*Edit* If no interest is shown, I'll just make this an auction in case there are any interested buyers out there (would be a package deal and include the small tower pictured and a log cabin just a few steps north on the farm). With the absence of the Friday night fights, I don't care to sit on properties that could be used for the good of the server. This tower sitting next to a guard zone (known as the $$$ Tower on a shard not-to-be-named) in far Southwest Moonglow I've done very little with and want to open it up to any interested parties: Interested party/parties take co-ownership of the tower and are asked to run events on a regular basis. With the void left behind by Friday Night Fights this could be a great spot to keep the tradition going. I will not be involved nor will I interfere with how the tower is run, it is essentially your tower to use and do with what you see fit. The tower will not be sold or traded - and if it does, it will only be sold to those who are actively running events at the location. (I'm not keen on parting with it yet but why own it if I'm not really using it?) Feel free to run any vendors or add a rune library if you think it needs it (though we have a terrific one just a ways up to the north). The small tower to the south may also be utilized for any needs, it has been a convenient spot in the past for fishing on the rooftop. I will provide support/supplies if requested to help out in any way. If anyone is interested in taking this on, all that is asked is the player has a generally positive reputation with the community and has been around long enough to get to know the players. Feel free to contact me on IRC (Aris) if you'd like to discuss it.
Weigraf, Liberation removed his properties, I don't know the details but his enthusiasm is going to be missed. Just hoping someone else steps up and fills the void down the road.
I might be interested in Co-owning this to continue the events... However, since I am not available on Fridays theres no way I can guarantee Friday Night Fights to continue. It would have to be another day.
I'll be hosting a Saturday Night Fights soon, I will be posting an advertisement within the next few days, starting next Saturday.
I currently own two glow properties and often thought this tower needs library/vendors/and some deco. I am also interested in becoming more involved with this amazing server. Not available a lot but when I am I wou ld love to help make this tower a part of thos servers history.