Happy 7th Anniversary Renaissance | Global Event Starting September 1st

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    To celebrate the 7th Anniversary of UO Renaissance we have a few special things planned for our players.
    Notice! Make sure to join discord at the listed times to take part in the scavenger hunt! Discord Invite


    ~~ Final Event Scores ~~

    Players with accounts over 14 days old will notice a special bag placed in their bank upon login. These will be awarded from 9/1/2019 to 9/9/2019 and are given 1 per account. These items will be placed directly in your bank, for players who might have logged out in hazardous locations, so make sure to check there.

    To celebrate the anniversary we have created an exclusive line of clothing, jewelry and decorative items. Each item is named to celebrate the occasion.

    Event Bag Details

    During our anniversary weekend we will be running a 4 part scavenger hunt event.

    Scavenger Hunt Event - Schedule
    • Friday September 6th @ 11pm CST (12am est, 9pm PST)
    • Saturday September 7th@ 1pm CST (2pm est, 11am PST)
    • Sunday September 8th @ 3pm CST (4pm est, 1pm PST)
    • Monday September 9th @ 5pm CST (6pm est, 3pm PST)

    Scavenger Hunt Event - Prize Room Opens
    • Monday September 9th @ 9pm CST (10pm est, 7pm PST)

    Scavenger Hunt Event - How to Participate
    • Be prepared to travel the world, following clues in order to find Chris in-game (see my avatar)
    • You should have the ability to recall, a horse and access to a rune library.
    • Reliable access to our chatroom (Discord) where clues will be given.
    • A detailed knowledge of the UO world and a bit of UO lore is a huge help.
    • Simply follow the clues and speak to Chris in-game to place in each round.
    • Players earn 3 points for 1st, 2 points for second and 1 point for 3rd in each round.
    • Ties are determined by checking Chris's journal/video review.
    • Each event will have 12 rounds.
    • Players will need to be prepared to travel to towns, the overworld and dungeons
    • Each character may only score in two events. Allowing for our international and working players to have an equal chance.
    • Each round takes roughly 90-120 minutes.

    Scavenger Hunt - Registration
    • Registration is no longer required for this event. However if you will not be available for the prize room selection at the times indicated it is critical that you provide the staff with your top 10 items so we can pick for you.

    Scavenger Hunt - Scoring and Prizes
    • Each players points will be pooled to determine a clear ranking ladder.
    • Ties will be determined by 1st place finishes. (1 first place > 3 third place finishes)
    • Players, in order of placement will gain access to the prize room shown below.
    • Players can choose 1 item from the prize room.
    • All players who score at least one point will earn a trophy honoring their achievement\rank.
    • Players will also earn platinum based on their total event score.
    • Each player may only score in two events. Allowing for our international or working players to have an equal chance.
    • Once you have taken part in your two rounds we would appreciate it if you avoid spamming my name, even if you still wish to take part in the game. This will make it easier on the staff running the event.

    The Prize Room - Notable Items
    • 7th Anniversary Mask Dye (hue 1266,1378, assigns a custom name to your mask) 8 of each Color
    • 7th Anniversary Sandals (hue 1266,1378) 12 of each color
    • 7th Anniversary Pegasus Trophies (hue 1266,1378)
    • 7th Anniversary Wooden Box, Wooden Chests, Metal Chests, Metal Golden Chests (hue 1266,1378)
    • 7th Anniversary Cloth (hue 1266,1378, 100 yards of each Color)
    • 7th Anniversary Spellbooks (hue 1266,1378, newbied) 4 of each color
    • 7th Anniversary Runebooks (hue 1266,1378, not blessed) 4 of each color
    • 7th Anniversary Lanterns (hue 1266,1378, blessed) 4 of each color
    • 7th Anniversary Hair/Beard Dye (hue 1266,1378, Comes as a set) 4 of each color
    • Various Unique Items (Flasks, Stacked Items, Tarot Cards, etc)
      Note: This event will be the one and only time these hues will be available on Renaissance.

    The Prize Room - Player Donated Items / Bonus Items
    • Monster Statues
    • Various Platinum Rewards
    • 1st Year Anniversary Clothing / Jewelry
    • Previous Years Event Sandals
    • Pre patch crafted sandals (leather dye colors)
    • Platinum Store Monster Statues
    • Boss Monster Statues
    • Event Monster Statues
    • Christmas Event Item - Rare Open Books
    • More donations will be added as we move closer to the event.
      Note: If the time comes for you to retire from playing remember that you can donate your items to future anniversary events!

    Over 100 Items in Total!
    Unique Item Note: The prize room this year includes unique items that have gone out of circulation per our unique item standards and website interface. These items are included in the prize room because we can now add new copies into circulation. Once an item has been stored in an inactive players bank or possession for over 90 days it is considered out of circulation and is viable for re-introduction in the yearly anniversary event.

    Note: The locations being chosen for the event are known only to myself. No other staff or volunteers have been involved in the selection process or clue design.

    Prize Room2.jpg

    Some NPC's modelling this years hues on sandals, masks and clothing!


    Thanks to everyone who has helped Renaissance make it to its 7 year anniversary!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2019
  2. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Starting on the 1st of September players who log into the server will receive a gift bag deposited in their bank account. These bags can have the following items in them.

