Of course it won't. Since nearly every PK is a 5x mage variant, and probably close to that for other serious PvP'ers, any change to the standard 5x build that isn't a nerf, by definition, can't ruin PvP in its current form.
Oh so now y'all want to moderate when countless posts outside of trash talk in the last month or two have been excessively obscene and unnecessary, and yet never received a single reprimand? Even at this moment many of those threads/posts still stand even in the main general discussion. Give me break.
Give me a break Give me a break of that Kit Kat Bar... Wambulance central... I am against this Jeb. For the sole reason someone gets redlined in a duel and gets punched out for a finishing blow. Or not even redlined 10 Health!
I am not too fond of the idea either. I think with GM anatomy and tactics and wrestling that you would already be doing reasonable damage for a brawler. And if you wanted to step it up slightly while keeping in RP you would resort to clubs, daggers, or butchering knives as is done in the real world. Or an angry workers mob of pitchforks, pick axes, cleavers. I guess I tend to think what you are asking for is already possible without any changes needed. I wonder how much dueling would be affected by a 5xer having anat+tactics on top of the standard 5. Would that keep them from being considered a 5x dueler and would it change the outcomes of those duels. I guess technically they would be 7xing but would anyone notice?
LOL, Mandevu, if you see something offensive that is in the wrong forum, the Report option will work just as well for you. Perhaps you could step up to the plate with trying to keep the forums clean, like the rest have since the Jack-implosion. I bit my tongue instead of rebutting your attack with kind and opted to report it for what it was. Trash talk. Weigraf, as long as the chance to hit was the same, it would be no different than when I get someone redlined on any dexxer. Whiff whiff whiff while they run away. lol Pulse, that's quite accurate. If the skills required were able to be snuck into a 5x duel it would throw it out of whack. The chance would have to utilize something that no 5xer would be caught running with, like Begging or something like that. lol
Typical 5x mage build magery, meditation, evalint, resist magic, wrestling( and or inscription). This is a very flexible build on its own. Most mages there after usually invest in things like anatomy and healing for a more rounded off build and to achieve the para punch. So with this in mind we take in to consideration what is really being asked here. Yes a 10 point punch can end a fight between two 5x mages or whatever, but so can a 5x mage that invested in tactics and a weapon skill using a macro to load up a kryss and strike with 30 points or more. That seems far more effective to me then hoping to land a punch that will be strong enough to land a killing blow considering the hit and miss ratio. Also, considering a 5x mage that then invested in tactics and anatomy is not highly efficient and even less efficient if they didnt invest in anatomy or tactics. This request would not change anything! Now perhaps we can look at this from a different angle maybe gloves are stupid idea for increasing damage maybe a weapon like knuckledusters would be more suitable to this request and still reaching the request. It would have to be holdable therefore you can not cast with it on so it unequips while casting and you would have to use a macro to reequip which is exactly the same thing as a mage using a weapon skill and equipping a weapon to land a final blow.
Now you're getting into adding new weapons. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing new weapons added for "unarmed" combat, like brass knucks, long as they had the same restrictions as any other 1H weapon. Perhaps you could even make them necessary for the wrestling special moves. What I can't support in the least is something that adds even 1 dps to the 5x mage template which most people already use because they think it's the best template in the game. When you have a game with limitless options, and the vast majority of people choose the same one, it probably doesn't need to be buffed. I'd also be nice to re-balance some of the crap weapons as well. Hammer picks, hatchets, gnarled and black staves, etc. I'd have to say one of the biggest letdowns in this game is finding a magic item, and realizing it's a hammer pick, or a gnarled staff.
You obviously don't understand what a 5x duel consists of if you think tactics is factored in, or if you think wearing armor is allowed in a 5x duel. In an actual duel arena the only 5 skills factored are the initial 5 you listed; tactics not being one of them. That being said, if platemail gloves added the ability of punching for extra damage it would still not benefit a Mage in any way because of the restriction it adds to passive and active meditation rates, which when using a Mage is crucial. This goes for any added armor outside of leather armor. However, once again, in a 5x duel NO armor is allowed so it is once again irrelevant. If you want to have a brawler ability where differing gloves add damage value to wrestling, then whatever, but no legitimate Mage is going to wear anything other than leather gloves simply because of the mana regen restriction. Also, I'm not sure how much time you've spent testing damages, but a 5x Mage template with the addition of a weapon skill plus tactics, minus anatomy, is not going to yield 30 damage shots with a kryss without anatomy. Maybe it will with a magic kryss once in a blue moon, but the avg damage will not be very sufficient. Even so, that is prohibited in 5x duels, and outside of 5x that is a terrible template.
Your making my point... but I never said a 5x duel. I said a 5x mage build as in the typical skills usually required. With everything you just said you are basically proving that this would not be an inbalance.,
I want to look upon a fight between a guy with a golden katana and a guy who's putting up his fists, and say "My money is on the guy with no sword."