Patch 55: July 8th 2014 - Mining Update, Misc Fixes

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Notice: For a detailed discussion on improving the process of filling and flipping bulk order deeds see this thread.

    Notice: The Fishing system message "The fish are not biting here" will be fixed to allow razor to take action on it as a system message.

    Animal Lore
    • Adjusted the range of animal lore from 8 to 12 tiles.

    AES System (World Control)
    • Created several new options for world control.
    • OreTrolls, WoodTrolls, GolemOreMin, GolemOreMax, Resync System.
    • These variables will allow the staff more control over various aspects of the world without a reboot of the server.

    • Fixed a problem where boat tillermen were handling speech that they then took no action on. They will now only handle speech keywords they understand. Thanks Aris
      This includes commands like bank, or balance

    Bulk Order System
    • Mining gloves will be replaced with a new item the gargoyles shovel in the BOD reward matrix.
    • Adjusted the smithing bod reward matrix to include the new shovels as drop rates befitting their purpose.
    • You will have a slightly larger chance to get a gargoyles shovel than a gargoyles pickaxe going forward.
    • The BOD reward matrix will be updated to reflect the changes soon.

    • To support the new items available below the caves of Britian have been zoned to allow the use of the new shovels.
    • Players will no longer be able to recall directly into the caves due to the additional danger of these areas.
    • Each cave will have a rare chance to spawn a ore golem or ore golem lord.
    • Players will know they are in a cave in which the gargoyle's shovel will work because the cave will become darker and a system message will indicate they have entered the cave.
    • The system messages will be removed as players become familiar with the new items.
    • Every cave in the world will have easy access to a forge and anvil.
      Cave1.png Cave2.jpg

    • Fixed a minor problem in which new characters were not given a proper last travel marker.
      This was, in very rare, situations treating a new character like someone who was travel gathering

    • Should you become de-synchronized with the game server (razor thinks you are in one place, but the game server thinks you are in other)
    • You can now page the staff to help test a new ingame feature to fix it.
    • We will enable the feature for players who have become desycn'ed and if it works well for fixing the problem we will enable it for all players.

    Harvest System General
    • Reduced the rate at which axes lose durability by 50%
    • Fixed the elevated spawn rate of mountain and cave trolls
    • Added a kill switch for the cave/mountain troll spawns linked to mining.
    • Players who have recently traveled will have to wait a moment before they can begin mining while in a guarded region. Similar to a skill use delay.
    • This change is to reduce load on the server due to the amount of processing time a single computer controlled, even attended miner, can generate.
    • Players may mine outside of any guarded region without this restriction.
    • Made a small adjustment to the tool use delays for mining (1.75 seconds to 1.6 seconds)
    • Made a small adjustment to the tool use delay so that it does not conflict with razors drop materials to feet feature.
    • Made some minor adjustments to the manner in which system messages for harvesting are handled to discourage overt automation and to allow the staff to explicitly tell the difference between a player using an unapproved 3rd party application and razor.
    • Most small caves around the world will no longer allow direct recall to allow for the new mining items mentioned below.

    • Resolved a minor problem in which the players names on exceptionally crafted and marked instruments was displaying as lowercase.

    Mining - New Item
    • Created a new item - the gargoyle's shovel.
    • This item will come in 9 varieties (Iron, Dull Copper, Copper, Shadow Iron, Bronze, Gold, Agapite, Verite, and Valorite)
    • When used in a similar fashion as a gargoyles pickaxes players can unearth ore golems.
    • These items spawn with 5-7 uses as a reward when turning in low level blacksmithing bulk order deeds.
    • These items will spawn with the same color changes as bulk order deeds.
      So you have the same chance of getting a copper shovel as you would getting a copper bulk order deed.
    • These shovels will provide a targeted alternative to fill the need for ingots of various colors.
      These shovels can only be used in caves around the world. This will eventually be expanded to dungeon regions as well.
      Trying to use the shovel in an area where you cannot find an elemental will result in a message indicating as much.
    • Each use of a shovel has a 20% chance to produce no golem, a 20% chance to produce 2 golems, and a 60% chance to produce one.
    • The final use of each shovel, when used in a cave will always produce a ore golem lord.
    • Sturdy shovels have been assigned a new color to help differentiate them from the new gargoyles shovels.

    Monsters - New
    • Created two new monstrous abominations
    • The Ore Golem, and the Ore Golem Lord
    • These monsters will spawn in caves around the world and will be vulnerable to earth shatter weapons.
    • These creatures, animated by strong magic, once dispatched will return to the piles of ore from which they originated from.
      Each ore golem will provide 3 stacks of ore, resulting in anywhere between 35-50 ingots. With golem lords providing slightly more.
    • Being made of metal they are immune to damage from monsters, summons and magic.
    • The golem lords can be found to be carrying platinum, mining gloves, and in extremely rares cases monster statues
      Notice: These monsters will not register kills as they do not have a corpse. This will be resolved in a future update to the PvM kill log system.

    Pack Animals
    • Due to an extensive training regiment pack animals can now carry twice as many stones.
    • Added some additional event code for pack animals for a future event.

    Region Control
    • Implemented a marker to allow for the definition of over world caves.

