Patch 91 - April 1st, April Fools Patch Notes!

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Actual Patch Notes

    - Disabled the system that auto stacks arrows to address a bug that on 1 in a million missed shots will crash the server.​

    Loot System
    - Fixed a rare edge case in which the server would crash if the town guards killed a monster that was trying to aware a rare item to . . the town guards. ​

    Event Updates
    - The infected leprechaun will no longer drop a blessed mace as a rare drop.
    Note: Players who have a blessed mace in their possession will have its loottype corrected automatically. You can take the mace to the fix it vendor in the event lobby receive a bug report award for the trouble.

    Character Creation
    - Disabled the ability to receive a variety of items when using non Renaissance era skills using the classic client.
    - We had fixed most of these long ago but the CUO client allowed the selection of a few non UOR skills recently and code still existing to award these items.
    - The staff will be collecting any of these items that exist after the patch.
    - Players are welcome to request a bug report trophy if they had any items that were seized.
    Note: These items contain art that is inappropriate for our era and will not be included in the world, even by accident. ​

    April Fools Patch Notes

    With some players in this months top shots thread letting the cat out of the bag we decided to go ahead and apply Patch 91 ahead of schedule to allow players to get their first taste of our planned expansion. We are proud to announce several new skills that players can learn to expand the variety of player vs player and player vs tamer playstyles!


    Chivalry allows a fighter such as a Swordsman to utilize a limited set of spells that would not be feasible with Magery. These spells include healing, curing of poison, improved strength, and holy magic damage.

    Players starting down the Chivalry skill path will start with a book of Chivalry and a Knights Shield. ​

    Chivalry-1-closewound.jpg Close Wounds
    Allows the player to more effectively treat their wounds using bandages. Only effective on damage inflicted by creatures with claws or damage inflicted by the wife when you ignored her 4th request for you to take out the trash.
    Chivalry-2-removecurse.jpg Remove Curse
    Using this Chivalry skill players can target any stack of currency to improve their chance of success at the next lottery spin using said currency.
    Note: The variation of chance is perception based only. Has no impact on action chance to get said item.
    Chivalry-3-cleansbyfire.jpg Cleanse By Fire
    This skill, while available only to female characters, will allow you to immediately defeat any arachnid class monster that is within the bounds of a home that you are friended, co-owned or are the owner of. Has a 10% chance to burn the house and items within to ash. But the spider will still be killed.
    Chivalry-4-consecrate.jpg Consecrate Weapon
    When holding a weapon this skill allows the player to bless their weapon to do additional damage to evil doers. For the next 10 strikes this weapon will do 50% more damage to murderers, thieves, monsters, music pirates, bank sitters, triple box tamers, people you perceive as evil. Removes 25% of the weapons durability with each use.
    Chivalry-5-sacredjourney.jpg Sacred Journey
    This skill is available to players who have recently visited certain countries or questionable taco vendors and find themselves in a dangerous situation both ingame and out. When using this skill players are immediately transferred to the event lobby in a designated splash zone for optimal safety and spectator purposes. Should players been logged into their amazon account when using this skill the client will automatically place an order for anti-taco drugs to be delivered overnight. Players should be cautioned however as use of this skill will turn their characters pants brown.
    Note: UO Renaissance is not responsible for amazon orders placed due to your questionable eating habits.
    Chivalry-6-divinefury.jpg Divine Fury
    When using this skill players can grant them exceptional bonuses to damage, swing speed and movement speed for a period of 10 minutes. However for the next 30 minutes they will flag as a criminal to all other players and a random insult from such lively categories as "Your mama is so fat . . ." or "You suck at UO because. . . " will be sent to every online player at that time. While this period is active players may not log out, enter a house, use the hiding skill or invisibility spell. Should you survive the full 30 minutes without dying you will be eternally remembered by other players as they make random accusations about you cheating on the forums for the next 6 months.
    Chivalry-7-dispelevil.jpg Dispel Evil
    This skill can be used against any player with negative karma to instantly provide them with 100 positive karma. However the next time that the targeted user attempts to access an adult website while logged into this characters account they will be directed to the Disney website instead.
    Note: UO Renaissance is not responsible for any lost lotion due to being the target of this skill.
    Chivalry-8-enemyofone.jpg Enemy of One
    Using this skill will grant the player a general bonus to damage against champion spawn for the next 60 minutes. However it will cause one random forum nazi to sense a disturbance in the force and immediately begin reviewing every post you have made for the last 6 months for grammar, spelling, or punctuation issues. Causing your forum alerts to be an endless stream of quote alerting you to your failings in English. This players accounts will be forever flagged as criminal to you but as we all know, forum nazi's never actually log into the game.
    Chivalry-9-holylight.jpg Holy Light
    This skill at first has no discernible effect unless the player is within 15 tiles of bank and wearing at least 5 blessed anniversary items. Once the conditions are met and the skill is used the player will start to glow in order to draw attention to their trammel status. Any player in range will have their light level increased according to the distance to the glowing idiot and the amount of qualifying trammel items they are wearing. This skill can only be used once a day to avoid damaging the eyes of players visiting your bank of choice while not wearing 72 million gold worth of items.
    Chivalry-10-noblesacrifice.jpg Noble Sacrifice
    This ultimate Chivalry skill is only available to characters that are over 1 year old. It can only be used once per account and will immediately change your discord group membership to "Volunteer" and submit a staff application to the server. The value of all of your items will immediately drop by 50% and players will immediately start to dislike you for no discernible reason while muttering about favoritism behind your back in all ingame situations. That fortress you spent every gold coin earned in the last year on will be claimed to only be in your possession due to staff assistance. The only solace will be that should your staff application be accepted you can one day get back at these idiots with posts like this.

