can some skills get stuck at some point until some other requirements have been met? I'm trying to level fencing and tactics tactics is going up fine, but fencing is at 85,6 and won't go up same happens for hiding, it's stuck at 97,4 and won't go up even if macroing for two straight nights
thanks for the reply! my dagger isn't broken, also I'm still gaining skill in tactics while fencing is frozen I'm attacking another character that has 0 in every combat skill and is not attacking me back, probably it has something to do with this?
Combat skills are difficulty based. That is your opponent is too easy a target, to GM you need to hit something that has some combat skills. The precise formula eludes. Keep in mind it has to have the relevant weapon equipped for it to count (or unarmed wrestling), your opponent does not need to hit you. Hiding won't gain in houses. There has yet to be a verified skill stuck for no reason situation. So either we missing some info or there's a simple mistake like you are at 700 skill real skill cap or skills are pointed down/locked or whatnot.
Then that's my problem then. I'll have to raise my combat skill in the other character or just hit other enemies And if I remember correctly I tried leveling my last bit of hiding inside a house, so that's what is causing this. Thanks a lot guys!
I trained the fencing with a dagger, first on the bulls, and then on the NPC pirate, treating him with bandages))) It grew without problems, both the tactics and the fencing itself!
sorry I didn't notice that last post! I finally raised my fencing to 100 against a friend who also had a high level combat skill, thanks a lot guys!