Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Stoned Viking, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Why is it part of the game?, I understand PvP but why are people allowed to rape players?, seriously no way to stop from being killed when two other players come by and kill you in under 10secs.

    So a week of solid playing wasted, because people like being raped.

    Fel only servers suck, why isn't there a server that is truly how UO:R was?, why does everyone like being PKed? I don't understand it?

    Klaus likes this.
  2. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  3. Unknown_Hero

    Unknown_Hero Active Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    We don't like being Pked but it is part of the game. Risk vs Reward, if there weren't reds there would be no fun in this game. Risk is what makes you ready on your toes.
  4. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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  5. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Take a break, chill for awhile, give that anger a little time to cool off then come back and be sure to ALWAYS have magic reflect up and a macro for recall.

    Getting PK'd sucks, we've all been there, and I agree there really is no "PvP" challenge when a gank squad rolls through and picks off the solo gold farmer.

    It's part of UO, only way around it is prepare before you set out on a farming run.

    Your rage post is nothing new, so please excuse us if we do not have any other advice for you, other than get back on the horse and plan your trips to those gold farming spots a little better.

    Happy Gaming
  6. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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  7. Cero

    Cero Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2013
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    My advice if you don't like getting pk'd is stay out of the hot spots...yeah you can't farm 60k an hour but you can still pump out a good living...or play at off hours. Best of luck to ya!
    Basoosh likes this.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    thx for the nightmares
    shad, Fraggle, Xegugg and 2 others like this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Those without a roughened and toughened outer carapace might not thrive so well on a Fell only shard, but I can guarantee you it will never fail to produce you with an limitless potential for fun.

    If you have no chance of risk whatsoever then all players will ultimately acquire all there is to be acquired and then quit. When you consider a non-Fel rule book, then you will always reach the end of the content and then burn out. Fell captures the potential for limitless human creativity by allowing us to generate risk and reward to trully play the character you want to.

    the only challenge that Fel servers have is a 'faux' form of some kind of legal or retribution for 'negative' acts. but this is because it is truly impossible to 'mechanically' enforce socialized moral standards.

    Anyways, you're probably not interested in a discussion of why a computer can't tell the difference between human defined limits of 'right' and 'wrong'.

    Brymstone's suggestion is probably the best. take a minute to relax, realize that you should not expect to farm a monster for gold relentlessly without visiting a bank to deposit your gold more frequently, and then if you are interested jump back on the horse.
  10. Kazualty

    Kazualty New Member

    May 19, 2014
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    Picking on the weak is not a challenge. 3 reds and 2 blues (the scouts) against one Provo/Mage? 2 reds against a peace dexxer? 1v1 I will take a death if I cant get away or defend myself. However, I feel these types of rampages only hurt the game as a whole. New players getting frustrated and leaving for good, then they tell their friends this shard is "terrible" or ruled by a select group of players. This type of behavior should not be encouraged by people who want to see UOR and all the hard work the developers have put into it succeed for a long time to come. Who cares if you own all the shit in the game if no one is around to see? What quantity of the dungeons are empty on a daily basis? I would guess that it averages around 85%. There are already few spots in the game where farming is efficient. I joined this shard hoping to enjoy and relive some of the memories from yesteryear. I brought a friend along, and have enjoyed the early part of the game. With that being said, its only been 5 months or so and we have hit a plateau. We have GM'd our farmers, fishermen, treasure hunters, crafters, and mules. We have killed a large number of creatures we couldn't in 1999. Yet, I haven't fallen in love again with UO. I haven't made one new friend. I haven't met anyone that didn't want to scam me or kill me (IRC excluded). I have been friendly, and blue. This does not encourage former players to stick around. It certainly does not invite "new to UO" players to fall in love with UO. Thanks for reading.
    Jupiter and LordLurker like this.
  11. LordLurker

    LordLurker Member

    Jun 26, 2014
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    I completely agree with Kazualty. As we all know you only get 700 points to play with.. well, normal people anyways. How is it even a challenge to go kill a bard who has 100 music, 100 provo, 100 med, or whatever other points they've used for that profession... Basically it comes down to 700 pvp points vs 300-400 pvm points. Not to mention the relentless non-stop hordes of pk's who roam around together. If they actually wanted a challenge they would fight other pk build characters. How is it exciting or thrilling to kill someone with half your power?
    ErikdeRed likes this.
  12. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I agree with a lot of what you have to say Kazualty. I think the actions you described should be legal by game mechanics, but policed by the community. When players do what you described you should communicate that on IRC to the community. Find people willing to help. If someone plays like a scumbag let it be known. There are people out there willing to go chase them down.

    Furthermore, prepare yourself. Have an escape plan and pay attention.
  13. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Kazualty, unfortunately there is no challenge when it comes to gank squad tactics, that's why it's done. There will always be a wild west element to UO because it's an opportunity for some, for whatever reason to prey on others in an attempt to either foster some maladjusted sense of superiority to compensate for their shortcomings in real life, or simply due to what you have explained as reaching a "plateau", in which boredom often gives birth to the formation of many PK's.

