Big announcement from MiD

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Plentimon, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. Plentimon

    Plentimon Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 10, 2018
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    MiD would like to announce that we are formally splitting into two separate guilds. MiD was originally founded roughly 2.5 years ago as a purely player versus monster guild and quickly became one of only two guilds on the server at that time to actively run their own Harrowers. A lot has happened since then – some great accomplishments and some unfortunate dramas.

    About 18 months ago a few of our members found their way into IDOC’ing (getting timers on decaying houses and fighting it out with whoever else shows up for the loot and real estate). It has since expanded well beyond that with a PvP community growing up within MiD, and while we’ve done very well in that sphere, we failed to appreciate the spillover effects all this PvP has on the remainder of the guild. This is a Felucca server and nobody expects an easy ride but there is a line somewhere (or ought to be), and it really hasn’t been fair to our non-PvP centric players to bear the brunt of the retaliations caused by the actions of others.

    To that end we are turning over a new leaf with a new guild, aptly called PvM (working title but it might just stick). The mission of PvM is to be a place for non-PvP centric players and toons to have a group venue for champing, harrowers, holiday events (especially Halloween), etc. We have a number of elite vets happy to show new (and old) players the ropes and help folks build up to end game content. We hope to run some player events including a public harrower thanks to @AOٌ ( and a regular mini-resist event (details to follow).

    Make no mistake however, while we will not be initiating new conflict we will certainly defend ourselves. If we’re still being actively targeted we may have to reconsider this model but I hope that won’t be the case.

    MiD continues to fight on in the IDOC scene and elsewhere, and while PvM will never forget its roots and our friends in MiD these will eventually be two distinct in-game operations. We are all still close friends, nobody is pretending otherwise but it’s time to set aside some old rivalries for the good of our player base.

    Other guilds will of course make their own decisions but this is an open invitation to any guild who wants to reach out and renew old ties or mend fences. We welcome you to join us at events and champing… a friendly PM before you roll up would be welcomed, especially if we have fences to mend J

    This thread is NOT for trash talk or to rehash old dramas – anyone is welcome to do so elsewhere. Otherwise comments and suggestions warmly welcomed.

    *Jam*, MikeK, Pharoah and 25 others like this.
  2. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    About time for you boys. Glad to see some sense being made here
    Hollywood, Kiryana, NCCML and 4 others like this.
  3. Enarjay

    Enarjay Active Member
    Server Supporter

    May 4, 2019
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    Good luck with this next chapter! Best wishes to you and your new/old crew. See you guys around. Thanks for the interesting fun this past year.
    Blacklow, Ubo, NCCML and 2 others like this.
  4. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    Looking forward to the progress and growth of the server
    Ubo, Kiryana, NCCML and 2 others like this.
  5. Tuneful

    Tuneful Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2017
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    Very interesting!
    And let me start by saying I do wish you all the luck in this venture.

    That said you guys have a lot of bridges to mend,and it will take time,I hope tho that everyone gives you a chance to Prove yourselfs...I foresee a lots of bumps in the road,however I am sure you guys can do it!

    I for one look forward to seeing "PvM" Members in the PS main lounge,My understanding is all are welcome there....
    Blacklow and Plentimon like this.
  6. Labeler

    Labeler Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jul 18, 2016
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  7. Cha

    Cha Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2016
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    So you guys are moving your pvm chars to this "PvM" and keeping your pvp chars in MiD. And expect people to give you free pass like that? Okay.
    Player X and Earsnot like this.
  8. Kiryana

    Kiryana Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2016
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    8EE132D6-BA44-4587-8DB6-782F34300209.jpeg .A lot of useful information and sparkle in the eyes. All this awaits you further, just sit back in a chair ..
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
  9. AnadeLour

    AnadeLour Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2020
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    You should change your behaviours, still dont you get it.. Changing guild tag doesn't change anything at all.
    Player X and Earsnot like this.
  10. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Changing a tag plus changing almost everyone in the guild and changing the way they play the game is literally all you can do. But hey, why would you ever think about forgiveness in an online game? Stay butthurt my dude.
    Holden, Blacklow, NCCML and 3 others like this.
  11. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
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    Renaissance Volunteers

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Folks try to turn over a new leaf here all the time,

    They change their names, fake sell off to an alt, change guilds etc... First: Some do it to get a fresh start cause they have found themselves far down a gameplay path and are now lost. Secondly: Others do it to try to avoid consequences of their actions ie got too hot in the kitchen and want a way out, and Third:, in my opinion, a very small % do it to start over fresh and chart a new course.

