Hey Everyone! I'm Sung Yandy (or for character sake, Sung Yandeth The Traveller of Ocllo) I'm completely new to Ultima and for that matter UO(R) but extremely keen to drop some life into this community! If anyone's interested in lending a hand (while I dive into these guides)-- i'm interested in RP and the exploring type of gameplay, more-so than the hustle and grind of PVP/PVM; I'm very much more in love with the mechanics and style of Ultima! anywho- i'm rambling and just sort of wanted to say "Hey!" Sung, (Josh)
Welcome! If you have any questions our discord is the best place to get them answered. http://uorforum.com/threads/ultima-resurrection-naturalist-new-ish-player-quest.45780/ These guys do naturalist runs every so often, check out the player run event section of the forums for more. Sounds like it is the kind of gameplay that you're looking for.
@SungYandy You should join us tonight to help save Sosaria!! http://uorforum.com/threads/ultima-resurrection-naturalist-new-ish-player-quest.45780/#post-421365
Welcome! Join up discord, you can also ask about project sanctuary. It’s a guild that specifically helps newcomers
Welcome! If you are from the Rp team, i advise you to follow the player run events threads... @Vincent Blackshadow and others organize every friday some naturalist runs.. one of the best weekly events of the shard.