Peace's Peaceful Discussion of Desired Housing Changes

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by LanDarr, May 20, 2020.

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  1. Tobias the Brigand

    Tobias the Brigand Well-Known Member
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    May 5, 2019
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    I demand the same mechanics be applied to ships! Too many scallywags be littering MY seas with their trash vessels on permanent refresh! No more! Save the environment you scumbags! Arrr!
    Pharoah, Holden, Pedigar and 6 others like this.
  2. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    If we are talking about new properties on an expansion then I say we incorporate some type of guild homes / guild controlled mini towns with unique features ( like stables/ vendors/ etc ). Have it be awarded or won by the most active guilds currently. If your guild becomes inactive well then you will forfeit the town and the next guild in points takes over that place. It could be a group or cluster of homes (like stormhold for example) in the new location with a unique look. Bring into it some type of system that's based off of CTF type events/ Guild Wars/ PVM in the new region. This way the new land has a completely clean slate and that also avoids the complex issues on the current home situation altogether. At the same time it also gives a completely new type of incentive to the shard for guild play and to new players alike to stake their claim here on the shard.

    Could have all types of incentives to control guild towns. Some that come to mind are passive gold/plat/hc/copper gains increased. Skill gain increase in areas. Guild traps ( much like faction traps ), guild colored ethys/ mounts/ unique clothing, Unique champs available only to the guild.... you get the point.
    Blacklow and Holden like this.
  3. Cara Cacciatore

    Cara Cacciatore New Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Repost from the Land Rush thread as I think it applies more here than there.

    I believe the point system idea has some real merit. It would allow players to workup to having a large plot, or if they prefer multiple smaller plots and limit the overall footprint of houses in total. If it were me, this is how I would do it (just my opinion):

    1. First things first, accounts with inactive owners of greater than one year would be wiped. There would need to be a grace period prior to implementation to allow any co-owners or friends to remove items before wipe. Any structures that have historical value (ie. founding guildhalls, rune libraries, museums) that are still actively used by the community can be petitioned for immunity. This would be a case by case basis. Ownership of "immune" properties would be transferred to gm's.
    2. Implementation of Housing Point System on a per account basis. Let's keep it 1 to 5 for easy math. so your account can have 5 tiny homes, or 1 massive home.
      1. Active accounts that have more than 5 points at the time this system goes live do NOT loose their current housing or ownership of said houses. However, they are not able to place any more houses. Houses on accounts with more than the maximum number of points per account do not receive the benefits of Section 3.1 until such a time that account is at or below the new max of 5 points.
    3. Incentivise owning single homes (really, and this is again just my opinion, do we really need multiple massive castles?).
      1. The lower then total number of houses you have, the more benefit you gain. If you have 5 small houses, you get the default amount of lock downs and secures, if you have 4 houses you get a 10% bump to each house. Three houses 20%. Two at 30%, and if you only have one home, regardless of size, you get 40%. Rounded up.
      2. Note this still allows for the Platinum housing upgrades.
      3. If a player places a secondary, or tertiary house, and the percentage falls, putting them over the max number of secures or lock downs (plus any applicable plat upgrades) they can not lock down any news items until they clean the garage so to speak.
    4. Leave current decay rates as they are.
    5. Repeat Step 1.
    This to me would clear out a fair amount of unused properties, give active players a chance to adjust to the new system, and promote players to use their space more thoughtfully (looking at you, un-lived in house full of stuff I "might need later").
  4. Meliph

    Meliph Member
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    Apr 20, 2020
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    im new to the shard so im not sure if this is part of the new expansion plans but id like to see some new small and medium sized house designs.
    Poogoblin, Hollywood and One like this.
  5. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    This thread is just about the rules that the playerbase would like to see implemented around house limits. A good time to implement them would be around an expansion when rules change anyways and more housing options could become available....

  6. Fenrir

    Fenrir Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Feb 19, 2019
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    Peacefulness broken, but not before some good ideas put forth...

    Closing out per OP request
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