Triple Box PVM

Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by jihad joe, Jun 1, 2019.

  1. Roach

    Roach Active Member

    Jun 18, 2017
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    Do you comprehend everything you've said is opinion? Do you comprehend we've had this discussion on this server before? Do you comprehend that since it hasn't changed its pretty fucking apparent you whining about it isn't going to do anything?

    "waaaaa this guy can farm better then i can. waaaaa" That's you.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
  2. jihad joe

    jihad joe Active Member
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    Nov 26, 2016
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    Cool constructive post. I wanted a discussion about it and people are more interested in attacks than discussing the topic. Apparently that's my answer I was looking for. I yield. I'm out of town for the week and don't need the back and forth. Thanks for everyone's input!
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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    I don't think Chris is as oblivious to the state of triple box tamers as you think he is. If nothing has been done about them through out all these years and other threads and IRC conversations with voicing concerns, I doubt he has any intention of changing them at all. Not knocking you at all, just letting you know players have came knocking on his door about the same thing in the past and the players who have lasted over time with the exception of SJ have stopped losing sleep over it.

    I've always been curious though and this is because I'm the furthest thing from an economist, what makes UOR's current economic state "nuts"? What are some examples of the economy not being healthy and why? Would those examples be facts given 20+ years of uo experience or opinion based?
    jihad joe and One like this.
  4. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I have been here for more than one year bro and i saw the triple boxing getting more popular time by time..
    I watched closely the journey of some players to be able to do it.. So many hours training 2 extra chars... the search for good drags... nights and nights of testing, asking for help, killing himselfs... getting killed by pks...

    In the end of everything they get what they want: wealthy.

    If your are not this kind of player, ok. I am not too.. i am sure you will be able to farm, make money, buy the stuff you want and be happy with one single client tammer, bard, fisher or what ever. Because bro, what really matters is the experience. I am sure i have less money but much more fun than a triple box in a champ, in a amiba, event, scroll and etc.

    All the economy is builded over the triple box... All the AMIBS offered in the shard came from triple box fishers... All the blessed deeds, powder of forti, braziers and etc came from triple box Crafters...

    If you want to argue about triple box, you should talk about it in general. And is not fair avoid or nerf the triple box tammers and let the other triple box activities as they was.. If you make changes on both... well you will have great impact in the shard economy.. all the BOD and fishing business would have to change too..

    You just arrived in a more than 5 years shard, and you are sharing your space with some 5,3,2 year folks that dedicate lots of effort to buy all his colored shit. We just need to accept our irrelevance and get dope with the cheep drugs.. But if you want bright like a star and build a online version of the "american dream", choose your triple box and spend a few life time to learn it. This will not gonna change so soon.
    jihad joe, Jill Stihl, AOٌ and 2 others like this.
  5. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2017
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    Don't let it bother you @jihad joe. This topic has been discussed ad nauseam and so there may be a decent amount of emotion on both sides that you tapped into. If you use a search engine for "UOR Triple boxing" you get this old thread:

    It's an interesting read, but a lot of the arguments you would likely want to make are in there (along with proposed "solutions"). Some people very understandably get annoyed when they perceive other players lobbying Telamon to nerf their prefered playstyle. They might want to say something like "if you don't like triple boxing...then don't effing triple box!" When my triple box chews through a solo PK I don't celebrate as if I am some elite PvPer. In a 1v1 the guy would likely kill me easily. But if he has the nerve to get pissed about my "OP triple box" my response would be "You are the one who attacked me, a-hole. If you don't like it, go find a newbie provo bard to attack". The profits from triple boxing exist, but they are not absolutely obscene, and they DO require much more effort than mindlessly punching a couple keys. Like when the MOB suddenly teleports and kills 2 of your 3 tamers faster than you can tab over (which happened to me a few days ago). And as Vella pointed out most players don't have the necessary skills/experience to absolutely maximize gold per hour triple boxing, and even if they did, most wouldn't even want to because it would be exhausting. BODs and IDOCing are both considered very profitable if you go nuts with them, but who in their right mind would want to have a "virtual job" within an online wizard role playing game? (answer: many people apparently....) I hate sorting through my OWN loot that I get from farming and I hate selling on the forums. Both are tedious and a waste of time IMO and I'd rather be out killing blood elementals or something. So I have boxes and boxes of unsorted loot in my tower that I keep procrastinating going through. How is that for off-topic? Anyway its an interesting discussion and I can respect your position even though it doesn't seem like I agree with it.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2019
    O'Malley, jihad joe and Xavant_BR like this.
  6. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  7. midgetbob

    midgetbob Well-Known Member
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    Apr 22, 2016
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    I mean... restricting tripple boxing (which I can't do... I can barely control 1 tamer as guildmates can attest) isn't going to do much... would you still bitch if you saw 3 individual tamers do the same thing? Gating through the tough mobs mowing through them? It's the same thing right? Restricting people's game play because multiple > fewer is silly.... and would lead to all kinds of speculation through strawman arguments. "OMG it's not fair that people are teaming up for IDOCs and not letting me solo them!" could easily be the next "nerf plz" thread... again.

    It's a play style in a sandbox. They invested the time and resources to be able to do it. It's allowed by any server that allows multiple accounts to go at once.... all the way back to OSI.
    Kiryana and Xavant_BR like this.
  8. Blacklow

    Blacklow Well-Known Member
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    Aug 19, 2017
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    [quote="jihad joe, post: 397456, member: 4352"
    I do think triple boxing has an adverse effect to our server. Did you comprehend that??

