This newly renovated Small Stone Tower is located on Moonglow Isle, just two screens west of the western city exit. There is only one neighbor to the east, and light benign spawn in the area. This spot is great for player vendors, and a potential hiding spot during faction battles. Auction Details: SB -- 100k BO -- 400k BI -- 10k Timer -- 24/24 Alternative BO option, if you're a new player, you can buy this house for 90k!
Didn't I sell you this one? Great spot, super easy walk to town. Oh also great if you want to kill wisps, they're only a screen or two away.
Thank you, @forum_user ! Since this has garnered attention but little in the way of activity, I'll run this on shorter 24 hr timer. You have the high bid @ 100k, and the auction will close on 06/19 @ 0917 ET.