    Actions will always speak louder than words

    I am hopeful this helps de-escalate the hate and toxicity, or if nothing else focuses where it belongs. On the surface it appears that a faction within MiD was tired of getting targetted, PvP'd and hated because of the actions of the few. So that faction split off and formed their own guild...

    Good Luck to them!
    Follow up: I have had conversations, real ones with MiD and their Arch Nemesis/Enemy (insert your own adjective here), I also am in PwN and roll with BoW during IDOCS. Not to sound like the "Cheeto in Chief", but, There are some fine people on both sides. I try to be one of those fine people. I applaud the peacemakers and those who seek ways to co-exist and have fun here. No one should feel driven off the server if they wish to stay here and play. I am actually hopeful that this new PvM route works for all involved. No one should feel that they are being stalked with the sole purpose of having their experience here ruined.

    Players fuck up, bite off more than they can chew both with words and actions. Redemption should always be an option. Some one "wrongs" you in game, get your payback and then move on. The hate eats you up as much as it does the other guy. If you have a beef with a MiD or PwN or Bow TOON, go sort it out with them.

    Below are the points of conflict I have seen between groups here. Hammer out between you what is considered acceptable:
    PvP - consensual or not
    IDOC - Fight for the loot
    Champing - Lets Go For the Plat

    Discord Shit Talking
    InGame Stalking

    Final word... for a while atleast…. NO ONE GUILD "owns" UOR. NO STAFF MEMBER plays favorites.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
    RavenMagi, Ubo, Holden and 7 others like this.
  12. Earsnot

    Earsnot Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Not trash talking.

    But you posted this and then turned up to an IDOC on Varda. So to help people understand - what’s the deal? If you’re on a (PVM) toon you don’t want any smoke. But at an IDOC - business as usual? Tough ask man.

    It’s hard to draw a line in the sand when you’re standing with a foot still on each side man but if this is you and some other MID players wanting to disassociate from MID, for real, good luck to you and I genuinely hope this has a positive outcome for all involved.

    Stay Frosty!
    Player X, medas, Aurelian and 4 others like this.
  13. Xavant_BR

    Xavant_BR Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2018
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    First of all i want to say thank you to plentimon, bens, kash, nate, vella and lots of other folks like one of mines best friends here, Crazy Horse who on that time after the end of HOT(one of the hottest guilds of UOR history)...
    I had my passage on MiD and i learned how to play as a Big Boy. I am so happy to see you guys coming back to the PVM origins, even with a new tag. IDOC require so many dedication, time and energy that drains all the rest of the time to make what makes UO a such special game.
    PvM can count with me and with CPR to promote the Fair Play and Public Events like champs and dungeon runs!

    As people told about attitudes, i am sure was not easy for you to make this thread and put your toon under another tag, and for me this is a HUUGE step.
    Is time to stop building walls and start to rebuild some bridges.. the shard community will be beneficed a lot with that.
    Troubles that could put this new proposal down will gona happen for sure.. but we should be open to let the past in the past and build new things and look to the troubles in a individual way.. People will continue IDOCING, griefing, talking shit on discord/forums and feeding bad feeling against their opponents.. this is natural... but my message to everyone is: is ok to hate individually but not as a group.

    From my part i forgive any act or word vomited to me from anyone. And i say the same for those i hurted with words or acts.. I love you all!

    BY THE WAY: I will start to hold GROUP THERAPY sessions every weekend, pm me for more info.
    Jesus Is King, Buga, Holden and 5 others like this.
  14. Ron Jeremy

    Ron Jeremy Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say, a friend is someone to share last cookie with.
    The Watch, Pharoah, medas and 16 others like this.
  15. NCCML

    NCCML Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Some players are going to continue to idoc with certain characters, and be in PvM with others. Very much like many of your folks have characters in PS, and then alts that are red, or alts that idoc. The only reason I could possibly see people having an issue with that points back to simple blind hatred. Let's let that die.

    Many are PvM only. A handful will have chars only in MiD or C*D etc.

