You did not need to delete accounts and leave, then you would be spared. Your wife will be glad What is the reason for your departure by the way?
Bro I feel you!!! One time when I was 5 my mom took my batman action figure away. So I tried to run away but she had my brother whoop my ass. L8r gator
About the only way to be banned from discord is advertising other servers or outright hate speech. We did have an instance of someone advertising another server via PM's today that resulted in a ban by a moderator. Given the inability to link discord names and forum accounts unless you post your discord alias there is no more information I can provide. I will say this, discord bans are pretty rare. In some cases the automoderator will place someone on timeout without us knowing, but we can easily spot that in the logs. Considering you cannot "delete you accounts" this is possibly just a way to paint the server in a negative light. However if it is not, and you want to provide your discord account I will happily post any details here. Based on our administrative logs however this is the only person banned for several weeks. As a counter point we did have someone think they were banned last week because they collapsed the channel list and could not see the PvP channel and were equally as upset until the problem was pointed out to them.