    Ninjitsu is the main skill of the Ninja, and combines the arts of stealth, espionage and assassination. With it, and the Book of Ninjitsu a Ninja can evoke a number of special abilities including transforming into a variety of creatures that give unique bonuses, using stealth to attack unsuspecting opponents or just plain disappear into thin air!

    Players starting down the Ninja skill path will start with a book of Ninjitsu, A Kasa, and a Hakama. ​

    Ninjitsu-1_animal_form.gif Animal Form
    Allows the player to transform into a beetle for 15 minutes. Should you be caught unaware you can be tamed, mounted and be forced to hold items in your . . carapace by any skill animal tamer. Should you manage to escape the clutches of the vile animal tamer and return to human form you will take 1d10 damage per weapon that was carried while in your beetle form.
    Ninjitsu-2Icon_mirror_image.gif Mirror Image
    Grants the player the ability to summon a duplicate of their character which is available to preen at the bank showing off your fancy blessed trammel items while you are off stealing new fancy trammel items.
    Ninjitsu-3Icon_focus_attack.gif Focus Attack
    Allows you to send a private ingame message to a target of your choosing making clear your murderous intentions regarding their character, family and other loved ones. A variety of popular insults are available for selection upon picking a target. Permanently flags you as an aggressor to this players account.
    Ninjitsu-4Icon_backstab.gif Backstab
    Should you be equipped with a dagger and located directly behind a players bonded pet you can initiate a special backstab attack. If the attack is successful you have a chance of instantly killing and unbonding the creature. The player must not be hidden and must say the words of power "Die Triple Boxer" in order for the backstab to be successful.
    Ninjitsu-5Icon_shadowjump.gif Shadow Jump
    While hidden players can execute a jump to any nearby online player who you have previously focused attack on. However there is a chance that your jump will be noticed and you will stub your toe resulting in being revealed and unable to act for 120 seconds.
    Ninjitsu-6Icon_surprise_attack.gif Surprise Attack
    A powerful verbal attack that can be launched if the player is hidden before attacking. If you initiate the attack successfully you will yell "Surprise" and scare the human controlling the player from their basement chair.
    Ninjitsu-7Icon_ki_attack.gif Ki Attack
    Grants you increased speed and attack powers as you launch into a flurry of attacks at your target. Has a 50% chance to cause any nearby players not in combat mode to repeatedly chant "His Power Level . . Its over 9000". This attack while powerful is unable to actually defeat your opponent as the words "to be continued" will appear above their head as they are recalled away before mortal damage is dealt.
    Ninjitsu-8Icon_death_strike.gif Death Strike
    This Ninjitsu skill will allow you to unleash the most powerful technique against your opponent. Effective only in the immediate range of the target the player will execute a complex array of hand gestures leading up to the attack. If successful the target will not only be killed but will be obliterated. Primarily effective again unattended and paralyzed players. The Royal Britannia janitorial service will deduct a fee of 25,000 gold from your bank account for each successful use of this skill due to the extensive cleanup required.