    I am curious exactly what adverse effect you see triple box tamers having on the server?

    Are they driving away new players? Hogging prime farming spots? Preventing solo PK's from earning an honest living? Or is it just that they can farm gold slightly faster than a solo player?

    If gold per hour were our only concern, then EVERYONE would run tamers. But thankfully everyone wants something different out the game, and while gold is always nice, it is rarely the primary goal.
    Kiryana and Xavant_BR like this.
  9. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    jihad joe and Earsnot like this.
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  11. Nusir

    Nusir Well-Known Member
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    Sep 3, 2017
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    For Animal Taming to be era accurate, there wouldn't be a limit to followers, it was possible to spend an hour or so at the white wryms spawn or dragons, taming the lot and then heading to something else and nuking the crap out of everything that moved. 30 fresh WW's still hurt!
    yeah nothing was bonded back then and so not really trained. and so a limit of 8 followers here is a good thing. 2 dragons and a mare per client is perfect.

    Animal Taming, with trained pets is powerful, its the only skill apart from Stealth with any item bonus and I am sure it will continue to get buffed from item drops...
    and as @Vella has said, it is not easy to triple box with such skill as you described without an awful lot of dedicated time or assistance from 3rd party and so it is not as common to find in game.

    I myself mainly single box as I find it more enjoyable and of course I have back up ready in case i need it. I will triple for holiday events as some mobs require it although I would enjoy more content aimed at the melee classes... like a mob that can only be killed by an archer... or something that can only be damaged with lightening!

    there is content that is immune to fire breath, pet melee damage etc, i understand there will be more like this in the future and in my opinion tamer mechanics shouldn't be changed, server mechanics are changing for player / pet command spamming and release of new content (event mobs only I would assume, sadly)
    jihad joe likes this.
  12. JohnShade

    JohnShade Active Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    Nothing wrong with it vs mobs

    against players should be nerfed

    can simply make other mobs that are more profitable geared towards bards and such

    but a tamer vs another player in a fight should get wrecked, I dunno how that'd be be balanced, but it's just too much with bonds, trained pets, 3 accounts running 6 tamers and 3 mares and 3 mages vs a player who is playing the game like it's meant to be played.
    jihad joe likes this.
  13. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  14. Leopold

    Leopold Well-Known Member
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    Jul 29, 2017
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    I wouldn't want to see this. Many times during Christmas when I was out hunting elves in the dungeon (on a single box) I would have a PK or two engage me. Eventually (as I stood my ground and healed, got out of the poison fields, etc.) the fire breath would save me. As I was not the one who started the fight, I didn't have a lot of sympathy for the crispy PK(s). The same goes for farming in general in many different scenarios. If tamers were significantly nerfed vs. players (in a defensive situation) it would seem a bit unfair for newer players who didn't get a chance to have such a strong defense while farming. Meanwhile the rest of us already made our fortunes. I understand people getting annoyed when people bring pets into organized PvP like factions, and MAYBE making the argument in favor of solo PKs (although it's still their choice whether or not to attack a tamer), but vs. multiple reds? I'll keep my double fire breath flamestrike combos thank you very much!

    My ideas of acceptable changes would be to add some sort of buff to non-tamer templates to make them much more profitable and defensive, or as jihad joe put forth in another thread, make stiffer consequences for PKing with a tamer (although how many red tamers do you see running around? Not many because having a red tamer is almost as idiotic as having a red factioner).
    jihad joe and crazydaze like this.
  15. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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  16. merlin8666

    merlin8666 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2017
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    Totally agree, pet bonding is on many accounts overpowered. Just look at server events and how many dragons you see... how cool would it be to see dexxers and mages instead?

    Anywho, those of us who choose to just learn to adapt. I'd say I am pretty decent at pking tamers. Though no way in hell I'll ever manage to take down vella triple box solo, credit where it's due... he's simply the most efficient and lethal of them all.
    NCCML, jihad joe, Xavant_BR and 2 others like this.
  17. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    The way I see it, the issue is balance.

    Tamers can have bonded weapons.
    In the form of pets. They have the ability to train those weapons and dual wield them.

    No other class benefits from that ability, that’s unbalanced.

    Would I like to see that balance evened out?
    Absolutely yes.
    Would I like to dual wield 2 DP’d blessed Val Katanas?
    Absolutely yes.
    Would I like them to also shoot flamestrikes at my enemies?
    Absolutely yes.
    Alvien, jihad joe, One and 1 other person like this.
  18. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    This right here.

    Give us a weapon bonding system that works off bond slots(say 3) and an armory to store them in(allowing for only 2 out at a time) and you will see the complaints come to a screeching halt.

    It's not that triple boxing is broke, it's the fact to do it with any other class is inherently more risky and stupid.
    NCCML, Blacklow, One and 2 others like this.
  19. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020
    jihad joe likes this.
  20. Minax

    Minax Well-Known Member
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    May 13, 2017
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    “but seeing the state of the economy and someone able to farm millions in a couple hours is nuts”

    Lol not possible ever... you must of smoked meth before witnessing those events unfold.
    NCCML, wylwrk and Roach like this.

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