    I have met many good people on this shard, as well as many "douchebags". If you haven't met any good people or made one friend then I really have to ask if you have made an attempt at doing so? Have you joined a guild, because I know of a few on this shard that are very open to helping players and fostering a sense of comraderie.

    If your bored, try to ask yourself why you started playing UO in the first place. If you truly have accomplished everything on your UO "to do" list then take a break, pop on once and awhile to refresh your property and when the UO bug bites you again come back, maybe you'll have a new perspective or purpose in mind.

    If you want to meet friends, they're out there to be had, trust me on that one.
    LordLurker likes this.
  14. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    What people are failing to understand is that PvP and PKing are aspects of the game which are enjoyed by a large player base as well. An aspect of the game that has always and still largely exists. An aspect of the game that was huge before and during this era.

    You are going to get PKd, you are going to get ganked and stolen from. You are going to get scammed, cheated, and looted. This is part of the game.

    Join a guild, band together, and fight back. There is power in numbers. Running around in a gank squad hunting blues can and has worked in the reverse. You can run around in a gank squad and hunt reds too, albeit not as easy, but possible.
    Ervin and Xegugg like this.
  15. Jebidiah

    Jebidiah Active Member

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Im pretty sure raping isnt allowed in this 2d game, but if your just talking about aggressive killing well its just part of the risk of the game much like a dragon spawning on your head.
  16. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    It's a two edged sword, that needs to be allowed, but swung intelligently. If you swing a sword crazily you'll cut your own hand, head, and other extremities.

    I whole heartedly support pks and the full risk. You are wrong to think that PKs = No PVM. There is a TON of PVM on this shard, but you just can't expect to do it without any risk for hours on end.

    however, I dont think PKs should always come out in response to these e-rage posts with follow up mocking. Let the victims simmer down, don't goad them.

    And I agree with Mes i'm going to have nightmares of that creepy baby for the rest of my life!

    There should be a way for PK's to support the community without infringing on their playstyle while they are out killing. There is no way you can expect a PK to know if a potential target should be 'passed' over or not. When you are in the heat of the hunt, you don't get the luxury of making that decision and it shouldn't be expected. The only thing worse that being pk'd is having it candy coated...

    As for the gank squad, I do wish there was a way to fight against that. I don't mind dying 1v1 or 2v1, but when 3-10 pks roll in, all armed up, it really is a sad experience. I would at least like to pretend like I stood a dogs chance in the fight.

    My vote would be for this to become a virtue of some sort. you get maxed out in a virtue of Justice or something and you can declare 1v1 battle versus a murderer who killed you. both the victim and one of the murderers would be teleported to an arena to battle 1v1 with whatever gear they currently have on. If the victim wins they get their items back, and the head of their murderer and then the victim is left in the guard zone and the pk is sent to Buc's Den (random location). Everyone leaves with their things intact. If the PK wins 1v1, then same circumstance, only no head is awarded.

    You can only invoke the 'justice' virtue once every week or up to 3 times per week at max virtue. To me this would help alleviate the gank squad impact because you would at least have a chance to face one of them 1v1.
  17. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    This shard has a very strong PVM system with incentives to hunt monsters for rare statue drops. platinum drops, Champ spawns, and rare boss monster spawns.
    This shard has a very strong crafter system with BODs and battle-miner classes (to fight trolls and golems in caves)

    I'm sorry to hear you were ganked by 2 PKs. I can promise you that you'll never get ganked by PANDA HOUSE but you will be ruthlessly tracked down and murdered by PANDA HOUSE PKs - just never ganked :)
    Xegugg and Jupiter like this.
  18. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    This is not entirely accurate.

    Xegugg, LordLurker and Brymstone like this.
  19. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Oh Snap, look who just got SERVED with a side of PORK FRIED RICE!!

    NICE screenies Cynic LOL
  20. Stoned Viking

    Stoned Viking New Member

    Jul 12, 2014
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    This is what I hear from every Fel only servers. A whole bunch about how PKing makes the game funner, and how if it wasn't for PKs the server would collapse.

    Hey guess what, UO didn't become super popular till trammel came around.

    So if you want more players on your server then let players play without being ganked.

    And if you want difficulty do what should have been done a LONG time ago and step up the dungeons difficulty.

    Although seeing that man made dungeon on ocllo and how poorly it was designed I think you guys would do something stupid like spawn a lich in a newbie dungeon. :rolleyes:

    I have talked with many people about UO and there is two reasons they don't play, It's either that a server is an AOS server or that the server is fel only.

    Why do you think Demise is so fucking popular?, is it fel only?

    You know what I miss?, seeing everyone at dungeons instead of off in little hiding places trying to farm instead of just playing the game.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014

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