    Razor COVD-19 Enhancements
    Starting in Patch 91 players can further enhance their game play experience with the new Razor COVD-19 Enhanced edition. As this patch goes live all players using razor will be automatically provided with this update for your convenience. While razor will always be free to use we are excited to offer enhanced features for players with disposable income!


    - Full Access to the General & About Tabs
    - Create on Macro per profile (Limit 2 profiles)
    - Pick 3 hotkeys to use at no additional cost
    - Free username and password storage in the razor cloud ​

    - All of the features from the free edition
    - Access to the Options, Arm/dress and Macro Tabs
    - Have up to 10 macros across all profiles (limit 5 profiles)
    - Access to all the spell casting hotkeys
    - Connect to any shard you want (restrictions apply)​

    - All of the features from the free and standard editions.
    - Enable looping macros
    - Ability to save and load profiles
    - Agent tab access
    - Integration with other UO clients.
    - Removal of splash screen logo and watermark ​

    - All of the features from the free, standard, and plus edition.
    - Unlimited use of the macro system
    - All tabs unlocked
    - Access to all hotkeys, including target related hotkeys.
    - Unlimited profiles
    - Run on multiple clients ​
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
    Dalavar, Kiryana, Johelfir and 11 others like this.
  2. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 1, 2013
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    Holy Cow!!!!!!!!
  3. Avery

    Avery Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 25, 2012
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    Fantastic update, Chris. Thank you for all of your hard work on this greatly needed patch.
  4. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    haha, I like how crazy it all is
    and then real patch notes :)
  5. Cornelle

    Cornelle New Member

    Feb 26, 2020
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    Can't wait for my paladin!
    TheNomad likes this.
  6. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    After reading the title was like ¿¿?? new skills??? what's going on hahaha
    TheNomad and One like this.
  7. Holden

    Holden Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I was so psyched for all the drama it was going to cause, then i remembered what day it is. My disappointment is immeasurable.
    NCCML, TheNomad, One and 1 other person like this.
  8. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 14, 2017
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    I was so pumped for chilvary. Where do you live @Chris so I can take a shit on your porch.
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Those skills I created for the animations are pretty popular we might add them for fun in events like ctf, etc.
    Manny and TheNomad like this.
  10. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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  11. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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  12. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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  13. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Razor thing is an april fool?
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  14. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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  15. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    My heart stop to beat.... :eek:
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  16. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    The items needed to be collected as it could have resulted in 1-2 players collecting a windfall of tens of millions of gold coins for a small oversight by the staff. It would also limit our ability to actually add those items once people had paid 10 million for a hat. Since those players would be screwed when we added a more affordable option in some context in the future. (No plans for this, but thats the logic). The Kasa is actually the correct art style for our era. The Hakama less so. I also have plans for the graphics used in the books and want to reserve those for use in the future.

    In the end it was fixed before more than 2 players figured it out. Those 2 players were rewarded with a unique bug report trophy that hopefully will have value to them, and not actual gold value.

    This was the whole reason for the patch yesterday. We had no plans to patch and had already added a few small fixes to the server in case of any future crash issues. But we wanted to catch this before there were 1000 of these in the wild and players started selling them.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2020
    Holden and One like this.
  17. One

    One Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 2, 2023
  18. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Gotta agree man. So much cool shit happening. Nailing it.
    One likes this.
  19. AnadeLour

    AnadeLour Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2020
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  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    No problem. We all make mistakes and I try to be as fair as possible in fixing them. Our hands really become tied once things make it onto the market and are sold.

    But we learn from each situation and work to correct it. I had actually fixed the ninja items long ago. But only one method of obtaining them. I never thought to search for every implementation of the items and other methods someone could trick the system.
    One likes this.

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