their guards the few CoM players that where online at that time got over run BY NPCs fairly quick.

    It seems that the faction that has been the most active in these past months, thought it would be better to do things this way rather than actually fighting and providing the server with much sought after PvP content.

    Someone will probably post "well you guys blocked the bridge with tamed animals". And yes we did, we used 8-12 cats and rabbits at the entrance of the bridge.... But we were more than ready for an actual battle. It is also worth noting that the TB members will block of their bridge with stone wall because it covers the entire bridge making it impossible to pass.

    These are the changes that need to be addressed. People join factions to PvP not PvNPC or whatever you want to call this.

    Thanks for listening, and hopefully we can turn factions around and bring PvP back to this awesome shard.
    NCCML likes this.
  7. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    We placed boats so we could attempt ok to kill your blue tames. We ONLY hired guards after you decided to hide in your base behind blue tames.


    Are you serious? o_O lmfao!

    We came ready to fight until we seen the tames. If you want guards then get your own town(s) and use them.
    Ron Jeremy likes this.
  8. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    Are you serious??? You are there on non faction characters in that photo....How are you there ready to fight?? Not a single TB showed up until y'all placed guards.... and come on dude 8-12 cats so you place 20-30x guards??? wow
    Wulver likes this.
  9. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    You started it..
    Ron Jeremy likes this.
  10. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    It will never be a fair faction thing... we should just clear that and come up with a funner order chaos situation.... factions have always been an issue, bases are not fair in any way shape or form, CoM base is the worst base to defend....
    Wulver and Ahirman like this.
  11. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    And finished it...

    3v2 (4).png
    NCCML, crazydaze and Ahirman like this.
  12. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    Good job, hate I missed it!
  13. WarrenBuffet

    WarrenBuffet Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2018
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    that is my point...could have fought earlier when we all had numbers on and were looking to PvP...
  14. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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    If you guys leave the blue tames out of it we're leave the guards out of it.

    We try not to use guards unless we're extremely outnumbered or some BS is happening like the blue tames.
    Cha and WarrenBuffet like this.
  15. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
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    Jan 8, 2016
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    Chris should wipe the silver from each faction I think each faction has over a million in silver which can lead to unlimited spam guards which is lame af.

    Last time I played com minax sl and tb had people in it. We were all having a great time. And then ALL of our egos got the best of us we started seeing e bolt bots hordes of NPC guards tame walls and just about every dirty trick imaginable.
    Once the dirty tricks started happening I don't think anyone was having fun and people stopped playing factions.

    My advice for the new factioners on this shard is just remember you and your opposing faction buddy are just trying to have fun keep the lame crap out of it and just try to enjoy the PvP for as long as possible before the inevitable dirty fighting tactics happen
    Miami, One, Arawn and 3 others like this.
  16. Vella

    Vella Well-Known Member
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    Aug 9, 2014
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    nigh unkillable guards ( when there is 20 ) vs a few blue tames you must chug a red pot to get by.... ooof that you compare them in anyway

    edit: for the idiots, not saying i like the idea of stam walls either, we had stam wall issues with reg vendors on tb place long before tamed bunnies
  17. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Though I wasn't there yesterday (for the base fighting, I got rocked in bucs last night). I can say that for almost a year not a single guard spam had been used, nor boat, nor blues blocking the base.

    To demand and to make the claim that wall of stone spell is what led to placing rows of blue pets in protection preventing the enemy faction in base is equal and justified is a bit insane.

    Wall of Stone and Energy field is as innocent of a spell to possibly cast in base defense. From fighting pks at gazers, or defending a harrower in shame, or blocking someone running away in town.. that is always acceptable and should be. That is so far from a glitch or exploit imo.

    Stacking rows of blue pets or controlled characters in an area of the game where no blue creatures should be allowed, and preventing the enemy into your base as you cook the sigils is what will lead to things escalating so quickly. NPC town guards will insta kill you for killing those pets, so sail in and kill them outside of town was the counter. Other option was to not play and forfeit the town.

    Honestly I am a bit over the days of win at all cost pvp. If anyone thinks yesterday was bad, lol it has been far worse. At one time we had amazing huge fights. Then we seen the most shameful stuff "tactics" wise that kept building. One side placed ebolt bots where you would run into instant 20 ebolts when in range, one side stacked way way more pets than 8 rows of cats, one side took a sigil through a wall on a boat... Then everyone quit.

    It's simply up to the players to control their behavior and play a part of the game how they wish it to be played. Thankfully you can either choose to play the system as it is, or not and pvp elsewhere. The game is a sandbox, players make the rules, and there is honor and fun to be had if people let it happen. Or people will take their ball and go home.

    Certainly could be changes, and should be. But as a wise man once said, it's hard to control chaos. So I suggest all sides forget about yesterday. And I would like to see a new approach against your fellow orange players. Doesn't matter who starts it or is more of an ass, one side does something and oh how quickly it will escalate. Just play for fun and if you die you die, who cares. If you try to get clever people will counter.
    Xavant_BR, RavenMagi, Arawn and 2 others like this.
  18. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Vendors hadn't been used in ages, and GMs removed them.

    To act like drinking red potions is no big deal. It requires you to spend 8 defenseless seconds with no spells or items in use as rows of players sync and blast closest target. It prevents stealth. It basically is fish in a barrel. Let's be real on how actions affect one another. This stuff ruins it for everyone involved, except whomever enjoys a fish in barrel zerg.
    RavenMagi and Arawn like this.
  19. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
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    Mar 20, 2015
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  20. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The best patch for PvP on this server would be the one where speech was disabled.
    Wulver, Miami, Dr Satan and 3 others like this.

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