UO:Renaissance - Thieving perfected (ongoing thread)

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by BlackEye, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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  2. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2018
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    I’m sorry my good man , I spent like 45 minutes waiting in there waiting for something with no reveal, and y’all were just putting everything on the ground :/ I had to.
    Miami likes this.
  3. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    hahahah you deserved bro!!!
    we got upset for one minute but in the end we had to admit... you deserved! ;D
    That was not the first time we open a scroll in the bank and had troubles... the question is.. would be the last?
    SativaGreen and O'Malley like this.
  4. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Didnt take much, some recall scrolls, a few ID wands, and a gargoyles foe xbow.
    My conscience got ahold of me.

    CalHob, Miami, Alvien and 5 others like this.
  5. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
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  6. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    @O'Malley you dirty thief... you came to my wharehouse, get a gargoile Xbow and not even have the kindness to identify the others bags that was over the floor? i will not let come to my house anymore!
  7. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
    Dobby, O'Malley and Xavant_BR like this.
  8. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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  9. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Haha I used 130 ID charges identifying stuff for you, you’re welcome my good sir
    One, Miami, Xavant_BR and 1 other person like this.
  10. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Sorry for posting so much, but I hit two pretty decent licks in the past 24 hours.
    God bless UOR in all her majesty.

    shackles amib.png
    CalHob, Raag74, Kiryana and 6 others like this.
  11. O'Malley

    O'Malley Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2018
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    Didnt take pics, but I went through a gate and ended up in front of a tower.
    After a little while, another gate opened leading to the roof.
    And then I was on the roof of the tower, and this was laying on the floor beside me.


    Ron Jeremy, Raag74, Kiryana and 5 others like this.
  12. SativaGreen

    SativaGreen Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    Winner winner, chicken dinner.
    Miami and O'Malley like this.
  13. shopshopshop

    shopshopshop Active Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    An unfortunate soul sat at a bank, relaxing and deep in thought. They were holding the keys to their house, and a rune as well!

    This allowed me into one of their homes, and lo and behold, the first home had a pleasant soul with the key to their other dwelling! I took a few things for my time and went on my way.


  14. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Once upon a time in a far far away land a a young lad was MiDing his own business wandering about the lands when he came across a large majestic tower. His father had always told him to stay way from the area he was now encroaching upon, he had told him bed time stories of the vile people that lived in such lands. But the young lads curiosity was getting the best of him this day, he went further and further until he reached a massive towering structure many times greater than the thatched roof cottage he lived in. The land looked friendly so against his better judgment he approached the behemoth of a home, he reached out his clenched fist and gave a small knock. Expecting a "fee fi fo fum!" response he was quite surprised when the home welcomed him with open arms!
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    He quickly walked into the house, closed the door behind him and his eyes were glowing as noticed large amounts of riches he had only heard stories about growing up. Quickly he started gathering bags to put shinny gold coins and brilliant white platinum in, he wanted to hurry before the abominable creature awoke that lived here. He scurried up the stairs with bag after bag making his way to the roof top. As he approached the final flight of stairs he could see the glowing blue sky and sun smiling at him. His head poked up and his heart raced with excitement as he discovered a massive stash of 41,000 Molotovs!
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    After what seemed like for ever he finally threw the last bag off the roof top and left the lands to never return again! The young lad could hardly contain himself with the excitement of returning home with his new found riches to share with his family!
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    @Fatty Mike I promise I won't waste the firebombs!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2019
  15. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    It was another glorious day adventuring the lands of UOR. The grass was green and flush, knee high and spry in the afternoon breeze. The cool wind off the ocean water precipitated on my brow as I walked along the shore. I still had a little something extra on my step from returning home with my last adventure.

    Back home my fellow companions raved about my bravery and the stories of my heist swooned women from across the land. The Lord of IDERP heard of my bravery and offered me his most beautiful daughter as a reward in return for my fearlessness in gathering such a large haul from a terribly formidable place. I had never seen such a beautiful lady in all of UO, but I had to turn the Lords offer down. I told him I may regret this but I was born for high adventure and marrying his daughter would only result in bitching and complaining while I was trying to scour the lands of UOR.

    As the sun approached the ridge and late afternoon transitioned to evening I was still walking but in the opposite direction of my last adventure. I had passed many homes today, some exceptionally well kept large bricks and two story's and some other small homes that looked as if they were simply ready to decay on ground where they were placed. All of a sudden the breeze changed direction and a smell grabbed my nostrils that was so thick and foul I could not even begin to imagine what it might be. Being the curious lad I am made my way in the direction it was coming from. I approached a massive structure so large it made my stomach churn at the hours the slaves must have invested to build such a mammoth site! I slowly snuck along the wall quietly sliding my back along each large cobble stone that constructed the beast. I was so nervous I tripped on the front steps rolling to the ground, looking up at the sky it was then that I saw a sight so unimaginable, so gut wrenching, the blood of the slaves that build the structure had been poured from their bodies and used to make a bloody fountain for which to place their dreaded statues of worship around! I knew if these vile beings caught me lurking around on their premise I to would be lanced and my blood poured into their pool of coagulated reverence.


    I kept moving along the front of the fortress following my nose like a hungry wolf follows the smell of a fresh kill. Suddenly the top of a large towering structure appeared in sight, as I approached it strikingly resembled the one from my last adventure. I snuck closer and my eyes gravitated from the roof top slowly to the foundation, it was then that I noticed what had been permeating my nose. Massive piles of freshly placed steamy dragon dung may times my height lay scattered outside the home. These creatures must be so large they could swallow a lad like me whole I thought! It then crossed my mind, maybe I should have taken the Lords offer... Snap out of it I said to myself, I'm the seeker of adventure and swooner of women! I quickly but decisively approached the large iron front doors, reached out my sweaty palm and gave the rusty ring a hard pull. My heart raced, and my adrenaline flowed, the door opened!

    As I gazed inside I took a deep breath trying to clear my sinuses of the repugnant air outside but to my disappointment what ever master that lived here had just left as the air had the same stench. I quickly started to gather anything I could in the entryway then headed for the stairs, I came across a bag of massive prized trophy fish! There was no way I could possibly pack these lunkers to the roof! So I took my newbie dagger and quickly as I could boned every fish out and placing the premium steaks in a single backpack, I tossed it on my shoulders and feverously made my way up the stone stairs to the next floor.

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    While snooping around on level two my vision took hold of what looked like a tailors wet dream! Colorful highly prized silk cloth and fine woven fabrics lay in masses scattered across the floor! My backpack fell to my knees and my body walked toward the new find as if I was a zombie lurking toward its victim. So much 1150 cloth I thought to myself, the Lord will be so ecstatic at my newest find! It was then I knew I should have been paying closer attention. I stumbled forward as my foot caught on a large unseen dye tub. The tub spilled out all over the floor totally soaking and ruining all of the cloth. The spilled blue dye matched my dreary tears as I gathered all my other new found riches and headed for the roof. After some time I finally cleaned the entire tower never once seeing the being that lived there.

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    Until next time my friends, safe journeys! @Plentimon
  16. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Kiryana likes this.
  17. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    I didn't take a pic of all the loot, I did get stacks of items yes
  18. Fatty Mike

    Fatty Mike Well-Known Member
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    Jun 28, 2018
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    NCCML and Kiryana like this.
  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  20. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You can't watch porn and stalk at the same @O'Malley

    Jill Stihl, Dash, Kiryana and 2 others like this.

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