    (100%) 1 Piece of Random 7th Anniversary Clothing (See below for list of potential items)
    (100%) 1 Piece of Random 7th Anniversary Jewelry (newbied)
    (100%) Fireworks Wand
    (10%) 7th Anniversary Glass Mug
    (5%) 7th Anniversary Lantern
    (???) Hair Restyle Deed
    (???) Beard Restyle Deed
    (???) Clothing Bless Deed
    (???) 7th Anniversary Thigh Boots
    (???) 7th Anniversary Boots
    (???) 7th Anniversary Runebook
    (???) 7th Anniversary Spellbook
    (???) 7th Anniversary Mask Dye
    (???) 7th Anniversary Sandals​

    The rewards have been expanded to include some new items due to our new bag approval system explained below.


    Should your account not quality for a gift bag you will see the message shown in the above picture. A reason for why you were not provided with a gift bag will be added to your account for easy staff review. Should you believe this is in error or if you would like to request a special consideration be made for your account you can page ingame or contact a staff member on Discord. Any gamemaster level staff member can review your account and make a determination.

    If you are going to be away from your computer from the 31st to the 7th and unable to log in you can also contact us with your account names and we can provide you with a gift bag once you return.
    Note: This is ONLY valid before the event, we will not be giving out gift bags if you miss the event completely. You are allowed to forget your anniversary with your wife, not the UOR anniversary. Do not give your account information to someone else to obtain the gift bag for you.

    So to be clear. Logging into your friends accounts, trying to use methods to access extra accounts using non linked IP addresses and other tricks used in the past will not work. Over the last few patches we have slowly expanded the tools that allow us to find and identify accounts that are invalid or exceed our normal account rules. If your reward bag is denied be prepared for the staff to review any accounts linked to you, the account history, and any other relevant information to determine if this account deserves a reward.

    That said we do understand we have situations where families, roommates, and LAN parties play together. If you are denied a bag due to this reason we will be happy to help. Attempting to use your friends accounts to get 3 more gift bags this year however will not only result in a denial. It can also result in your friends accounts being closed to avoid violating the account limitations. If you want your friends gift bags, call them and make them login.

    Note: As we move into the 2nd year of this system do not risk your accounts or your friends accounts trying to get gift bags. If you have shared your account information with anyone in the past (shame on you) You should immediately change your passwords before this event just to avoid the temptation of a friend using your account to try to get an extra reward.

    Clothing Item List - 5% chance for each item
    Plain Dress
    Jester Suit
    Fancy Shirt
    Half Apron
    Full Apron
    Long Pants
    Short Pants
    Jester Suit
    Body Sash
    Feathered Hat
    Floppy Hat
    Skull Cap
    Wizards Hat​
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
  3. Puck

    Puck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Thank you so much for listening to player feedback and keeping this crazy thing going @Chris . I know how much work the anniversary scavenger hunt is for you, and want to thank you VERY MUCH in advance for that. I'd also like to apologize in advance for the people who can't comprehend the concept and will inevitably ask questions to no end, thus delaying the event. Also, a preemptive apology is in order for everyone who complains about the scavenger hunt as being "too hard" and those who will complain about the contents of their RNG bag.

    All that being said, if anyone needs any tips or additional details about the event... feel free to PM me.

    I may not be @Gideon Jura , but I do the event solo and the following are my qualifications:

    Screenshot - 8_24_2019 , 6_37_41 PM_reg001.png
  4. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Thanks. Quick compiled a very handy post on unused colors that was very helpful in fixing the yellow hue issue. I've also updated test center with the hue changes, so players can also check out the plans for year 8-10 and make recommendations.
  5. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Blue!! Heck yes!!
  6. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Anniversary time! Summoning all hype trains!
    OptimisticSam, Gideon Jura and Puck like this.
  7. Ubo

    Ubo Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2019
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  8. Fullmetal

    Fullmetal Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 1, 2013
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    Thank you!, love the color choices!!!! :D
  9. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jun 22, 2020
    Basoosh, Zyler, Larloch and 2 others like this.
  10. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Pretty excited now
  11. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 29, 2018
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  12. Cronos

    Cronos Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 29, 2018
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  13. Iago

    Iago Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Happy 7th Renaissance!

    Much thanks to Telamon (and staff) for all the work you guys do!
    NCCML, Kiryana and One like this.
  14. Delstrudo

    Delstrudo Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2018
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  15. TheDarkOne

    TheDarkOne Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    When's the house decor contest begin?
    Nusir, Earsnot and Hollywood like this.
  16. OptimisticSam

    OptimisticSam Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 17, 2016
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    That blue... woah.
  17. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Fallon finally hits UOR!!! Woot! Thanks for making the changes!!
    WarrenBuffet and TheDarkOne like this.
  18. Mr. Green

    Mr. Green Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2017
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    I’ve never heard of this “Fallon” color until this week. What’s so special about it?
    Kiryana likes this.
  19. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    I will be posting details sometime this week.

    Just a well known color from the OSI days, like Blaze, etc. However it doesn't violate our rules on aesthetics so it can be included as an anniversary hue. A bit wild for the server but ok in limited quantities. (Anniversary hues are only used one, and never again)
    Kiryana, TheDarkOne and ReZon like this.
  20. Beardsley

    Beardsley Active Member

    Feb 4, 2019
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    That blue is super sick.

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