Must be the dyeable grey/brown color Minimum Stats: Hits: 820 Dex: 105 Str: 825 Int: 470 Must be 5 points within perfect so the the play lies within the Hits and Int.
I know both fall a bit outside your criteria but wanted you to know they are available if you can't find anything better. Good luck! I'll keep my eyes peeled for you.
Both fine dragons indeed and I appreciate the offers. Going to hold firm on the minimums for the requested stats though and I know this will probably be more a marathon of a post than anything but hopefully it encourages some dragon tamers to get out there and farm some good money with the hopes of a good payday if they stumble upon a dragon they are willing to sell me. If anyone does have a dragon with the stats I am being picky about, I encourage them to throw it up on market if they think 2 mil still isn't cutting it for the value they would hold one at. I'm all about letting the market decide on pricing. Thanks again @Jim Harbaugh
I've got one for ya. Only falls shy a point on dex. Other than that it's near perfect. Valkrii on Discord =)
Max dex on a dragon is 105. He had posted that he was looking for 105 dex and 470 plus int. That is a really nice dragon though.
Yes. He stated a 5 point variation is acceptable. I stated its a point shy of his asking. Thank you btw, tamed it just a bit ago!
Yes, he did say that. But he also said that the play is in the hits or int. Within 5 points of perfect. So, doesnt wanna go lower than 105 dex and 825 str. And can only be a max of 5 off in either hits or int. I think he means 5 total, not 5 on each. Correct me if I am wrong @Hollywood
Another fine dragon and I appreciate the offer. @NCCML is correct though. Minimum stats that I am accepting are posted and I'm sorry if it wasn't too clear. For example: The dragon has to have 825 in STR and 105 in DEX.. but it can have 822 HITS and 473 INT.. or 820 HITS and 475 INT. But the STR and DEX have to be top notch. Normally I am not this picky about dragon stats, but I can't be throwing an expensive paint job on a Honda Civic. Has to at least be a Pontiac Fiero!
HAHAHA I love that ending! Okay I gotcha, I gotcha. Well sorry to bother you then. Hope you find the prize your looking for. Maybe I can find another buyer for my dragon =)
Gonna be honest. Tempted for your offer but still contemplating about selling. Will let you know if interested in letting go
@Jim Harbaugh During the same time, @Hiji Zuru caught an 825/825/102/475. He bragged about it to me until I showed him this one. I think most would take the max dex over max int Not sure what happened to it but it might still be on the server also
@PaperSquirrels is the one on the left ( Beast) brown? I'll offer 4 mil for it if youd like to sell. Great dragons man.