Yea we all would love for this to happen so let's try to do our best to make it happen. I know this has occurred numerous times where people try to stir up factions but if we stop trying it for sure won't ever be active very much. With that being said I've created a UOR Factions chat for everyone on Discord (still tweaking some settings) Just drop what faction you roll with when you join so I can tag you appropriately. If your interested in joining SL lemme know I'm going to try and get some field fights going on the weekends at minimum and see how much action we can stir up. I'm a returning long time vet of UO and have a few people who are EU time with a couple PST/CST. I also want to stir the pot on Faction Improvements on what we can send to Telamon to see what may be a possibility to get implemented into the Faction system in a future patch.
Hi there, Yesterday I join SL faction and i realized that Minax is mostly the largest faction with the control of city sigils. I'm still new to this faction issue but i want to help shake up this passive scenario. You can call me on Discord with the same name, Johelfir. Good fun to all