Recruiting for Fishing/T-Map hunter guild, ideal character would have fishing or cartography. Looking for Fishers, Carto. Must have either or. Including to this archery would help a lot and provocation to fight off mobs at t-map locations. We split gold evenly and loot after we find each treasure. The fishing loot is given to the fisher only. You can find Thomas at Occlo or reply on this thread with your criteria. Thanks and have fun.
maybe if you don't get many recruits we could ally up i'm gm provoke/peacer with high magery, resist. I can be a big help with the mobs and will help out pretty much anytime im on line
Well done dC. Could I beg of you to cross post this picture in our running picture book thread? I'm going for 1k+ e-pics from everyone on the shard to chronicle our adventures.
I know right? To be fair, he has GM magery & eval. I was kind of surprised he was attacking me, that's why I was curious if I had wronged him in some way.
Hello Im looking for a Treasure Hunting guild. I'm currently a new player so still training my first characters. You guys got a private forums / use irc?