You have read that properly. A Small Stone Tower on Ocllo up for sale. Previously had a small house on it. I upgraded the property to SST. The property is public for walking around, current deco items are not included with the sell. S/B: 2 mil B/O: None B/I: 200K 48h timer for 1 bidder and 24h for multiple bidders. Acceptable payment forms Gold Plat @ 6k up to half the final price HC@ 4k up to half the final price
I'm looking to buy my first house here, and im interested in your property. nvm its out of my price range atm srry
A few years ago you could have easily made 10 mil off this, I still don't know why the bottom dropped out of the housing market
Because gold holds no value here and all the guys with hundreds of millions don’t play. Plus, outside of the two vendor houses beside the bank, what benefit, outside of altruism for new players, is there for having a house on Occlo?
I am half joking. I don’t see nearly as many houses being sold anymore though. Haven’t seen a castle since I last sold one, fort auctions are rare as rocking horse shit, swamp keeps are moving around but nothing insane. Haven’t seen a compound in a long time. Yall correct though, old money is banked. Realising that I’m jacking your auction thread man, I apologise.
No worries. Not a hi-jack at all. Keeps it at the top with some semi relevant conversation about the property as it relates to all properties.