I know a guy.... He has forts.... He is not holding them just to take up space... He will Sell... If the price is right.... Just like IRL.. there are folks who are VERY rich and have nice Summer Homes (keeps, castles and forts) that they only visit a couple times a year...
Now you are just favoring a special class of player, Thunters, RareHunters and anyone with GM LP... Can you imagine the HOARDES of those folks camping a house, running a macro trying to pick that front door... it wouldn't take 68 hours for it to be picked...
Only 2 people here I have met IRL, neither smelled of Charcoal and Vinegar, and I bathe regularly.... now where did I put my BBQ!
Maybe a 1/1000000 chance to pick the door lock? i think this would be reasonable considering the rewards that some of those places have.
It's great that you all know someone with 15 Forts and they are willing to sell. Well, the rest of us don't know this fuckin' guy and you wont say anything so what's the point in telling everyone unless you're going to spill the beans? 'I know know something you don't know', great work pal. Valuable insight. Look. Brass tax is this. We can come up with every single idea under the sun. People who have earned their big-fuckoff size-houses can do as they please. Condemned status. Housing points. Spite refreshing. House blockers. It's all for not as this wont change. There are people who joined this server day one that have earned undying loyalty. It has caused a sore spot with the hundreds of new people who have inherited this server but those founding fathers who no longer play here still hold more value to this place than the ones who are creating it and pushing it forward today. And that is OKAY. Just deal with it and move on. This coming from the biggest butthurt pussy about housing this server has seen in a generation (me). I have made no less than 10 threads regarding this topic and been laughed out of every single one. The code for CUB took 5 years. It would take 40 to do the condemned housing changes. It would take 40 more to do the house points and it would take millennia to do the lockpicking code. It wont change. We're so Pavlovian here that we get a hard-on for new hues, not new rewards (this easter as an example). The point is, these words and things are moot and pointless so lets just stop? Let's focus on the events and landmass changes which have taken over the development teams time. These changes, I imagine, are more important in attracting new players than housing dynamics being bitched about from crusty old veterans. A lot of the initial success of Outlands came from a new world so I can see why it's top of mind for our team - and it should be.
Unfortunately it wont remove any bit of the problem. It will just add to the refresh mode. An influx of new players come and fill the land with houses or the veterans move to the new 'best' spots with massive houses. They drop their small towers blocking bigger spots or they drop houses 9-15, etc... then those players lose interest like we all do and go into refresh mode. The infrastructure is setup to allow this problem to exist and unless you change the root of it, nothing will change. The only real solution is to have 1 house per account and remove grandfathering from that. It's hard not to be so negative, truly, and I apologize but this is the biggest case of 'it is what it is' I've ever seen in a game.
You can see this with all of the real estate tied up on perma refresh either by staff setting or friends. I get the whole "shard history" thing but it is also a mausoleum as someone put it in this thread, of people who will most likely never return having either left the game or left the server.
Brass Tacks - ie the very basic thing connecting a larger thing The one person who PM'd me, I put in touch with this person, but they are no mystery, everyone who has been here a while has heard their name. Stuff is for sale, just not cheap. Another is Larloch, he won the Marble Island Fort, its for sale at the right price. There value added by your measure I actually agree with you that nothing will get done with current housing... no tax, no points, no new limits. I even doubt there will be a land expansion, and if there is, I doubt even more highly that there will be housing there. Unlike others, it wouldn't bother me if I was completely wrong about these things Finally I agree with you once more on the ole if you don't play here, you shouldn't hold houses here. Condemn status has been approved and is in the works... will be here soonTM. That will be the only relief to EXPENSIVE big houses. but not for long as they change hands to new owners.
I'm a fan of the condemning system Chris has spoken about in the past and getting it implemented. I'm also a fan of emailing every single account owner (all 50k accounts or the crazy number) and saying hey, if you haven't used your account for more than 12 minutes a month in the past 2 years, in 6 months we're wiping all houses. I'm also a huge fan of limiting castles and forts to 1 per IP. Everyone knows I'm a deco freak, and have been building my fort up for the past 3 years practically. With plenty of room to spare, and some spaces that are open aswell.. There is absolutely zero reason for anyone to own more than 1 of these properties. I don't care how long you've been here. It's completely ridiculous. If you want to get into real estate and flip properties. Cool, do it with one fort and live out of a large keep. People owning multiple properties is a great feature to have, but even 1 per account is more than enough to suffice your space, even if you run a guild.. If I started on this server and I played here for a year and couldn't get a house because people just refused to sell them or asked for 20 mil. I would find a server that would allow me the opportunity to actually enjoy the game. As balanced as things are here. The player run towns, the houses that aren't used, the space that limits new players from enjoying the game out of greed is all stuff that does harm.. The server doesn't need one rich guy that owns a 10 houses.. The server needs 10 new players that want to start guilds or contribute to the community and keep the shard thriving. It's been like this since I started on 4 years ago and it's honestly a bad look. This subject get's canned every time it's brought up which is really unfortunate because the people that are complaining about are often people who have been a part of the community for years. Not so much 30 day old players that are whining about not being able to get a big place for a cheap price.
Condemned status and all the other band-aids will always have loop holes. I think the largest benefit to a condemned status is that maybe if someone has to login every 14 days to refresh their own house it might convince them to stay and play a bit...... or delete all their shit (good riddance). If nothing changes, I don't care. I've come to terms with this portion of this server and have made my peace with it. If something does change, great.
100% agree that more people have left this server for not wanting to climb a 20 million GP mountain to buy a barren fort/keep/castle than keeping that barren house has brought to the server.
I actually like the House Point system. You get so many points, each size house is worth a set amount of points... You live within your means. I doubt we will see keeps or larger go for deed price on a public open sale. No incentive for the seller, they can just drop the house and let the wolves have it. Blockers will get placed, new keep owner would have to buy up blockers and place his keep. Blockers wont go for deed price, so new owner is already willing to spend more than Keep deed cost for a keep. Might as well pay a markup to the current keep owner so it doesn't get dropped. Now is it worth 10x deed cost? Not in my book. There was a time when keep spots were open and easy to find, then they weren't, but Large Towers spots were open. Our player base had not increased enough to account for today's unavailability of larger house sizes unless there are Long Term Hoarders. People want to control prices, make maximum profit etc... one of the ways to dictate prices of a resource is to control most if not all those resources. TLDR - Yes housing limits would help long term player retention. No one needs more than one castle/fort
Anybody know what the rules are on the test server? Can you have and decorate a house there or does it get wiped every so often?