    Taming Quest
    • Adjusted the rate of spawn of the raging grizzly bear and the dark wolf to make them slightly easier to find.

    Weapon Names
    • Resolved a problem in which the weapon durability flag was missing from the new weapon descriptors
    • This will resolved the problem with some magic weapons appearing as non magic.
    • Correctly implemented the markers mark to weapons as well should the player choose to add it.
    • Resolved a problem with the names of fireworks wands being incorrect (they are weapons, who knew...)
    • Removed the "new" tag on harvesting weapons until the weapon has been used. They will show durability starting at "slightly used"

    Young Program
    • Added some additional checks on the young player travel commands to ensure the player is in fact young, and within the confines of the new player program. Thanks Bart

    Completed Cave List
    • These caves are setup for use of the new gargoyles shovels.
    • 1820 1030 0 - A Cave South of Compassion
    • 1264 1251 0 - A Cave North of Britain
    • 997 1598 0 - A Cave West of Britain
    • 772 1693 0 - A Cave North of Skara Brae
    • 356 1460 1 - A Cave North of Shame
    • 1989 262 8 - A Cave Near Wrong 1
    • 1938 321 0 - A Cave Near Wrong 2
    • 1918 373 0 - A Cave Near Wrong 3
    • 2404 217 0 - A Cave Leading to The Lost Lands 1
    • 2424 177 0 - A Cave North of Minoc 1
    • 2440 94 0 - A Cave North of Minoc 2
    • 2472 65 0 - A Cave north of Minoc 3
    • 2349 818 0 - Caves Near Covetous
    • 2472 65 0 - A Cave north of Minoc 3
    • 1126 2662 0 - A Cave West of Destard
    • 1258 2652 0 - A Cave East of Destard
    • 1366 2730 0 - A cave east of Destard 2
    • 1420 2896 0 - A Cave SE of Destard
    • 1500 2830 0 - A Cave SE of Destard 2
    • 4605 3823 0 - a cave west of hythloth
    • 4815 3637 0 - a cave north east of hythloth
    • 4762 3770 0 - a cave north east of hythloth 2
    • 4591 3305 0 - a cave north of the fire temple
    • 4551 3172 0 - a cave north of fire temple 2
    • 4065 439 3 - a cave west of deceit
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2014
  2. Fisher of Men

    Fisher of Men Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    Just when I was already head over heels in love with my peace/dex miner....awesome. I cant wait to battle the new mining champions :D THANK YOU!
    Cherie likes this.
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Glad to hear it. The battle miner template developed as a result of the masonry system and we wanted to open up normal mining to players who enjoyed that aspect.
    Cherie likes this.
  4. snaggle

    snaggle Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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    So can just a miner mine in the world and not have to worry about spawning eles or the golems
  5. Garrion

    Garrion Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 8, 2013
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  6. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Something I've noticed when recalling into my courtyard, going through the door, performing detect hidden, I'll get two "you must wait to perform another action" messages before the game will let me double click my axe to destroy my trash barrel. In other words, there is now a pronounced imposed delay that wasn't there before. If I just wait an equal amount of time, I don't get the messages (of course) and can proceed. I don't use a macro for this.

    Is this as intended?

    - Ragnarok
  7. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    ^ I've noticed this as well. Makes me wait an entire skill-cooldown period between detect hidden and d-clicking my axe...
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Correct, only the gargoyles shovels will spawn the ore golems. And only recall or travel mining will have a tiny chance to spawn a troll. A normal miner with never see either unless they choose to.

    Not intentionally, I will look into it and work on a solution.
    Ragnarok likes this.
  9. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    In the next patch. This whole patch (55) was me just needing to fix a single variable and it turned into what you see above. The guild update is still planned to be implemented soon.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Legit! You know this guy right here is always happy at actual gameplay being encouraged, if not forced. Let's get out there and smash some shit! :)
    Hawkeye, Cherie and Ishbu like this.
  11. snaggle

    snaggle Member

    Jun 15, 2014
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  12. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Finally, I'm glad to be back, and just wanted to say the shard is turning out very very nicely, and I wanted to say thank you for all your efforts in making everyone's experience here, the best it can be.
    Ragnarok likes this.
  13. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Yes, 'old school' mining is free of any of these shenanigans.
  14. Faber

    Faber Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Are mining gloves completely replaced (no longer obtainable)?
  15. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    They are now a rare drop from the ore golem lords. Around a 1/40 drop rate for a random type of mining glove.

    I should have the new monster pages added to the compendium soon.
  16. Faber

    Faber Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Cool thanks
  17. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    It might be for the best to make them just +5s. There are like hundreds of the +1s and +3s and I've never even used a pair. I suppose maybe they'll gain some value over time but not terribly likely.
  18. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Not a bad idea actually, since they still will be leather, studded, or ring.
  19. Fisher of Men

    Fisher of Men Member

    Jun 21, 2014
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    Idea: Ability to stable pack animals in your house somehow. Maybe a future carpentry/tinkering BOD reward that is functional as well as eye candy? Now that they've been boosted I want to give them a try, but I don't mine anywhere near a stable. So really I would just be renting them. :S
  20. MeddlingPimp

    MeddlingPimp New Member

    Jun 19, 2014
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    What's the barding difficulty on the Golem and Golem Lord?
    Wodan likes this.

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