I'm still pretty new to the shard. I played UO back in the late '90s on Catskills. I currently have a 7x Provo mage. I'm looking for a guild or group to hang with when I'm on. Due to work and family I'm not on as much as I'd like to be but I am tired of being a loner. If there's any guilds accepting casual players hit me up. My in game name is Xeno.
Welcome Xeno I have opened a conversation with you and listed some resources and potentially valuable options and outlets for a new face to the server. Check your inbox on forum and good luck out there!
Welcome to the server! I can certainly relate to having limited playtime (4 kids, 2 of them toddlers, my wife and I both have very demanding jobs and other hobbies), so I try to get the most bang for my buck when I am online. There are some excellent guilds that are welcoming to new players. Doc probably gave you some leads for a few groups that would be happy to have you tag along for the fun. My advice is to try and stay visible and chatty in discord. Often people who want to find people to play with can be overlooked, this is certainly not intentional, but if you are persistent/visible you will be invited to all sorts of fun things.
Thank you for all the replies. I will try to get onto discord and check out some of your suggestions next time I have some free time to get on. Thanks.