This little treasure is all ready to go. It has valorite, gold, shadow, + MAYBE dull copper nodes you can hit from the roof/platforms. Use a prospector's tool on the gold and you're getting 2 nodes of MARBLE eles! Check out all the COLORED nodes on the map around this gem!!!! SB 200k BI 25k BO 1 mil 24/24 rules
If you can build the platform over the steps like you can in a marble workshop you'd hit the dull copper node as well.... Great setup.
I'm still a rookie platform builder golf ball whacker guy. I'm sure whoever buys it will hit like 15 nodes.
Most good spots are taken. Every now and then a good one opens up or remains unplaced, but it’s usually not worth the effort to try and find them.
11 hours left bump! You all finna let @Blendax nab this BEAUTIFUL DESERT MINING PALACE without putting up a fight? Hmmm?