what do you do with your slayers?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by LCH, Apr 11, 2020.

  1. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    what do you do with your slayers?

    90% of my slayers have never been used, mainly because using in the open world is too prone to losing to other players
    i only use the ones that can be used in closed events (eg. lvl 7 tmaps)

    in the open world, i only use low end slayers

    feel like it is a waste leaving the slayers idle

    and this is one of the reasons why tamers are much more popular than dexxers

    what about u?
  2. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  3. shopshopshop

    shopshopshop Active Member

    Aug 7, 2017
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    organize them in my house then eventually cub them
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  4. Hollywood

    Hollywood Well-Known Member
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    Apr 14, 2017
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    See if you can 1 shot a fire elemental ;)

    I've done that with my power repond halberd on evil mages.

    Sometimes I'll farm with my high end stuff but it's rare. I've killed quite a few dread spiders with my vanq arachnid double axe, power hally on evil mages, silver vanq quarter staff on liches, vanq daemon dismissal war hammer on daemons and balrons, etc.. sometimes I'll farm cause fuck it. Sometimes I'll challenge myself with the higher end monsters. Definitely 99% of my farming is with dragons though. All kill with the blessed pets baby. No real reason to keep high end weaps out of instances.
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  5. Stormwynd

    Stormwynd Senior Counselor
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    Jun 25, 2015
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    I use my eminently accurate silver axe of power on a regular in the wild.

    I have actually had to repair it quite frequently lol

    I don't see the point in hiding it. It does me no good hiding it away in the bank
    Ouroboros likes this.
  6. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    i think its sad that top tier slayers mostly sit on the bench, because they cannot be blessed
    tamers are so popular because pets can be bonded
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  7. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    I shove every magic weapon/leather, gems, and items I loot into a chest until it’s full. Then I store like a time capsule. When my large tower is completely full, only then will I ID them.

    This project hit a recent snag when I left my front door open recently.

    BTW- If the thief reads this- I’m not remotely mad at you, - all I wanna know is if you found any good weapons in those chests you got.
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  8. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    Slayer weapons are pointless in my opinion.
    Apart from Hollywood and his big ol set of balls, I’d argue that 99% of people here wouldn’t leave their house to go farming with a 100k+ weapon that they could lose. Especially as you can instead have 6 blessed dragons or 12 blessed mares.

    Unless the weapon is a god tier slayer they get cub’d with the rest of the shit weapons.
  9. Steady Mobbin

    Steady Mobbin Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2016
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    A few months after I started playing here Ragnar gave me some ridiculously nice silver katana and showed me how to kill liches with it. Well, for this former swordsman who earned all his first few million killing pirates for 80-100 gold each, it was life changing!

    About 30 minutes later Cal stole it from me at Skara bank. (I found out it was him cause when I checked ICQ he !PC’d it). I don’t recall how much it was worth but it was several hundred k.

    Lol. It was so disheartening to have to go back to those pirates.
  10. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
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    Jan 20, 2018
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    Awwww maaaaaaaaaaaan!
    Silver weapons are great. I’ll give them that.
  11. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    High end slayers are best kept for x-mas scrolls, lvl 7 t-maps, & amibs. I am sure this has been covered above. I am just too lazy to re-read it all.
  12. Ouroboros

    Ouroboros Well-Known Member
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    Jan 13, 2015
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    I love using slayers, but you have to be smart about which ones you take out, where you take them out, not letting them hit your pack for the second it takes for a good thief to be ready to swipe it, being active on your arm/disarm hotkey to keep it out of the hands of a disarm thief (you fuckers) and a lot of other ridiculous, meticulous paranoid practices that make even the friendliest warriors among us fear seeing others, practices that a tamer with bonded pets don't have to worry about.

    Sucks to lose a good slayer, but I hate letting them sit around collecting dust. I do like to regularly take quite a few of mine out for a spin, just because it's fun, rewarding and makes me fight that much harder to keep it when a red shows up. But to be totally honest I won't risk losing a one of a kind slayer, which means its for show, which sucks. If I have another one or a lesser of the same type then I'll use it all the time. If I don't, it waits in the bank for special occasions, utter inebriation, moments of zen-like focus and a good ping, or any other time that I break down and say fuck it and farewell to it beforehand.

    The risk vs. reward factor of this shard is great, but it's unbalanced between tamers and warriors when you can bond as many tames as you can afford to buy, but you can't go on a similar quest to keep one blessed weapon per character. Doesn't make much sense to me. There are plenty of limitations you could put in place to keep this from becoming too much of a problem, not too dissimilar to the process of bonding a pet.

    Want to trade out your blessed weapon for another? Provide some kind of 'peculiar meat' style uncommon item and wait out a 24 hour timer to 'bond' your new weapon, same as tamers.

    Die in combat, resurrect, restock and keep fighting? Treat the weapon you died with the same way as a bonded pet death and knock about 5-10% of the items durability off to account for the loss of skills that a pet incurs.

    I'm sure all of these points and more have been brought up before by plenty of astute players with better ideas and a greater understanding of the risk vs. reward dynamic, but it bears repeating.
    BrecMadak, Sayer, Holden and 2 others like this.
  13. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I don't have too many weapons over 200k. I have a very few good ones that i try to keep for closed instances. I am building a stock of forces and also some power silvers for the next halloween for example... but in general am still trying to reach my goal: 1 vanquishing of each main slayers(mace, sword, arch), and 1-4 forces/power according the slayer. Everything else i am trying to sell... is better than CUB... i think there are so many new players coming to the shard... and i am sure everyone should build his own complete slayer arsenal. Is time to make that jewels that you will never use to shine somewhere outside of the chest.
    Sayer and Ouroboros like this.
  14. Sayer

    Sayer Active Member

    Jul 29, 2018
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    Use it, if you have it. Or consider selling it to me, so I can use it!
    Ouroboros and Xavant_BR like this.
  15. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    i think it is an active decision that there should not be blessed weapons
    does anyone know the rationale?
  16. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  17. BrecMadak

    BrecMadak New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    One of the very few yet very notorious features UOR has that left me in doubt in re-joining has been definitely the pet bonding feature along with 15 houses per person rule where they brazen-facedly form and sit on the top of my 'glad-to-see-the-back-of-it' list.
    Miami, Ouroboros and One like this.
  18. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    thanks for the explanations guys
    i didnt know what trammel and felucca were
    to make it clear, i dont want to spread any toxicity here ("never be toxic" is one of my mottos)
    this is just a question that i wonder
    I do wish weapons can be blessed here, but will respect the active decision of not having those in this shard

    also, as a counter-argument, is there a statistics on how many slayers are available in the server? by slayer type (eg. silver), and modifier (eg. vanq)?
    my thinking is: if there is a large amount of slayers (eg. up to Power level), then theoretically no one should fear losing his/her slayers
    and in that case, the argument for blessed weapons becomes weaker
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  19. One

    One Well-Known Member
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  20. LCH

    LCH Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
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    is there statistics on how many slayers the server has?
    i have a feeling that there may already be enough slayers in the server for everyone to enjoy the game
    because it is not common that players lose weapons to mobs, usually to other players
    so the slayer count can only be increasing
    my guess is that the server should have at least 50000 slayers

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