    It's become a very large and diverse group of players, and not everybody wants to play the game the same way. This allows those that are not looking for pvp or drama to play, and still have a place to hang out with their friends (many had stopped playing or severely limited their game time, and hopefully will come back to play more now that they have a place to feel more comfortable). We are doing our part to encourage growth and life on the server. Idocing became such a huge part of what we did day to day that it pushed out those that didnt want to do it. And alienated many that were targeted purely because of guild tags (yes, I am acutely aware that we are guilty of that same thing. For that I apologize. That is one of the policies that was wrong, and should never have been implemented).

    I have had a few PM conversations with people, and Plent mentioned it above, but we are looking to rebuild some of the relationships that have been damaged over the last couple years. We own our part in that. We adopted some policies that were very knee jerk reaction type things instead of considering what was best for the player base, and the individuals that want to play here (on our side AND the other side). We feel it's time to rethink those things. Simple as that.

    I appreciate all the folks out there that have been very receptive to these changes in structure and policy. I look forward to playing more with some of you that I haven't really had the chance to get to know.
    Salick, Winter, Holden and 6 others like this.
  16. Mutilate

    Mutilate Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 7, 2019
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    This is a good move and I applaud anyone that had part in the planning or decision making in this. Best of luck and I hope this starts a new beginning.
    StarTrakZack, Holden, AOٌ and 4 others like this.
  17. Buga

    Buga Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
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    If this goes for real I like it. If it's just a move to get "freeish pass" to PVM, it will put the las nail to the coffin.

    Some attitudes of you guys deserve no pardon (game wise obviously). Being a newbie and ganked by a millonarie blue with 0 chances to lose, is like saying "HATE ME, I don't care".

    I can say now that I already took revenge and cut some heads of those folks. I could accept the change, but well I already had used to your behaviour :) and was even fun.
    Player X, medas, AnadeLour and 2 others like this.
  18. AOٌ

    AOٌ Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2018
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    I will personally be pushing the PvM name and goal to be Friendly and Server Supportive, this is not just a move to sneak around or some silliness, it is a honest attempt to provide the PvM members with a team and to provide the server with another option of how to have fun.

    This is no attempt to pretend or make believe but is an honest attempt at healing old issues and beginning a great thing. You will not see PvM in bad business without repercussions to the PvM member.
    Xavant_BR, NCCML, Sayer and 4 others like this.
  19. RavenMagi

    RavenMagi Well-Known Member
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    May 12, 2016
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    Im glad to see a little maturity there. Was rather silly to see you guys targeting PS and calling them out in public because tunefull showed up to an IDOC once(ONCE!) (and didn't loot or pvp, and just rezzed anybody on either side he saw dead). That kind of EXTREME sectarianism is cancer, and i would be careful of anyone that was willing to declare war on PS for that. Crazy that your group just rolled with that, i would have quit there lol.

    I will point out, you guys have been doing this kind of thing for a long time(guild targeting)....
    Its a little funny to go from being the main guild that declares war on guilds, quickly rebrand, and then immediately saying that "guild targetting is blind hatred".
    You might be speaking for yourself there, but for me, I've always targetted your guild and affiliated guilds because you guys have declared war on mine publicly many times, tried to stop us from champing entirely etc etc. There is no blind hatred on my end.

    Ultimately, time will tell what your intentions are. A big part of it will be who you put in your guilds. If you keep mixing the same people, but just rebrand the name, add in some randoms, you'll probably have the same problems. I hate to say it, but if you really want to rebrand, a big part of it is who you exclude, not just who you bring in. Good luck.
    Player X, medas, SativaGreen and 11 others like this.
  20. Andrakus

    Andrakus Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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    Amazing in the same post you can contradict yourself and omit your own sectarianism cancer or just remain completely blind to it. Let me guess your guild never did anything to provoke ours to wars right? Get outta here with that innocent PWN/Iderp garbage. We are owning up to missteps we've made as a group. You may want to try it sometime.

    The intention is pretty clear. No one is hiding our identity. The truth remains that many of our friends/members of MID do not PVP/IDOC/PK in any capacity. Like at all.

    For me I love to PK. I love to PVP. That's the only reason I play UO. I will not have any characters in PVM at all because 95% of my time here is about PVP. You know where to find me.
    Salick, Virdan and AOٌ like this.

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