Client Patch 1 - Nov 17th, New Items, Map Fixes & Updated Music

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Quick, Nov 17, 2019.

  1. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 6, 2018
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    With the creation of the UO:R Launcher, the UO:R staff can now push client updates that can contain new additions or fixes to the map, new items, new gumps, etc. Client updates can and will be separate from server updates which allows the staff to prep changes on the client side before rolling them out with a server update.

    Map Fixes
    Areas on the coastlines and in the sea where the tiles either didn't exist (black or brown looking tiles) or simply aren't displaying correctly due to the randomization of some of the land have been fixed.

    This process involved manually reviewing all of the coastlines found on the map one screen at a time to identify bad or missing tiles and correcting them like this one at a time as seen below.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    Note:: As you know, Britannia is a large map so I know there are still places that have issues, especially on land. This will be an on-going process and more areas are identified. The goal is to fix all land and sea issues so if you find any areas in the map that still have issues, please record the X and Y coords and let us know so we can fix them.

    New Items & Deco
    Along with map updates, we've updated the art files with over 740 new items that can potentially be used for future rewards, rares and events. Below is a high-level breakdown of those items with a small sample set of each section.​

    24 new carpet pieces
    The inner corners will be available for all carpet types

    116 plants & nature deco
    Several new plants with and without pots, including new flowers and grasses for player and staff decorating purposes.
    upload_2019-11-17_15-10-55.png upload_2019-11-17_15-11-19.png upload_2019-11-17_15-12-22.png

    30 unique runes
    A whole new set of runes that can be used in events or made to be collectible rares
    upload_2019-11-17_15-13-56.png upload_2019-11-17_15-14-5.png upload_2019-11-17_15-14-20.png

    91 paintings (both small and large)
    Brand new paintings that expand your house deco options
    upload_2019-11-17_15-14-47.png upload_2019-11-17_15-15-8.png upload_2019-11-17_15-15-53.png

    427 additional items/deco
    Items range from furniture items, wall deco, statues and some new Halloween and Christmas items. Statics were also added for future staff deco opportunities.
    upload_2019-11-17_15-17-44.png upload_2019-11-17_15-18-2.png upload_2019-11-17_15-20-29.png upload_2019-11-17_15-21-43.png
    upload_2019-11-17_15-18-23.png upload_2019-11-17_15-18-38.png upload_2019-11-17_15-18-53.png upload_2019-11-17_15-19-14.png

    81 snow themed deco items
    These items will be more for the staff to use to help deco Christmas and other snow-themed areas.
    upload_2019-11-17_15-16-18.png upload_2019-11-17_15-16-45.png

    Updated Music
    One of most nostalgic parts of UO is the music. The music that came with the original client used a conversation process that lost much of what the original compositions were.

    The updated music is not a remix or remaster, instead it's the closest representation to the music of UO as the original composers created. These versions of the mp3s were digitally recorded from a Roland SCC-1, the actual MIDI synthesizer used.

    You can read more about it here:

    Telamon's Note: With Quick assisting the staff now we can expand into client modifications to address issues that have plagued the 5.x client forever. From the small things like adding missing directions of items (Im looking at you marble bench). To fixing holes in the ocean. We are actively seeking out any valid artwork and items that match the 1999/2000 era and working to get them into a client patch so we have the option of using them down the road. Before any new items are added, that could be a point of contention design wise, we will allow the players a chance to preview the plans. Some things may only ever be used to help with world decorating and scripted events.

    Keeping the nostalgia factor and classic aesthetics are very important to us and that will continue to be the case as we make small client modifications.

    If you wish to be a beta tester for the new Renaissance Installer/Patcher please check here
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2019
    Chris, Zyler, Beethoven and 18 others like this.
  2. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Do you know what happened to the onion island pirate dock? I was reviewing my rune books a while back and noticed it was gone. Did it get gone with the map updates?
  3. Quick

    Quick Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Nope, nothing was deleted from the map. If someone was there and now it isn't, it must have been removed in game.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  4. JayDonks

    JayDonks New Member

    Jan 20, 2020
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    Wow. I just read this now and I have to say I'm excited for future content! This is amazing.
    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  5. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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