I was able to decipher the alphabet and decode the message in roughly two hours. Getting in contact with the ancient tomb owner for the turn-in.
With the help of the community, I was able to decipher the alphabet. I messaged the two known Tomb owners, Paje (@Xavant_BR) and Azguard (@Azguard), and we met with Keza to claim our prize. _____ A gate suddenly appeared to the ancient tomb's original location in Moonglow... We were instructed to place the book in the chest and speak the code, which prompted a stacks of coins to appear! Azguard was able to decipher his Ancient Tomb alone but we accompanied him on the turn in: His Tomb seemed to be from a different origin... Magincia Azguard spoke the words of power to unlock his treasures: This confirms there are multiple Ancient Tombs all with different passphrases.
No the clue or "translation" books were used to decipher the alphabet. Credit should be given to those who posted photos as it made the alphabet known. I gave some of my platinum to @Aginor so far for his contribution. If I am involved with deciphering more Ancient Tombs, I will pass on treasures to anyone who posts screen shots of their translation book.
I wanted to Thank Cronos for giving me a very important clue that helped him to decipher the alphabet. once I translated, along with the other posted books, I was able to decipher the alphabet and numbers needed for the quest! Good luck guys. BTW, I got my ancient Tomb off of a regular lich. you dont have to be a senior player to do this quest guys. just hunt and have fun!
After dispatching an Orc west of Occelo I noticed an odd book in its possession, perhaps this could be of some use?
-_ Event Closure _- (edit)- This event is 99% finished, but I will be adding a few more Ancient Tombs over the next few month in relation to The Mystic Collection Quest. These new mystic books can also be used to help players decode the Ancient Tombs new and old. While this has been as awesome event to host, players continue to share translation books and become experts at reading the ancient text. Therefore the main part of this quest must come to an end. The books currently carried by monsters are all that remain to be found. Players are welcome to share, buy, and sell translation books to decode any remaining Ancient Tombs that remain. I will continue to help player unlock the magic of their Ancient Tombs for months to come! As this quest required ALOT of hidden information, I will now reveal some information about it: Over 400 translation books emerged in locations all across the lands. Over 30 Ancient Tombs were hidden throughout the world. All books were seeded by myself. No GM powers were needed to conduct this quest. WVIX - IXWV XXWV WWIV WIXI IWWX - VIXV IXIW VWVX - IWWX IWIV WWIV - XIWW WVVI WVIX WXIX WWIV VWVX WIXI - VIIX WXIX - IWWX IWIV WWIV - XIWW WVVI WVIX WXIX WWIV VWVX WIXI
There is a time in the game, where you only think about plat... and dungeoning never was the best activities to get them. Champs(that also happens in dungeons, but is totally different), TMaps, chests, amibs, idocs(plat items) is where you traditionally goes for it. But... came the ancient tomb and changed all of this.. A mix of 3 things that every uo nerd loves, codes, monsters and plat. This gives a chance to the newbs start to dream about his first plat items and can bring players to the most not visited spots of the shard. Keep going! By the way, a second book found and turned. (i almost forgot to mention the locations you choose for it... places i never been before)
One evening very late I was in Destard and ran into @Ragnar Lothbrok . He told me to watch out because a shadow wyrm had been pulled out of the nest and was near the ramp. I went to investigate and sure enough, the shadow wyrm came after me as soon as I got close. After a bit of a struggle I managed to kill it and found an ancient tomb on it! This was actually the 2nd one I had found, the first being on the White Witch (I handed that one over since it was not my scroll). This obviously took a lot of work, so thanks @Keza for your efforts. I hear there are still many out there, so if you are holding onto one, be sure to decode it! With some help from @Cronos and my 8-yr old son I was able to decode the book.
I stole my ancient tomb book of a guy afk at Minoc bank. After decoding it tured out to be in the ruins near Yew. I was wondering if each set of ruins has an ancient tomb associated with it? I also like how the language/decoding letters are used in the mystic books as well. There are 26 letters to decode and 26 different mystic books that correspond to a word of power and also a letter to decode the ancient tomb.
Yes, the ancient text will be used on/off throughout events I host. Others are welcome to use the ancient text for their own events if they wish.